Tunnel farming is a recognized agricultural practice with its root base in hydroponics, or, farming without soil. The basic idea is that you can successfully grow common crops such as tomatoes, beans and strawberries and many others in a semi-circular construction known as a tunnel. This construction usually has a tubular frame and is covered with tough UV-resistant plastic. The benefits of farming this way include better pest control, less land preparation (and therefore less emissions), a greater yield per hectare, less labour, and more consistent results due to irrigation control.
Research by our company indicated that information on the internet was not widely available and a lot of it was cloaked in secrecy. We decided to get a tunnel farmer onto our team to assist us with information about tunnels and from that, we have constructed a web portal where the man on the street can find all he needs to know about tunnels to be able to start his own business and succeed.
TunnelFind.co.za provides suppliers with the opportunity to list their businesses with us. Suppliers may include those who sell tunnel components, plastic, seedling bags, growing medium, irrigation components, produce and even export agents. People interested in getting setup as a tunnel farmer can use our portal to find suppliers in their area, which implies that suppliers listing on our website will have greater exposure.
For a limited time only we are offering free listings so don’t delay in getting yourself listed! We also offer a free service in the form of a smalls section. The first 10 "Ultra" listings will be free of charge for 3 months. We also invite members of the public to intereact with us and send us valuable information and articles. We will credit you for the submission. Also, suppliers can get discounts on listings by contributing. Our philosophy is to get as many expert opinions as possible and compensate contributors fairly.
Visit our site today at www.tunnelfind.co.za and help contribute to sustainable agriculture. Brought to you by Velisa Agencies cc.
Contact information:Velisa Agencieswww.velisa.co.za Tel: 0834117471Fax: 0866542866info@velisa.co.za