08 May 2012

“Bay Harbour Cares”, Says Viola, Hout Bay’s Celebrity Pig

Submitted by: Ian Dickinson

SOUTH AFRICA, WESTERN CAPE, HOUT BAY - 7 MAY 2012 - Over the months of May and June, all visitors to the eclectic Bay Harbour Market in Hout Bay will have the opportunity to seek, find and meet the Bay Harbour Market celebrity pig, Viola – Queen of the Bay, and effect  ‘change for  change’ by making donations into this unusual piggy bank.

Viola – Queen of the Bay, so named by fans via Bay Harbour Market’s Facebook page, has a very important job to do at Bay Harbour Market - this being to raise funds for community-based project HOUT BAY C.A.R.E.S, making her the most important piggy bank in Hout Bay.

HOUT BAY C.A.R.E.S is a sustainable community project working with people in areas of Hout Bay struck by poverty and drug-abuse. Hangberg and Imizamo Yethu are the two townships in Hout Bay that benefit from the project. HOUT BAY C.A.R.E.S stands for Community Awareness Rehabilitation Education Service and is managed by Non-Profit Organisation, FavorSA – approximately 82% of youths and adults in the programme have opportunities to make a positive contribution to their lives, their families and their communities by living in recovery and learning life skills.

Sophia Osburn of CARES says “Hangberg and Imizamo Yethu are two townships in Hout Bay experiencing extreme levels of poverty, crime, violence, as well as alcohol and drug-related harms. Hout Bay C.A.R.E.S is a sustainable community development project providing a wide-range of programmes to improve the social well-being of Hangberg and Imizamo Yethu residents. A satellite office in Imizamo Yethu is soon to be launched.”

The sustainability of the project, and with it the ability to work with the influx of people needing to find a new way of life, relies on the kindness and support of donors.

Anthony Stroebel, co-founder of Bay Harbour Market, says “This is our first initiative with Viola. Our market is community based and many of our traders are local. Viola will do us proud so please seek her out and make sure she C.A.R.E.S. After the 2 months collecting for HOUT BAY C.A.R.E.S, we shall select another community-based project for her to raise funds. We hope to keep Prudence very busy for the Hout Bay community.”

Viola, Queen of the Bay, a beautifully-crafted and painted paper-mache piggy bank, is the original creation of Lynne Nadauld who began making smaller piggy banks several years ago. Being aware of the trend towards recycled products, the need for job creation and the scarcity of "piggy banks" as she remembers them as a child, Linda simultaneously trained numerous Imizamo Yethu resident employees in the skills and techniques required to produce these magnificent pigs.

Website: www.bayharbour.co.zaFacebook: www.facebook.com/bayharbourTwitter: www.twitter.com/bayharbourmkt More information: Tel: 082 570 5997; Email: info@bayharbour.co.zaAddress: 31 Harbour Road, Hout Bay, Cape Town, 7806

Issued byHot Salsa Media on behalf of Bay Harbour Market, Hout BayContact: Viv - viv@hotsalsamedia.co.za / 084 486 2136

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