25 March 2013

First Car Rental 'Badges' Big Events

Submitted by: Ian Dickinson

In recognition of First Car Rental's large contingent of sportsmen and women, in 2013 the car rental company will ‘badge’ some of the big sporting events in the applicable provincial branches, collectively wishing sporting customers well in their endeavours.In March, they are highlighting three big, well-attended sporting events.Look out for the badges that will be worn by branch agents to show their support for SA's sports people. Says Melissa Storey, Executive Head: Strategy, Development & Marketing at First Car Rental. "If you are one of the athletes taking part in any one of these events, First Car Rental acknowledges you and your great achievements and wishes you every success."The events taking place in March include the Cape Argus Pick n Pay Cycle Tour on March 10, the ABSA Cape Epic from March 17-24 and the Two Oceans Marathon from March 29-30.

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