25 January 2012

First Car Rental Awarded Top 500: South Africa’s Best Managed Companies In 2011

Submitted by: Ian Dickinson

For the second consecutive year, First Car Rental is proud to announce that it has been selected as a Top 500: South Africa’s Best Managed Companies in 2011.

Top 500: South Africa’s Best Managed Companies recognises the crème de la crème of business in South Africa by employing a team of research analysts to gather information from over 4000 companies annually and analyse this data to find the top 5 most successful companies from each of the 100 business sectors, hence Top 500.

This information is then analysed and translated into a meaningful ranking of the Best Managed Companies in South Africa."Qualifying as a Top 500 Best Managed Company again represents a gilt-edged achievement for First Car Rental,” says Melissa Storey, Executive Head: Strategy, Development & Marketing at First Car Rental, “It is wonderful for all our staff to get the recognition from Top 500. First Car Rental is performing at optimum levels so expect us to keep climbing the ranks.”

  Top 500 Companies are judged according to the following criteria:

• Turnover• Growth• Net Profit after Tax• Turnover per employee• CSI expenditure• % Black employees• % Female employees• % Black Exec Directors• % Black Non Exec Directors• % Female Exec Directors• % Female non Exec Directors• Written Company Policies• Accreditations (ISO etc)

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