18 September 2009

Diskeeper Corporation Provides "Instant-On" Boot Time to Netbooks and Laptops

Submitted by: Charl
{pp}Another green initiative Partnership Announced With Global OEM, ASUS Diskeeper Corporation partnered in a worldwide distribution deal with global OEM ASUS, pioneer and leader in the netbook category. Diskeeper will provide its new HyperBoot™ "instant-on" boot time technology as a pre-installation on all Windows XP netbooks and laptops shipped.
By offering near-immediate boot up with HyperBoot technology, netbooks and laptops can now power down at night without incurring the lost production other users experience each morning when waiting for their systems to boot. Such benefits form a vital part of green computing initiatives due to the energy savings.

But boot up performance itself has become a major issue and purchase consideration for consumers, and even enterprises evaluating new systems. And it is here where HyperBoot delivers. Extensive tests performed on Windows XP utilizing different hardware from a variety of manufacturers show significant boot time improvements on every system tested. Tests on the Windows 7 Release Candidate demonstrated similar results.

"Diskeeper Corporation has a long record of speeding up Windows performance with their defragmentation technology," notes Mr. S.Y. Shian, Vice President of System Business Group, NB Business Unit. "We want our customers to receive that same kind of performance benefit and the best computing experience possible with our products. This partnership to include their HyperBoot technology in our netbooks and laptops brings that promise into reality."

For further information regarding HyperBoot contact Velisa Agencies South Africa, importers and distributors of Diskeeper Corporation products on info@velisa.co.za.

Contact information:Velisa Agencieswww.velisa.co.za Tel: 0834117471Fax: 0866542866info@velisa.co.za
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