07 July 2022

Birthmarks 101

Submitted by: Matimu Define Mabunda
Birthmarks 101

Many African parents believe their children will die if they are born with a birthmark. Unfortunately, this fear is instilled in them by their families and friends who have strong beliefs and superstitions about African norms and customs.

Birthmarks can be found in 5%-10% of all babies. Most of these are common nevi (areas of skin discolouration) and need no further evaluation. Birthmark types are generally divided into three groups: pigmented, vascular and anatomic. Some birthmarks develop over time while some are present at birth.

A birthmark usually disappears in the first year of the child’s life as the skin’s top layer thickens. It is neither fatal nor dangerous and the condition does not need treatment.

If you are worried about your child’s birthmark, please speak to a paediatrician who will explain everything to you. Health workers are urged to warn parents not to use razors or other harmful methods to try and remove the birthmark as this will injure the baby.

Total Words: 166

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