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Published: 19 November 2019

TIGHTER HR COMPLIANCE AND LESS HASSLE FOR LESS COST   STELLENBOSCH, 14 November 2019 — Leading Stellenbosch based Data Management and Small Business Solutions Experts, DataSimplfied are pleased to announce the launch of their powerful and easy to use small business HR management solution HRSimplified in South Africa. 

Developed over 2 years in response to calls from small businesses for an extremely simple yet highly functional HR Management Solution where little or no HR Management expertise is required, HR Simplified empowers and enables small businesses through easy to use, powerful and affordable technology.

 “HRSimplified is a transformational HR Solution that encourages small businesses to adopt technology for everyday business use”  explains DataSimplified MD, Michael Hamilton “The system is logical and easy to use, designed to simplify HR, improve compliance and add to the bottom line of any small businesses by automating manual, paper-based processes and increasing overall productivity levels” 

HRSimplified is focused on addressing the needs of small businesses with up to 100 employees including start-ups and established companies. Key industry sectors have been identified where there is a need for transformation through the use of smart technology, where there is limited HR expertise and where HR Management and Regulatory Compliance is challenging and time-consuming. “Detailed analysis of the small Business market in South Africa broadly identifies our market as:  Agriculture, Construction, Automotive, Small Engineering and Retail” Hamilton explains “HRsimplified is priced in a manner that makes it extremely affordable for these sectors and the solution addresses key challenges each faces” he continues. 

The HRsimplified solution is continually being developed and improved with the existing products basic and basic plus starting at just R15 per month per employee. A Payroll component is due for release in January 2020 that is expected to see HRSimplified disrupt the Small Business HR Management sector considerably. A growing list of Partners and demand for the technology behind the solution from the UK, New Zealand, Australia, Canada and Singapore is set to position this well-developed and intuitive DataSimplified solution firmly on the map. With plans to bundle the technology with other DataSimplified solutions such as SocialSimplified and with its already available integration to leading small business solutions such as Xero Accounting, Sage One, Zoho and Hubspot, HRSimplified expects rapid adoption in the South African, African and global market in the next 6 to 12 months.

 An official launch event across Cape Town, Durban and Johannesburg is planned for Q1 2020 – dates and partners to regulatory compliance shortly.   

For further solution information contact Mike Hamilton, MD DataSimplified  ( 082 498 3254  )or for press and media information contact Matt Newnham (081 708 2166) or visit www.hrsimplified.co.za  or www.datasimplified.co.za

Invaluable Book Released for Labour Law Practitioners

Published: 12 July 2016

The Labour Court roll is dominated by review applications. A review application is the result of a party’s unhappiness with the award from the CCMA or bargaining council. The disgruntled party’s recourse is to launch an application in the Labour Court for the review of the award.

A new legal title from LexisNexis South Africa addresses these proceedings. Reviews in the Labour Courts provides excellent guidance for labour practitioners and is a must-have manual for all labour lawyers, advocates, judges, CCMA commissioners, bargaining council arbitrators, unions, HR/IR practitioners, in-house counsel, lecturers and post-graduate students. The authors are two of South Africa’s leading labour law advocates, Anton Myburgh SC and Craig Bosch.

The Constitutional Court, in the leading judgment of Sidumo, set out the test on review: “Is the decision reached by the commissioner one that a reasonable decision-maker could not reach.” Whilst the ‘Sidumo test’ appeared narrow, the Constitutional Court found that CCMA awards constitute administrative action and so the constitutional standard of reasonableness suffuses Section 145 of the Labour Relations Act. The result is a massive body of case law that continues to grow, making it difficult for busy practitioners to keep pace.

In his foreword to Reviews in the Labour Courts, Honourable Justice John Murphy said Reviews in the Labour Courts would serve as a practioner’s manual. “Every now and then a law book is written that fills a notable gap in the bookshelves of practising lawyers. This is such a book,” he said. “The arguments are meticulously researched, logically presented and practically relevant. In that way, in addition to its value as a scholarly work, Reviews in the Labour Courts will serve as a practitioner’s manual. The practice of labour law before the labour courts will profit immensely from practitioners embracing the practical teaching of this seminal work.”

Reviews in the Labour Courts will be launched at the SASLAW Annual Conference in Johannesburg on 22 July 2016 and is available through the LexisNexis online bookstore https://store.lexisnexis.co.za/categories/products/reviews-in-the-labour-courts-skuZASKU9780409044850/details at a cost of R800.00 inclusive of VAT and excluding delivery.  

About the Authors

Anton Myburgh, BJuris LLB (UPE): Anton is a senior counsel at the Johannesburg Bar (Sandton); adjunct professor of law at NMMU; past national president of SASLAW; sometime acting judge of the Labour Court.
Craig Bosch, BA LLB (Stell) LLM (UCT): Craig is an advocate at the Cape Bar; research associate at NMMU; former senior lecturer in labour law at UWC, former senior commissioner of the CCMA and bargaining council panellist.

Addressing Cyber Security.

Published: 24 February 2015

As the pace of digital transformation increases, so does the frequency of high profile security incidents and information leaks. This often prompts complex and costly responses, as those who have suffered security breaches – and those who are trying to avoid them – seek ways to manage their exposures and comply with a plethora of industry standards, best practices and government regulations.

Joint silver sponsors at the 6th IT Leaders Africa Summit, SLVA and Ubusha will explore the mechanisms you could use to ensure a secure information-processing environment during their workshop presented by Kris Budnik, Managing Director for SLVA Information Security.

Attendees will hear how they can maximise existing capabilities and leverage the emerging wave of enterprise security technologies that tip the balance away from cyber-criminals and dishonest employees.

SLVA and Ubusha’s holistic response to minimising information security risks requires the ability to:

-Understand and manage who has access to information and systems within your environment and what they are able to do with such access

-Track and have the capability to influence the way that data is accessed, processed and shared within your environment

-Maintain oversight over that environment – ensuring that it remains reliable and free from vulnerabilities which may be exploited to bypass your access control and data governance policies  

Please note that the cut off date for applications to present a workshop at the IT Leaders Africa Summit is the 27th of February 2015.  

During these 60 minute educational workshops, leading industry vendors present their solutions and services in case study format to attending CIOs and IT Heads. Each session is limited to 15 delegates in order to encourage debate and discussion. The workshops are scheduled in advance as the topics are marketed to CIOs and business leaders during the build up to the Summit.  

For IT Leaders Africa Summit brochure advertising opportunities, contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.   The 6th IT Leaders Africa Summit takes place on 18 & 19 March 2015 at the Maslow Hotel in Sandton, Johannesburg.

Understanding and mitigating the risks of social media in the workplace (Workshop 2014)

Published: 09 September 2014

Companies are rapidly seeing the benefits of social media. In fact, social media is becoming indispensable for business, but with all the benefits come threats and risks as well for the workplace. Frost & Sullivan’s Global Workforce Study found that 64% of respondent companies limit employee access to social media through content filtering and website blocking technology, 51% restrict access by setting and enforcing policy and 25% have no restrictions on the use of social media by employees.  

Businesses should define clear social media usage policies, specifying who can access social media, what sites they can access, when they can access them, where they can access them and what devices they can use to access social media during work hours. There should be no room left for confusion. Policies should be clear, well defined and communicated to employees.  

Professionals who would benefit by attending include HR Managers, Digital Marketers, Chief Risk Officers, Social Media Strategists, Office Managers, Marketing Managers, HR Consultants, Employee Benefit Managers, Legal Advisors, Digital Projects Managers, e-Commerce Managers, Risk Managers to name a few...  

Rosalind Davey and Khomotso Makapane will facilitate the workshop, teaching all attendees how to understand and and mitigate the risks of social media in the workplace. Both of the facilitators are qualified attorneys from one of South Africa’s top law firms Bowman Gilfillan and specialise in employment law and Rosalind is one of the few attorneys specialising in social media law.  

During the half day workshop social media statistics, constitutional rights, RICA, freedom of expression and the law of defamation, liability for defamatory content on social media and vicarious liability, handling social media misconduct, loss of confidential information and contacts as well as mitigating the risks of social media will be addressed. View full agenda and download registration form at www.aoevents.co.za

Workshop registration fee: R800 pp. Groups of 3 or more receive 10% discount.

Email the completed registration form to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to secure your seat.

CSI Africa Launches All-in-One Background Screening Service

Published: 11 August 2014

Pretoria, Gauteng - August 11th, 2014 - CSI Africa, in conjunction with Fides and iFacts, has launched myScreening - the online central verification system that lets HR personnel and other registered users conduct a variety of background checks using a single online interface.

myScreening, an online central verification system, provides a single interface from which a large list of background checks can be conducted by registered users. Some of the background checks available in myScreening include:

  • Identity checks
  • Criminal record checks
  • Credit checks
  • CIPC and directors verification
  • Driver's licence verification
  • CV verification
  • Deeds

Background-checking and verification services have been available in South Africa for years, but involves a significant amount of red tape. Varying turnaround times and different result formats make it difficult to consolidate records for convenient access. Many organisations therefore find it hard to conduct efficient pre-employment screening programs to combat workplace crime which often includes internal theft and fraud.

The myScreening online central verification system boasts a direct connection to the Department of Home Affairs, and Afiswitch which interfaces with the South African Police Service (SAPS) Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS) to determine the criminal background status of a person.

Because of these direct connections, some results are available immediately.   Other screening results, such as criminal record checks and CV verification, are available in as little as 48 hours. All screening results are delivered in a convenient easy-to-read format to a registered user's inbox, and also stored in the secure myScreening vault for convenient future access.


The pricing is competitive and done on an invoice basis. Rates are per background check or verification.

Signing up

myScreening registration is free. To use the system the South African Police Service (SAPS) has mandated that registered users complete own identity verification within the myScreening interface. New users will also have to submit their own fingerprints. After verification, SAPS-mandated training is required before the myScreening system can be used.

HR personnel and other interested individuals can register at http://www.csinvestigate.co.sa/myscreening

About CSI Africa

Pretoria-based CSI Africa was established in 2002. We are driven to promote honesty and increased efficiency in the workplace by assisting companies and individuals with our in-house expertise and access to various intelligence systems. CSI Africa is a member of the Southern African Polygraph Federation (SAPFED), and is one of two companies awarded with a Certificate of Suitability at the Gauteng Gambling Board to verify criminal records of applicants. We are a registered reseller of the AFISWITCH product , designed to extract criminal records directly from the SAPS Database.


For more information, please contact:

Name: Amelia Griesel

Address: 305 Braam Pretorius Street, Pretoria, 0129

Phone: 0861 274 911

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Website: http://www.csinvestigate.co.za


Published: 30 June 2014

They are in South African companies and industries right now, although they may not be part of traditional networks and are unlikely to be present at the higher levels of management in the same numbers as men.  It is for this reason that BPW SA and the Department of Trade & Industry (the dti) have partnered in an unrivalled “Women on Boards” director development programme to create a pool of female leaders in SA who are excellently trained and are therefore highly sought after by Boards.  

Most people today have no knowledge about the makeup of corporate boards, even in the companies they work for. These people would be surprised to learn how little diversity of thought and experience exists in the corporate boardrooms and executive suites of South African businesses. Why should you care about board composition? Boards of directors make decisions that can impact you, your community, and the country.  That’s why it’s important that membership on corporate boards be representative of a company's constituents.

Boards of directors choose CEOs. They make decisions about executive compensation, whether to buy, sell, or merge with other companies, where corporate offices close and relocate, and how much priority a company gives to issues other than profits, such as social responsibility.  

Our Women on Boards programme will give you the expertise and exposure needed to be part of the right networks.  It is an eight-part program — strategically placed over the course of 8 months, due to the complexity of the material — equips women with the knowledge and tools needed to elevate themselves to the C-suite and beyond.  In a supportive and highly interactive atmosphere, an impressive roster of top government and corporate experts will guide skilled female executives through a rigorous program of intensive classroom instruction, case studies and simulations. Every element of the program is focused on strengthening and broadening the leadership talents of the participants and delivering positive results for their companies and organizations.  They will improve their understanding of the responsibilities of board membership and develop the skills and strategic insight needed to become a more effective director.     They will improve their understanding of board governance while heightening their financial literacy and increasing their understanding of relevant legislation.  Amongst others, specialist training is also provided by the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE) with regard to corporate governance and understanding of JSE terminology and the Commonwealth Business Council (CBC) (London) who will impart their expertise on personal and reputational risk.  The dti will convey their expectations of board members and corporate experts will present, and execute simulations, on media and presentation skills to enhance leadership effectiveness. The programme is certified by the dti.  

For more information, please visit our website at www.bpw-jhbsa.co.za  .or contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 011 794-4991.

Changes and Dangers in Labour Law

Published: 03 June 2008
{pp}Rival Industrial in conjunction with leading labour law specialist, Ivan Israelstam, will be presenting a labour seminar entitled “The Changes and Dangers in Labour Law” on 4 July 2008 in Greenside.