Being prepared, means knowing who to call when you need help
Submitted by: JacquiLet’s face it – things happen, and it will happen when you don’t expect it or when it is most inconvenient. Water meters burst. Trees collapse. And sadly, bad people try to take your belongings or to hurt the people you care about. Emergencies can vary in scope and impact, but you can make it less painful or disruptive by knowing who is on standby to come to your aid.
“When last did you collect all the correct contact numbers for organisations or companies in your suburb that can come to fix a water meter, replace a drain cover, clear a blocked drain, or even remove unwanted elements from your road? If you don’t have such a list pasted on your fridge for everyone in your household then today is the perfect time to put one together,” says Charnel Hattingh, Group Head of Communications and Marketing at Fidelity ADT.
The important thing to consider for such a list is that there are specific people or specific organisations that would like to come and help you, based on the nature of the event. Armed response, for example, would not come to fix a broken water meter. By calling the appropriate body you can ensure that all resources are used effectively.
“When it comes to responding to incidents where crime was involved, remember that there are Law Enforcement, Neighbourhood Watch, and armed response companies deployed across the city. Look for the organisation in your suburb and keep their number close by.”
Hattingh offers some useful contact numbers for residents of Brits to consider saving onto speed-dial.
Fidelity ADT Inland Emergency Number
Inland provinces of the country
086 1212 501
Crime Combatting Forum (RCCF)
Brits: 08600 10111
Electricity Helpline: 012 318 8333
Water Helpline: 012 318 9380
Traffic Control Room: 012 318 8800
N4 Emergency Contact Number: 0800 029 999
Fire Department: 012 250 2222
SAPS Emergencies (cellphones only): 012 252 9300 / 012 381 6000
SAPS Control Centre: 012 252 9300
Child Protection: 0800 05 55 55
SAPS Crime Stop
National: 10111
National: 10177
National: 087 094 9774