10 July 2013

Tribal, New Age and Acoustic Rock Kick off the Birthday Vibes at Bay Harbour Market this Weekend

Submitted by: Ian Dickinson

For incredible home-grown, live musical talent, fantastic trader specials and delish food at SA’s cosiest winter market make sure you head to Bay Harbour Market to kick off their second birthday celebrations this weekend. Friday Nite LIVE! plays host to Habit To, while Saturday showcases the talents of musical tribal band, Shamanzi and Sunday hosts the laid-back acoustic sounds of the Larter Brothers! 

Friday Nite LIVE! 12 July – Habit To

Habit To kick off Friday Nite LIVE! on 12 July with Chillie Stent on vocals and guitar; Dang Wardell on the drums; and Al Meyer on bass. This trio of talented artists create one harmonious blend of New Age Rock music.

In 2006 the band won the Durban Burn the Bands competition. Their debut album, ‘Secrets to a Triangle’ received much acclaim and their single ‘Cast in Stone’ received extensive radio airplay, while the music video for ‘Gratitude’ was put into rotation on Go TV, MK and MTV Base.

Saturday 13 July – Shamanzi

Taking center stage on Saturday 13 July is Shamanzi, a World-Tribal-Trance and Afro-Ska-Pixie-Rock fusion band. The band mostly performs as a duo with artists Lah (Lauren) and Davide Tumso, who together form the core of Shamazi Naked.

In the mid 1990's Davide played with Asazi and co-founded electro-organic band Nagual. Davide has played with Madala Kunene, Kwangoma and founded Shamanzi for the Awesome Africa music event in 2001.

Shamanzi was birthed as fringe alternative world sound and has performed at functions and festivals including Rustlers Valley, Flux, Southern Cross, featured slot at Splashy Fen, Earthdance CT and Rocking the Daisies.

Using instruments like the loop pedal, acoustic and electric guitar and world music instruments like sangoma drum, bamboo flutes and pipes, berimbau, mhupe, timbila, and kolongo; Shamanzi is set to create a great vibe for market goers this weekend.

Sunday 14 July – The Larter Brothers

Performing on Sunday 14 July are brothers Brendan and Craig Larter. Hailing from Gonubie, just north of East London and south of the Kei River, this dynamic duo lays their mix of acoustic folk rock music on the Bay Harbour Sound Stage. With original compositions and a few classic covers, the brothers use melodic harmonies and fine musical handy work earning them great success travelling throughout SA.

The market is open from 5 pm to 9 pm on Friday; and 9.30 am to 4 pm on Saturday and Sunday. Entrance is free. 

Venue: Bay Harbour Market, Hout Bay

Artists: Habit To, Shamanzi, The Larter Brothers

Address: 31 Harbour Road, Hout Bay, Cape Town, 7806

Date: 12-14 July 2013

Time: Friday: 5 pm-9 pm; Saturday and Sunday: 9h30 am-4 pm

Website: http://www.bayharbour.co.za  

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/bayharbour  

Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/bayharbourmkt   

More information: Email: info@bayharbour.co.za

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