15 October 2021

Local & International Judges a boost for 2021 Assegai Awards

Submitted by: Assegai Awards
Local & International Judges a boost for 2021 Assegai Awards

The Direct Marketing Association of SA (DMASA) is extending a public thank you to all of our judges who devoted their time and considerable expertise to the evaluation of the 2021 crop of Assegai Integrated Marketing Awards entries.

The many local and international judges who evaluated the entries in the run-up to the Assegai awards Gala Evening on 11th November certainly had their work cut out for them as the DMASA estimates we had about a quarter more first-time entries this year. This really is fantastic news and speaks volumes about the ongoing Covid-19 recovery in our sector. The DMASA is also thrilled that we managed to attract so many international judges in 2021.

This perhaps points to a growing desire within the global marketing community to reestablish international connections after almost two difficult years that saw each country in the world almost as its own island connected to other isolated islands via the miracle of modern technology. And thank goodness for that!This year’s installment of the Assegai Awards really will be the most anticipated event on the Southern African marketing calendar.

Finally, we have attached a list of all our local and international judges with this communique. Thank you and we hope to see you at the Gala Evening next month!

Full listing of our judges: https://www.assegaiawards.co.za/2021-judging-panel/

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