07 July 2022

Let's take care of your bodies this winter season!

Submitted by: Matimu Define Mabunda

Winter skincare tips

Winter is upon us and our skin might be going through seasonal changes –that’s normal and is to be expected at this time of year.

Are you suffering from dry, chapped skin for no reason? Here are some tips to help you maintain your normal glowing skin with our natural organic products which are made specifically for the different skin types found under the African sun.

Here are five easy steps to keep your skin healthy and glowing this winter:

Drink a lot of water – As much as you might not feel the urge to drink water in this cold weather, your body needs an adequate supply of it to stay hydrated and moisturised.

Choose a cleanser carefully – I recommend the Zuru Natural Toner which cleanses your skin and leaves it soft, not dry. You can achieve this softness by using the toner and cotton pad after washing.

Use oil when bathing or showering – You might ask why you should use oil. Well, this helps your skin to stay soft and moisturised before you apply body lotion or cream. Some soaps can strip the natural oil from your skin, so you need the Zurubaby Tissue oil which is suitable for the entire household. You can also use it when giving your little ones a bath.

Keep showers short and sweet – Although it’s tempting to reach for the hot water tap to turn up the heat, having a long, hot shower or bath when it’s cold is a big no-no. This strips the oil from your skin and leaves your body dry and vulnerable to chapped skin.

Use a natural moisturiser and apply immediately after washing – It’s important to choose your facial moisturiser and body lotion carefully. We recommend oil-based products instead of water-based ones to retain the important hydrating oils in your skin all day.

Total Words: 314

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