David Krut Publishing at Design Indaba 2008

Published: 14 February 2008

{pp}David Krut Publishing (DKP) is pleased to be at Design Indaba EXPO for the first time.

The company aims to promote – through the TAXI Art Books and other publications on the arts, design and architecture – the work of South African artists, writers on the arts, and graphic designers. DKP’s publications have been consistently well received both locally and abroad and are regarded as important contributions to the archive on contemporary South African art history.


David Krut Projects: Andrzej Nowicki: Sleep Depot Exhibition Opens 21 February - 29 March

Published: 14 February 2008

{pp}The world I paint has no future.
It is a self-contained place without apparent movement.
Yet on closer scrutiny, movement of a sort can be perceived.
A receding pull from the past, to the past.
This pull stems from the exploration of the old roads, an attempt to discover among these paths that which has been forgotten or overlooked.
Strangely, when discovered, the relics that inspire my world carry with them qualities that resonate with the uncertainty we usually associate with the future; their unfamiliarity stems from their connection with a now distant world. - Nowicki 2007

New from David Krut Publishing, Skill Set: Knowledge Resource & Educational Series

Published: 14 February 2008

{pp}SKILL SET: Knowledge Resource and Educational Series is a new multi-volume series for designers. Using a practicable, outcomes-based approach, Skill Set will provide instruction in various fields of design, including graphic design, stage design, fashion design and industrial design.

Skill Set will feature locally relevant content, as well as commentary and work by leading local design professionals. The series is aimed at a broad audience that includes learners at secondary schools and tertiary institutions, as well as emerging and experienced professionals.



Published: 14 February 2008

{pp}Businesses are suffering huge losses due to power failures.

This can be prevented by knowing when power failures will occur.

Due to the fluctuating levels of power consumption it is difficult for suppliers to notify users in time when the next blackout will occur. SMS 4 Professionals has developed a much needed solution to notify the South African public before a blackout may occur.

PIC Solutions to Provide Boomerang to Clients in South Africa

Published: 14 February 2008
{pp} PIC Solutions, the leading specialist credit risk solutions company in the EMEA region, has formed an alliance with Transform Media to provide Boomerang, an innovative communications tool, to its South African clients.

Official launch of moladi production facility to address the huge housing backlog

Published: 14 February 2008

{pp}moladi, a South African Company and International supplier for the past 22 years, the pioneer of a one-step casting process for the construction of homes,"...Simply cast a whole house in a day, employing unskilled labour, reducing time, waste and cost, eliminating chasing for plumbing and electrical pipe work, plastering and beam filling, resulting in a wall stronger than brick.

A cost effective, holistic design and build technology that far outweighs poorly designed costly concrete-block and masonry structures… Lack of resources, insufficient funds, skills shortage, time constraints, work flow control and waste are key challenges embodied in affordable housing shortages. Our technology addresses these issues and this is why individuals and organisations recognise moladi as the solution to housing needs throughout the world.

Load shedding

Published: 13 February 2008

{PP}There are many theories going around about why load shedding is happening.

Mainly negative views: The guys at the top don’t know what they are doing. Bad planning. ”Heads need to roll!” I am an optimist and choose to believe this one: Our countries economy is growing at such an alarming rate that eskom can’t upgrade fast enough.

I for one hate not being able to make a cup of coffee. But let’s be realistic. Load shedding has a more serious impact on business and the economy(businesses close and jobs will be lost.) This will affect YOU! Directly or indirectly.

TVR Computers launches Mass Storage for CCTV Systems

Published: 11 February 2008

{pp}Historically, the storage and warehousing of CCTV footage has been a major headache for the CCTV Professional and the Security Practitioner.

Requirements from the end-user, and in some instances where there are legal requirements, are for footage to be kept anywhere from 14 days to 6 months and sometimes even longer. When Digital Video Recording became the mainstay and replaced VCR as a means to record and store video footage, it was a breath of fresh air for the CCTV Professional although this was short lived. The sheer volume of data became a problem as larger, cost effective storage devices only became readily available quite recently.

Since 911, the worldwide shift has been to store vast amounts of video footage as data for very long periods in case it needed to be reviewed at a later time. The problem is that standard storage devices are not up to the task as modern CCTV systems will generate mind boggling amounts of data. There has also been a paradigm shift in what the end-user required. Digital Video Recording had to be real-time, meaning that captured footage must include 25 frames per second per camera. The judiciary and even organisations such as the CCMA are loath to admit video footage as evidence if it is not real time.

Top Notch PR and Event Workshops From P and P Content in 2008

Published: 11 February 2008
{pp}Johannesburg – 22nd January 2008 – P and P Content adds another industry leading workshop called “The Secret of Corporate Event Management” to its suite of PR and media workshops.

Month of People’s Photography Opening Exhibition – Participate, don’t spectate!

Published: 11 February 2008
{pp}MOPP (Month of People's Photography) invites the people on the street to its annual free exhibition by encouraging all to bring their own photographs to the grand opening event that will take place in the Annexe of the South African National Art Gallery in Plein Street (St Johns Street), Cape Town on February 22, 2008.