But it’s too easy to feel like a kid in a sweet shop – spoilt for choice – and end up sticking with old favourites because at least you’ll know what you are getting.
Not this April. Use Bottle, Plate and Pillow, www.bottleplatepillow.co.za, to plan your trips to the Cape winelands. The wine farm search engine is an easy-to-use web site that allows you to search for wine tasting and sales, restaurants associated with wine farms and accommodation on wine farms on South Africa’s world-class wine routes.
You can refine your searches to choose cellars with wheel chair access, child-friendly restaurants or budget accommodation – and a host of other choices. You can even plan your trip based on which farms produce your favourite wine variety – for instance, Bordeaux blend producers in Paarl.
The web site is 100% dedicated to wine farm information, so users don’t need to wade through heaps of third party advertising to get the information they want. Also, users can vote for wine farms, restaurants and accommodation listed in the general directory that they would like to see more information on – simply by clicking on the listing.
As a reminder, here are the details of the upcoming holidays in South Africa this month: Friday, 10 April – Good Friday Monday, 13 April – Family Day Wednesday, 22 April – 2009 Elections (go vote BEFORE you head out to the winelands) Monday, 27 April – Freedom Day (a nice long weekend to stay over in the winelands)
About Bottle, Plate and Pillow: Bottle, Plate and Pillow, www.bottleplatepillow.co.za, was built by wine lovers, for wine lovers. Whether you are a wine newbie, or a tasting fundi, Bottle, Plate and Pillow believes that exploring South Africa’s beautiful wine lands should be simple, affordable, and accessible to everyone. The search engine was launched in March 2009 by Charles Lourens, a former restaurateur who is currently producing his first vintage of wine in Cape Town.
Contact information:Vanessa ClarkTwokats CommunicationsPh: +27 82 335 1117Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.