26 June 2014

Commemorating World War 1

Submitted by: Leon Erasmus
Commemorating World War 1


Commemorating World War 1

From the middle of July the Lindfield Victorian House Museum in Auckland Park, Johannesburg, will be presenting a special exhibition to commemorate the outbreak of the First World War a hundred years ago. Entitled ‘THE HOME FRONT’ it will concentrate on the three great wars of the twentieth centuries as they affected South Africans, both enlisted men and those left behind. The Anglo-Boer War, First and Second World Wars changed the way in which we in this country lived our lives and looked upon the rest of the world. For most of the young men serving overseas it was the first glimpse they had of existence outside their small communities. Those left at home were confronted by loneliness, loss of income, food and clothing restrictions - and a dreadful never-ending sense of uncertainty.The experience of concentration camps, exile, shell shock, rationing, years of separation - all drew a swathe of radical change through the fabric of society. At the same time the ties that bound people together – letters from the front, official care packages, postcards with the words of topical songs printed on them, greetings cards embroidered by young girls thousands of miles away for Tommies to send home to their loved ones – these too served to create a bond that outlasted the terrible years of absence and homesickness.The exhibition will give an impression of what it would have been like to care for a wounded soldier, by recreating the kind of environment found in many homes at the time, as well as to show a fascinating cross-section of ephemeral material dealing with war, its causes and its aftermath. The objects on display will be from the museum’s permanent collection, and are usually kept in storage, so this is an ideal opportunity for enthusiasts and regular visitors to the museum to see something new and interesting.  The special exhibition will be available as an addition to the normal general house tour at no extra cost, or may be viewed separately, and will be open for only three months. The museum is open daily by appointment only. To book a tour contact Katharine Love.

Museum contact details:

Lindfield Victorian House Museum

72 Richmond Avenue,Auckland Park,Johannesburg,2092

Phone: (011) 726 2932Web: http://lindfield.wix.com/museume-mail: lindfieldhousemuseum@outlook.com

Total Words: 487

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