14 June 2007
Launch of 'Poverty and Policy in Post-Apartheid South Africa'
Submitted by:{pp}Poverty and Policy in Post-Apartheid South Africa (HSRC Press) will be launched at Constitution Hill on Monday, 11 December 2006 at 5:00 for 5:30pm as part of the ongoing public programme Inside Out Series. Alan Hirsch, Chief Director of the Economic Sector within the Presidency, will speak about the volume and the contribution of these authors to the debate on how South Africa is dealing with the challenges of poverty reduction. Members of the public are welcome to attend and can RSVP by calling (011) 381 3100 or e-mailing. visitorcentre@constitutionhill.org.za or semakaleng@constitutionhill.org.za With the end of apartheid came the beginning of economic redress. Before South Africa’s first democratic elections, inequalities of income and wealth were the worst measured anywhere. Since then, perhaps the greatest struggle has been the attempt to undo the economic vestiges of the system of racial exclusivity. At the heart of this redress is the reduction of poverty and inequality. But just how much has been changed?
Poverty and Policy in Post-Apartheid South Africa (HSRC Press) brings together some of the core pieces of academic research on this subject that have been prominent in the post-apartheid period. Under the editing helm of Haroon Bhorat, one of South Africa’s premier economists specialising in labour market and poverty analysis, and Ravi Kanbur, one of the world’s top experts on poverty and economic development, twelve top researchers contribute to the compilation. Central to the debate is evaluating how well South Africa has addressed the challenges of poverty and inequality. The different views expressed in these essays are based on sound research which does not simply look backwards, but also points forwards towards future action.Poverty and Policy in Post-Apartheid South Africa makes a substantial contribution to social policy research, specifically concerning economic development and policy. It is an essential compilation that provides the seeds for fresh and new ideas on how the challenges of poverty and inequality can be dealt with as the country moves forward.Copies of all of HSRC Press published titles are available from leading booksellers nationally, and from the online bookshop at www.hsrcpress.ac.zaConstitution Hill is a unique mixed-use development in the Inner City of Johannesburg and the new home of the Constitutional Court, the protector of our basic rights and freedoms. Constitution Hill is also the site of Johannesburg’s notorious Old Fort Prison Complex, commonly known as Number Four, where thousands of ordinary people were brutally punished before the dawn of democracy in 1994. Many of South Africa’s leading political activists, including Mahatma Gandhi and Nelson Mandela, were detained here.In addition to the permanent exhibitions, interactive experiences and educational programmes, Constitution Hill offers venues for hire, a full calendar of public programmes and exhibitions that bring the site to life and enable the public to connect with the activities of the Constitutional Court.For a media review copy of the book, or to make contact with the editors, contact:Contact DetailsKaren BrunsHSRC Press+27 21 466 8022kbruns@hsrc.ac.zawww.hsrcpress.ac.zaFor Constitution Hill please contactAlice MolotoManager Marketing, Sales and Administration011 381 3100Shahindran MooneiyaProgram and Site Manager011 381 3100
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Published in Politics, Law, Arts, Society