14 September 2022

Last Chance to get your hands on our new look Assegai Awards Trophy for the 2022 Season

Submitted by: Ivan Booth - DMASA
Last Chance to get your hands on our new look Assegai Awards Trophy for the 2022 Season

The unmissable Assegai Awards are set to become even more unforgettable as the Direct Marketing Association of SA (DMASA) unveils its new look Assegai Awards Trophy for the 2022 season and announces that the erstwhile paper certificates of all Silver, Bronze and Leader award winners will, in 2022, be replaced with trophies.

“Entering integrated and direct marketing’s most anticipated annual awards by the extended and absolutely final entry date of 16 September is the only way for Assegai Award winners to get their hands of the new trophy that replaces the certificates formerly issued to Silver, Bronze and Leader award category winners," explained David Dickens, DMASA CEO.

The circle shape of the trophy added Dickens, symbolises the integrated and direct marketing industry’s overriding focus on 360 degrees Return on Investment (RoI) for clients, agencies, and other campaign stakeholders.

“The Assegai Awards are not about big budgets or high production values. Our industry values return, and exceptional campaign results will be showcased and rewarded at the Johannesburg awards evening later in the year,” says Dickens.

The DMASA’s collaboration this year with the Echo Awards of the US Association of National Advertising (ANA) means that the 2022 incarnation of the Assegais is one that advertisers, marketers, and every other industry professional in-between will not want to miss. Please visit www.assegaiawards.co.za for details on how to enter SA’s most anticipated annual IDM awards.

Entrants are reminded of the critical fact that Gold Assegai award category winners can also elect to have their submissions considered for a Global Echo Award.

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