21 June 2024

FREE Online Divorce Summit on Global Fair Divorce Day - 25 June

Submitted by: Sinta Ebersohn
FREE Online Divorce Summit on Global Fair Divorce Day - 25 June

The FREE Online Divorce Summit will be an enlightening and transformative online event brought to you by Get Up and Grow in collaboration with Fair Divorce and Campaign Creator. This summit is designed to guide you through the multi-faceted journey of divorce, offering a wealth of insights, strategies and support from both experts and individuals who have navigated this challenging path themselves. Our aim is to empower you with the resilience, knowledge and tools you need to thrive, not just survive, through and beyond your divorce.

Over the course of the 24 hour summit, you will have exclusive access to 30+ pre-recorded interviews and podcasts with experts and people with lived experience of divorce from all over the world, hosted by the founder of Get Up and Grow, Sinta Ebersohn. These interviews will cover a comprehensive range of topics relevant to the divorce process and its profound impact on families worldwide: Issues around relationships, legalities, finances, biggest challenges, mental health, parental alienation and various practical aspects and tips will be discussed.

Whether you are contemplating divorce, currently in the process or navigating post-divorce life and blending new families, the Divorce Summit offers invaluable benefits that will support you every step of the way.

Read more about the event and Sign Up here

Total Words: 223
Published in Science and Education