15 May 2023

Stolen motorbike recovered by Fidelity ADT Officer

Submitted by: Cathy Findley Public Relations

A White River resident was relieved on 11 May when his Motorbike was found thanks to the help of Fidelity ADT Reaction Officer Gerhard de Beer

According to Joe de Bruyn, Branch Manager at Fidelity ADT, “Reaction Officer de Beer responded to what’s app message from a community member, regarding a house that was burgled during the night. Suspects had stolen a Big Boy scooter, Plasma TV and Sound bar.

Responding immediately, Officer de Beer arrived at the premises and started looking for tracks. He found tracks of the motorbike and started following it for approximately 500m where it had been pushed on a gravel road towards the R40 main road. The tracks led to an open field, where Officer de Beer continued to search the grassy areas, shortly after he found a motorbike next to the R40. Suspects had left it covered in grass. The owner was informed and White River SAPS notified.

The motorbike was loaded and returned to the owner.

De Bruyn, encourages residents to be extra vigilant at all times. “Criminals are looking for opportunities so make sure you lock your homes and secure your vehicles. Check that your security systems are in working order and being set,” he concludes.

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Compiled on behalf of Fidelity ADT by Cathy Findley PR, for media queries contact Jacqui Moloi on 071 764 8233 or jacqui@findleypr.co.za

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