16 March 2023

NAMA continues to educate its members on sectional title regulation changes

Submitted by: Matimu Define Mabunda
NAMA continues to educate its members on sectional title regulation changes

To educate its members on legislative changes and provide training on essential community scheme aspects, the National Association of Managing Agents (NAMA) recently hosted a knowledge sharing breakfast seminar for Gauteng East and West regions at Cedarwoods of Sandton. This seminar was targeted at Managing Agents, Community Scheme/Portfolio Managers, Trustees interested in learning more about Community Scheme living.

The seminar focused on current burning topics in the industry such as the proposed amendments to the Sectional Title Act, new laws for complexes and sectional titles and what it means for residents and managers.

Mr. Rudi Heerschop, from Schüler Heerschop Pienaar Attorneys, discussed the Sectional Title Amendment Bill which will put in place regulations dealing with the development of schemes, including extensions and common property.

Ms. Ria Furriel, from King Price spoke about additions, alterations, national building regulations, and installing solar alternatives in community schemes. She highlighted the importance of the body corporate in managing a property to increase the value of the property. She also provided practical examples on how this can be achieved such as prescribing reasonable conditions for improvements to be made and keeping an open flow of communication amongst community members.

Mr. Danie Van Der Merwe, from WeconnectU touched on best practises to get community managers back in the driving seat. He emphasised that community managers should continuously work to upskill their knowledge of changing regulations as a way to keep ahead of the pack.

National Association of Managing Agents (NAMA), promotes the advancement of managing agents and community management schemes in South Africa. The organisation hosts monthly events across all seven regions in which they are represented. These seminars and expos create an opportunity for delegates to network and to interact with various NAMA service provider.

The next big event is the NAMA Community Scheme Expo taking place at Gallagher Estate in Midrand from the 18 to 19 March 2023. The NAMA Community Scheme Expo is aimed at bringing together industry role players and service providers to network and showcase the latest industry offerings.

“The Expo is a big event where experts in our industry will share insights on how best to deal with challenges in our professions. There will be more insights on pending changes and great atmosphere to network with peers in the industry. The tickets for the Expo are already on sale and being snapped up fast. If you want to participate, ensure that you book your today,” says Kerry-Lee Van Ardt, NAMA General Manager

The tickets to the Expo are already on sale via Ticketpro website to purchase your ticket - https://bit.ly/3kxH8vO

For More Information:Ms. Christill CaveChristill@nama.org.za

Total Words: 517

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