17 September 2018

Assegai Awards 2018 – One week to deadline

Submitted by: Assegai Awards
Assegai Awards 2018 – One week to deadline

There are 40 categories and entrants are welcome (and encouraged) to enter as many as they like.

Now is the perfect opportunity to show off those intelligent and carefully crafted integrated marketing solutions.

Simplified entry forms will ensure a short and straightforward online process.

Login, select your entry categories, fill in the required blocks, upload your pdf (video or multimedia) supporting documents and click submit.  Guidelines and details for the online entry for the Assegai Awards can be found at www.assegaiawards.co.za for all the help you need e-mail us info@assegaiawards.co.za or call us on 0861 362 362.  All the best on your entries, we look forward to celebrating your success.

Key dates to remember: Entry Deadline: 25 September 2018Judging: 27 September and 5 October 2018The Assegai Awards Gala Evening: 8 November 2018

Total Words: 224