A community standing together and looking after one another is a safer community
Submitted by: JacquiRecent events within Steiltes this month have demonstrated just how effective communities can be if they stand together and how important neighbourhood camera surveillance can be in proactively managing crime.
Earlier this month a family was traumatically held up on 8 October. It was suspected that a silver A3 Audi which was stolen during an armed robbery in Nelspruit and was driving around with false number plates, was responsible for the incident and the spate of armed robberies in the area. The vehicle was flagged on several cameras throughout Nelspruit and surrounding areas, but managed to evade being caught.
Following the latest incident, the community embarked on neighbourhood watch patrols and linked community WhatsApp groups which all local security companies could join. Proactive community members also held meetings to look at road closures in some areas to prevent the re-occurrence of similar incidents.
Finally yesterday, Tuesday 18 October, Fidelity’s Specialised Intervention Unit members, in collaboration with Netstar, and with back up from local security company Securicon, tracked the vehicle down. One suspect was arrested, and a stolen firearm and property were confiscated.
“This is a major success for Nelspruit and the involvement of all security companies in the search for the vehicle and suspects is highly commendable,” says Wahl Bartmann, CEO of Fidelity Services Group. Bartmann commends the active involvement of the community in reporting suspicious behaviour through WhatsApp groups which has really helped security in the area to respond timeously.
“We remain concerned however about the definite spike in the report of suspicious people and vehicles we are seeing in the Steiltes area and we strongly recommend further pro-active measures are considered including the installation of Automobile Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) and overview cameras to assist the community in securing their suburb,” he says. In the interim Fidelity reminds residents:
- Make sure you know everyone in your immediate vicinity and have their contact details. You can look out for one another, and you are best placed to immediately see if anything out of the ordinary is happening
- If something seems to be amiss, raise the alarm
- Continue actively communicating on your WhatsApp community groups and share any suspicious behaviour
- We strongly advise you take note of any potential safety issues and raise it with your neighbours. This includes everything from broken fences, to open gates, to valuable items left unattended. The same goes for children or vulnerable members of your community – by simply caring for their safety, you can already make a difference
- Be mindful of not sharing any unverified information or fake news on any community platforms or social media pages. “There has been so much fake news or unverified news which, if shared, creates unnecessary panic.”
- “Make sure everyone in your household – and in your street – receives the correct contact details for all police, law enforcement and security partners in your area. In case of any emergency, please ensure that everyone knows exactly who to call so that valuable time is not wasted,” concludes Bartmann.
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