27 September 2023

Fidelity ADT warns of imposters

Submitted by: Jacqui

Fidelity ADT warns of criminals posing as customers targeting the south of Johannesburg areas.

Fidelity ADT Group Head of Marketing & Communications at Fidelity ADT says, “These suspects are going into shops pretending to be customers and then proceeding to hold everyone up, taking all valuables, cell phones, money etc.

In the latest incident on turf Club Street in Turfontein, three suspects entered a business posing as customers. They then pointed a fire arm at the cashier demanding she open the bullet proof door. Fortunately she refused and eventually they fled the scene. Business owners need to be particularly aware of this and be especially vigilant.” She provides the following tips and precautions:

  • Controlled entrances are important in preventing over-crowding in your premises, make sure you have measures in place to restrict movement at entrances and exits to your business, for both staff and customers
  • Implementing solutions that assist you in doing this could dramatically reduce shrinkage in your business
  • Be alert during opening and closing times. Always work in pairs to prevent being surprised or being overpowered by criminals. Train your staff to ask for identification before allowing entry to the premises
  • Make sure all outside entrances and inside security doors have deadbolt locks. If you use padlocks, they should be made of steel and kept locked at all times. Remember to remove serial numbers from your locks, to prevent unauthorised keys from being duplicated
  • Windows should have secure locks and burglar-resistant glass. Consider installing metal grates on all your windows except display windows
  • Light the inside and outside of your business, especially around doors, windows, skylights, or other entry points. Consider installing covers over exterior lights and power sources to deter tampering
  • Always use the services of a reputable company when selecting security guards. Always rotate security guards and insist that they are vetted on a regular basis
  • Keep your cash register in plain view from the outside of your business, so it can be monitored by police during the day or at night. Leave it open and empty after closing
  • Be sure your safe is fireproof and securely anchored. Remember to change your security password when an employee who has had access to it leaves your business
  • Always invest in an alarm, CCTV and an electronic article surveillance system that meets your level of security needs. Learn how to use your system properly and check the system daily. It is advisable to run a test when closing
  • Make sure that panic systems for staff are readily available

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Compiled on behalf of Fidelity ADT by Cathy Findley Public Relations, for media queries contact Jacqui Moloi 071 7648233 or jacqui@fidnleypr.co.za

Total Words: 512