Finalists Announced For Social Entrepreneur Awards South Africa 2007

Published: 15 June 2007
{pp}The Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship in partnership with Ernst & Young is pleased to announce the finalists for the Social Entrepreneur Awards South Africa 2007, acknowledging the positive impact of their efforts on South Africa through a focus on social change, innovation and sustainability.

Predatory lending on borrowed time

Published: 14 June 2007
{pp}Much has been written about the fact that South Africa does not save, that it is in love with credit. The fact that there are now over 100 credit cards available in South Africa, a good 40 more than just two years ago, is evidence of this. And because each of those cards needs to find a customer base, the phones have been ringing – and not just during office hours. Suicide hour and weekends too. This means you could easily be accosted by someone selling you a R50,000 loan you don’t need or up to three credit cards ,in one phone call, at pretty well anytime of day.

Skaap skop, skiet en donner Telkom with free overseas calls at Easter

Published: 14 June 2007
{pp}The Easter hunt is on and there’s very little to be found in the way of treasure from Telkom for those with family and loved ones overseas. No chocolate eggs secreted in vandalised telephone boxes or any special Easter discounts on calls. Their ‘Closer’ option however, would appear to be a move in the right direction.

Inadvertently, it would seem, Telkom have boosted a competitor’s business with the introduction of their ‘Closer’ packages.

Garden Route bike business

Published: 14 June 2007
{pp}Students at Eden Campus, South Africa’s first, free rural eco-business school for entrepreneurs, are set to launch a business which they hope will become a premier centre for mountain biking on the Garden Route.

The business, operating from the campus at Karatara, near Sedgefield, will be launched on April 25 at a handover of 120 bicyles donated to Eden Campus and the Karatara Primary School by the Bicycling Empowerment Network (BEN). The launch will be attended by David George, Common Wealth Games medallist and three-time winner of the Pick ‘n Pay Argus Giro Del Capo.

Entrepreneurs, we want your story!

Published: 30 May 2007
{pp} is proud to share the stories of the individuals that are the embodiment of the spirit of the South African entrepreneur, as they launch the brand-new, interactive section of the portal entitled How We Did it!

SA businesses held back by procedural red tape

Published: 29 May 2007
{pp}Rand fluctuation has long been a huge obstacle for SA companies wishing to do business overseas. It is however not the only obstacle. More detrimental than currency fluctuation is the impedance by government to local companies wishing to import or export goods from or to overseas.

Where this impedance differs from the unstable Rand, is that government have it within their power to relax somewhat the almost punitive legislation that governs import/export trade. The European Union bloc is hard enough to break into, South African laws, some dating back to colonialism, make it so much more challenging.

Telkom are placed third globally when it comes to landline costs

Published: 29 May 2007
{pp}The cost of fixed-line calls in South Africa rank the third highest in the world and this after a 10% reduction introduced last year. US-based cost management consulting firm NUS Consulting Group found that Telkom's charges continue to disadvantage South African organisations in their efforts to compete in the world's major markets, a reflection perhaps of Telkoms apparent policy of apathy towards South African businesses who are trying to become players in the global market and the South African economy.

Tired of working for a boss?

Published: 29 May 2007
Image{pp}Why not become your own boss - from the comfort of your own home? If never again having to bother with the traffic hassles (and petrol expenses) that are part of the commuter’s nightmare sounds like something you could get used to, a home-based business might be for you.

How Germany won the World Cup of Nation Branding: BrandOvation featured by the Business Day

Published: 20 May 2007
{pp}In a recent issue of South Africa's leading business daily, The Business Day, Internal Branding Expert Dr Nikolaus Eberl shares his insight on how Germany won the World Cup of Nation Branding

The IziCwe Code @ Risk Management Summit: Internal Branding Strategies from Emperor Shaka

Published: 20 May 2007
{pp}Dr Nikolaus Eberl and Herman Schoonbee introduced a uniquely South African Internal Branding Model, called The IziCwe Code, at the Risk Management Summit, held at The Hyatt, Johannesburg
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