18 August 2022

The softer side of security

Submitted by: Jacqui

When the Fidelity ADT team in the Vaal heard help was needed to clean up the Bophelong Children’s Home in the Vaal and spend some quality time with the kids, there was absolutely no hesitation in volunteering.

Fidelity ADT Regional Manager, Sonette McCabe, together with Thabiso Matlhale (Vaal Operations Manager) and Braziel Mashiloane (Vaal Operations Supervisor) joined Vanderbijlpark SAPS and the Snelli Foundation and Department of Correctional Services.

Earlier this month, Vanderbijlpark SAPS sent out an urgent request for help to assist with clothes, blankets, non-perishable food, toys, toiletry, towels, nappies, and baby formula for the home which houses 50 children, five of which have a physical disability. The home is headed by two committed young people, Massi who is only 22 and is studying to become a teacher part-time, and her 25-year-old brother.

The Fidelity ADT team was able to donate R1500 worth of face cloths, nappies, wet wipes, and sweets. Staff also contributed old clothing and toys. They also helped with cleaning the home for these young children. Brigadier Safatsa from Vaal SAPS was on hand to thank and acknowledge all the stakeholders that took part in the event.

“We were humbled by the smiling faces of these young children and the incredible job Massi and her brother are doing in keeping the home running. Thank you for inviting us to be part of this initiative which clearly shows how important it is for communities to work together to support each other,” says McCabe.

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Compiled on behalf of Fidelity ADT by Cathy Findley PR for media queries contact Jacqui Moloi on 071 764 8233

Total Words: 274