18 January 2023

Kwikspace skills development initiative results in 29 graduates equipped for various industries

Submitted by: CubicICE
Kwikspace skills development initiative results in 29 graduates equipped for various industries

Kwikspace  has proven its commitment to skills development in the community by offering learnership, internship, and apprenticeship programmes, as well as bursaries. Its latest initiative resulted in 29 graduates across the various programmes, 4 internship graduates received permanent employment in the operations and admin areas at Kwikspace. The 4 programmes aim to bridge the gap between unemployment, education and practical experience; enabling graduates in the community to attain vital knowledge and industry experience which is needed to function and compete in the job market.

Tiba explains the ethos behind the Kwikspace learning programmes – that learners/interns should conduct themselves as employees rather than as learners, to fully absorb the practical learnings. “One has a good understanding of what should and should not be done, theoretically. Once the learner has first-hand practical experience in the daily functions of a specified role, they are better equipped to make sound, reasonable, and strategic decisions, with a solid grasp of the operational demands of the business”.

Kwikspace covered the costs of the programmes. “This is simply an investment into the community to aid the unemployed with an opportunity to compete in the job market,” said Zinhle Tiba, Human Resources Business Partner and Skills Development Facilitator, Kwikspace. “The current economic climate is clouded with a high unemployment rate and an even more alarming skills shortage. We are proud to play our part not only in the context of giving the unemployed and persons with disabilities a chance, but being able to extend these opportunities to our very own employees who would like to expand their education and skills.”

All learners participated in theoretical and practical training. Two unemployed internship participants, Rinae Mamelasigidi and Dalitso Manganye, graduated from the programme and obtained permanent employment at Kwikspace.

Rinae Mamelasigidi, Rentals Production Clerk, Kwikspace.

“The internship was extremely beneficial, I was exposed to a lot which enabled me to start my career on a great note. By being exposed to the various positions in the industry, I can now carry out my duties and responsibilities as an employee more efficiently considering the internship-gained knowledge. I am relieved that I didn’t have to seek employment considering the state of our economy and how scarce jobs have become after the pandemic.”

Dalitso Manganye Manganye, Factory Supervisor, Kwikspace

“The internship was my first true working experience. Obtaining permanent employment at Kwikspace has been one of my biggest goals in life and I am grateful as I am now financially independent.”

Kwikspace’s initiative benefits individuals now and generations to come through educated and experienced professionals who can solve problems from multiple perspectives within their fields of expertise. "All our graduates have the potential to make both Kwikspace and the manufacturing industry in South Africa greater than they are. We want to be a part of that journey," concludes Tiba.

Kwikspace’s internship programme serves undergraduates or recent graduates that often have no previous work experience. Their internship experience at Kwikspace is determined in accordance with the qualification requirements set out by their educational institution. Learnerships are offered to employed and unemployed persons who have received their Grade 12 qualification. Bursaries are available through the Kwikspace Learning Academy for employees who would like to further their education.

Total Words: 540

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