24 January 2023

Vigilant Fidelity ADT Branch Manager leads to arrest of two suspects: Klerksdorp

Submitted by: Jacqui

A recent incident in Klerksdorp has highlighted the importance of protecting residential property when it stands empty.

On the Thursday 12 January at approximately 06:46, Fidelity ADT Branch Manager Chamone Bronner was driving past the address where she used to live, a residence on Lilly street Adamayview KL1 , Klerksdorp. Being vigilant and alert she noticed that the main gate was half opened. She stopped her vehicle and saw two suspects inside the house through the window blinds facing the main gate. While carefully keeping an eye on the suspects, Bronner called the road senior for assistance.

Upon the supervisor’s arrival, the suspects had just walked out the house and were apprehended on the spot and found in possession of stolen copper pipes which they had removed from the house.

The two were handed over to Warrant Officer Oliphant and Sergeant Matsemela from Klerksdorp SAPS. .

Commenting on the arrest, Bronner says, “Whatever your unique situation might be, there are easy ways in which you can make sure that your property will be safe and secure while it stands empty - whether it ends up being for a few days or weeks or even months. Your insurance company will also have some specific requirements which must be followed.”

She says a great place to start is by getting to know the neighbours.

“The people living next door will be the first ones to see if anything is wrong, for example a broken window or signs of unauthorised entry. Speak to them and make sure that they have your contact details. The same can be said for making contact with a body corporate if your property happens to be in a block of flats or estate.”

The next step is to focus on the perimeter security.

“Start with the border wall and check that there are not holes in the fence or other easy ways for would-be criminals to gain access to your property. Lock all outside gates, doors and windows, and give some consideration to using an electric fence or a beam alarm that is linked to an armed response company. Draw the curtains, and also consider installing a light system that is linked to a timer which can help create the impression that someone is home,” says Bronner.

Step three, she adds, is to cancel deliveries and take care of the garden.

“It is very easy for a property to look unoccupied if the newspapers start piling up outside the front door or if the lawn starts growing out of control.”

Bronner also recommends that homeowners alert their armed response companies about properties that will be standing empty for any extended period of time.

“By letting us know that no one will be home, we can ask our armed response officers to keep a lookout for any suspicious activity in and around your property. It also means that we will know exactly who to contact in any emergency, especially if we need to gain access to your home as quickly as possible.”

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Compiled on behalf of Fidelity ADT by Cathy Findley PR, for media queries contact Jacqui Moloi on 071 764 8233

Total Words: 529