Marketing and Communications Solution

Published: 29 October 2007

Are you determined to make your new product launch a success? Are you eager to develop an imaginative, memorable promotional campaign? Would you like to organize an inspirational company function that invigorates and motivates all your staff? Or do you need to arrange an event that has a big impact, educating potential customers and generating sales and not know where to start? Live events are a powerful, effective way of bringing your brand and message to life.

School Transfers alleviate parents stress

Published: 27 October 2007
{pp}Working parents are finding traffic congestion an increasing strain on their daily routine with time constrains placing immense pressure on what should be the simple things in life – like spending quality time with their children. It is not unusual to spend in excess of two hours travel time in traffic just transferring children between schools and getting to and from the office each day. As stressed South Africans, we just do not have quality time together anymore.

Progressive Pagans drop the "Witch" words

Published: 24 October 2007

{pp}The Progressive Pagan Alliance today announced that they willingly renounce the words "witch" and "witchcraft" in the interests of National Unity. 

The Progressive Pagan Alliance (the PPA) represents a group of Eurocentric Pagan Organisations within South Africa who venerate their Ancestral rreligions.

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