08 October 2013

Philip Malan, Johnny Ray and Liane Halton perform on the Bay Harbour Sound Stage this weekend

Submitted by: Ian Dickinson

Visitors can enjoy a musical journey with acoustic guitarist Philip Malan, blues-rock guitarist Johnny Ray and contemporary vocalist/guitarist Liane Halton at Bay Harbour Market this weekend.

Kicking off Friday Nite LIVE! on the Bay Harbour Sound Stage this weekend is acoustic guitarist Philip Malan. Philip's music is filled with the storytelling characteristics of folk music, but instead of lyrics and song, he takes listeners on an instrumental journey using suggestion, expression and musical themes all performed using only the six strings of his guitar. His musical influences include Tony Cox, Steve Newman, Guy Buttery, Errol Dyers, Thomas Leeb, Andy Mckee and Greg Georgiadis.

Performing live on Saturday is acclaimed blues-rock guitarist Johnny Ray and his band. With his gruff voice and strong guitar-playing skills, Johnny Ray’s lively Blues-Rock style is perfect for weekend relaxation.

Winding off the weekend with on Sunday is the talented and versatile vocalist, songwriter Liane Halton. Liane's music combines technical proficiency with an emotional core. Having completed a B. Mus. in Composition at Rhodes University, Liane moves effortlessly between contemporary rock and folk music and classical and jazz styles when writing and performing her soulful songs.

Bay Harbour Market is open from 5 pm to 9 pm for Friday Nite LIVE! from 9.30 am to 4 pm on Saturday and Sunday. Entrance is free. For more information email: info@bayharbour.co.za  or visit the website: www.bayharbour.co.za    

Venue: Bay Harbour Market, Hout Bay

Artists: Philip Malan, Johnny Ray, Liane Halton

Address: 31 Harbour Road, Hout Bay, Cape Town, 7806

Date: 11-13 October

Time: Friday: 5 pm-9 pm; Saturday and Sunday: 9h30 am-4 pm

Website: http://www.bayharbour.co.za 

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/bayharbour  

Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/bayharbourmkt    

More information: Email: info@bayharbour.co.za    

View the full Ocotber line-up here:


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