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29 January 2008

Toolkit guides corporates through CSI maze

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{pp}A South African Corporate Social Investment (CSI) consultancy has published a practical ‘how-to’ guide on investing CSI funds effectively.

The CSI Toolkit, a 220 page guide, is the first publication of its kind in South Africa. Published by CSI Solutions, the Toolkit is based on comprehensive research in the CSI industry.SA Good News It provides invaluable information on the process, from developing a strategy to identifying, planning, managing and exiting community development projects.“The purpose of the Toolkit is to engage with the CSI industry, share lessons learnt and work towards a professional CSI practice,” says Director of CSI Solutions Michelle Yorke.The publication involved a collaborative research process that included interviews with 100 major players in the CSI field; corporate organisations, including Coca-Cola, Cell C, Sappi and Zenex Foundation, and NGOs, including Starfish, Reach for a Dream, Project Literacy and Junior Achievement SA, as well as site visits and extensive desktop research.  Based on this, it provides information around the impact, sustainability, partnerships, social facilitation, capacity building and communication of CSI activities.“There is a gap in information regarding CSI opportunities and the prospects of ‘professionalising’ the CSI industry in South African businesses,” says Andre Fourie, CEO of the National Business Initiative. The Toolkit addresses these issues by illustrating practical examples and processes that will assist companies to make the greatest impact from their social investments. “CSI within a South African landscape may be achieved by responsible business practices” says Fourie. The area of CSI in South Africa is ever-growing, and more and more companies are realising the importance of sustainable impact for development.The Toolkit is aimed at grant-makers, not only corporates with big CSI budgets, but also small and medium sized businesses that are exploring CSI opportunities. NGOs too can gain value from the information by understanding grant-makers’ expectations. It reflects the effect on beneficiaries at grass roots level, and promotes the practical alignment of business reality with social investment opportunities.

Contact Details:www.csisolutions.co.za


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