08 May 2013

Spoil Your Mother at Bay Harbour Market this Weekend

Submitted by: Ian Dickinson

HOUT BAY, WESTERN CAPE, SOUTH AFRICA, 08 MAY 2013: With an array of mouth-watering meal options, a host of goodies for sale and top SA artists providing the soundtrack, the Bay Harbour Market in Hout Bay is the ultimate place to treat your mom and family this weekend.Mother’s Day Weekend on the Bay Harbour Sound Stage promises musical performances from Acid Blues, Jabulani, Tatiana Thaele, Carly Nauta and Gary Thomas. Friday Nite LIVE! is powerful jazz/funk trio Acid Blues. Consisting of founding member and super-talented jazz guitarist James Kibby, renowned funk/blues/punk bassist Maurice Paliaga and experienced session drummer Richard Pickett, this is a collaboration that is sure to impress.Entertaining audiences on Saturday is eclectic jazz band, Jabulani. This distinctive outfit is an offshoot of popular Cape Town jazz fusion band, Abbott Jazz. Created by SAMA-nominated artist Guillaume de Villiers, Abbott Jazz is renowned for crossing and blending genres with a creative use of contemporary technology. Providing the breakfast soundtrack for Mother’s Day at the market is classical musicians Carley Nauta (violin) and Tatiana Thaele (flute) between 10am and 12pm.Later in the day, unique jazz guitarist and singer Gary Thomas hits the stage. Reviewers and audiences have had trouble defining Thomas’ genre due to his eclectic and dynamic range of compositions, but phrases like ‘anti-folk’, ‘psychedelic’, ‘progressive experimental folk’ and ‘one-man jamming machine’ have been thrown around in the press.  Utilizing a stomp box (an amplified wooden box that produces a fat kick drum sound), an acoustic guitar and distinct, uncanny vocal work, Gary’s music wavers between the intimate and the violent, with a huge range of diversity and timbre.In addition to the great music and awesome atmosphere, traders will be offering great Mother’s Day specials. Viva Republica!Venue: Bay Harbour Market, Hout BayArtists: Acid Blues, Jabulani, Tatiana Thaele, Carly Nauta, Gary ThomasAddress: 31 Harbour Road, Hout Bay, Cape Town, 7806Date: 10-12 May 2013Time: Friday: 5pm-9pm; Saturday and Sunday: 9h30am-4pmWebsite: http://www.bayharbour.co.za Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/bayharbour Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/bayharbourmkt  More information: Tel: 082 570 5997; Email: info@bayharbour.co.za

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