15 October 2009

Green Online - A new online shop for "green" porducts

Submitted by: Charl
{pp}Velisa Agencies cc today announched the launch of their online store which focuses on environmentally friendly products. South Africa has numerous online stores advertising "green" products but has not until today had a diverse selection of products which cover areas such as health, solar, dynamo and water saving products which are suitable for the whole age spectrum of people.

Today Velisa Agencies cc launched their new online shop offering affordable environmentally friendly products. A preview of what is on offer:

  • Solar: you will find solar products from flood lighting and eco-torches to decorative garden and pathway products for the home enthusiast.
  • Dynamo: there are various dynamo products available. You can generate power yourself regardless of what sunshine is available. One typically needs lighting on demand in the dark when the sun is not available. In this category there are also products for children which will teach them to generate power while also develop muscle coordination.
  • Household: one of the products called the Eco Wash Ball can be used to replace toxic washing powders while also cutting out the rinse cycle while doing your laundry. There are also great recycling products for you to turn your kitchen waste (even meat) into great compost.
  • Emissions: drastically reduce your vehicle emissions while also enjoying a fuel saving of up to 15%. Imagine the impact you can have by reducing your carbon footprint AND saving yourself money!
  • Health and nutrition: if someone is not performing at their optimum, the chances that they can proactively contribute to the environment positively are reduced. This section is still to come!
  • Kids: don't know what to buy for your child's birthday? Why not get a "green" gift? Fun LED squeeze torches are not only educational but the need for buying batteries is no longer neccessary.

Velisa Agencies has long since been educating people on the subject of "going green" and contributing to a long term view of a cleaner environment. By launching this new online store, many more people can be reached, hence the slogan "Making a difference!". With the festive season on the way, why not give the environment a gift by giving an environmentally friendly product to a friend or family member?

Visit the store at www.greenonline.co.za or email for more information store@greenonline.co.za. Payments can either be done securely with a credit card (only available to South Africa) or EFT.

Contact information:Velisa Agencieswww.velisa.co.zaTel: 0834117471Fax: 0866542866info@velisa.co.za
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