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Shango Publishing and Gudani Raulisa Announce the Release of a Fiction Novel, The Year of Fire

Published: 09 July 2018

Johannesburg 09 July 2018 – Shango Publishing and Gudani Raulisa are proud to offer the latest work from Gudani Raulisa, The Year of Fire, hitting bookstores in Johannesburg from 25 August 2018; launching at Skoobs Theatre of Books in Fourways.

The Year of Fire is a compelling tale, unpacking the deepest issues of rape culture, misogyny and student politics in a narrative by Victor.

“Patriarchy and rape culture, like racism or homophobia, are not merely a blip on the screen of human existence. They’re deeply ingrained in us, like an indelible stain on a precious garment. Only two things could be done with and to such stains: spread the stain throughout the garment with a dye or cut it out. If you spread the stain, it can no longer be seen as a deviation, because the whole garment will now bear the same colour attribute.

If you cut it out the garment will lose its elegance and value, but this is what the military would term an acceptable loss. This man had done neither, instead, he had disaffected me from himself and other men, like a leper he wanted to be driven out of society to rot alone in the wilderness” –

Gudani Raulisa weaves a heart-wrenching tale of gender disparities against an apprehensive backdrop of cataclysm and student politics, eliciting key reflections on the state of gender relations in our society. 

New book promises better marital love-making within 7 days

Published: 20 March 2015

In December 2014 Carly Santiagi released her book “Light Up Your Sex Life in 7 Days: A Woman’s Guide To Better Marital Love-making©. This book is published by CreateSpace, an On-Demand Publishing LLC part of Amazon.com Inc. It is available as both a paperback and an eBook (Kindle). 

When asked why she wrote this book, Carly says “So many married couples suffer in their relationship because of low sex drive by one or both partners. Sex only makes up 10% of the marriage but if something is amiss in that department it causes 90% of the problems. My aim is help women and their husbands to work on conquering some problems they might face by following practical steps discussed in my book.” 

In psychoanalytic theory libido is a term that is used to describe the energy that is created by survival and sexual instincts. According to Sigmund Freud, libido is the driving force of all behaviour. Psychotherapist Christine Webber says that it is important to realise that libido or sexual desire is a completely different thing from the physical arousal in the genitals. Many women who have no libido are actually able to become physically aroused and have orgasms. What these women do find difficult is to feel passionate and a desire for sex. 

Married for 12 years with two sons under the age of 4 years, Carly has experienced an array of difficulties in her marriage. She and her husband have put time and effort into working together to solve their problems. Because of this Carly has empathy for people who experience the same kind of problems in their relationships. This book is her way of transferring what she has learned to others to help them along on the path to recovery and a happy intimate marriage.

IVAN ZIMMERMANN IN GONDER, ETHIOPIA – 3000km down, 9000km more to go!

Published: 10 February 2015

Tonya Khoury, the MD of media monitoring company, ROi Africa, is happy to update you on  the progress actor, Ivan Zimmermann, has made on the 12 000 km Tour d’Afrique.

“Yesterday it was one month since Ivan departed from Cairo on the Tour d’Afrique to raise 12 000 tins of food for Can-a-Kilo,” she says.   “Ivan is set to arrive in Cape Town on 9 May as part of the Leaders Never Quit campaign, which is supported by ROi Africa, the South African Institute for Chartered Accountants (SAICA) and Sage Pastel,” she adds.  

Ivan said yesterday, “I arrived two days ago in Gonder, Ethiopia, as a broken man. The first shower I had in eight days could not wash away any weary emotions. It could only wash away the dirt from my sticky skin. I have now covered more than 3 000km of the 12 000km journey and so far I happen to be in third place overall.”    

“This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, a dream that has become a reality. A dream that will test me to my limits, but also a dream that will show the world that leaders never quit,” adds Ivan.  

Ivan will be available for interviews on the following days:

12 Feb: Bahir Dar (Ethiopia)
18-19 Feb: Addis Ababa (Ethiopia)
25 Feb: Yabelo (Ethiopia)
2 Mar: Marsabit (Kenya)
8 Mar: Nairobi (Kenya)
11-13 Mar: Arusha (Tanzania)
21 Mar: Mbeya
24 Mar: Chitimba Beach
To book an interview, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. / 012-643 0436.  

For more information on Ivan’s quest, go to www.ivanzimmermann.com.

Tins can also be donated to Can-a-Kilo tab on Ivan's website.

NAME: Tonya Khoury 

E-MAIL: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
CELL: 073 874 5377
WEBSITE: www.roiafrica.com
TWITTER: @tonyaroi / @roiafrica
FACEBOOK: /roiafrica    


Published: 03 December 2014

The festive season is the season for giving, while spending time with family, enjoying ample entertainment and receiving gifts galore. The sad thing is that there are so many children who will not be receiving gifts or love this festive season. In the spirit of generosity and the fact that children are such a huge focus of the Spur Group, Spur Foundation is coordinating a national toy collection drive to put a smile on some underprivileged children’s faces.

Between 1 December 2014 and 16 January 2015 collection boxes for new and pre-loved toys will be available at all Spur, John Dory’s and Panarottis restaurants countrywide. These boxes will be allocated to a Spur Foundation beneficiary per province. The beneficiaries are:         

  • Gauteng: ASHA Trust: A South African NGO that establishes and supports formal and home-based early childhood centres in economically challenged communities by providing daily pre-school care, meals and educational stimulation for less-fortunate children aged 2–6.        
  • Western Cape:    
    • Durbanville Children’s Home: A home providing a safe haven for children who have suffered from physical and emotional abuse.    
    • Umnqophiso Pre-primary: A nursery school and aftercare centre in the disadvantaged community of Lwandle in the Strand.   
    • House of Grace: Place of safety for abandoned and abused children who have been through tremendous hardship and previous neglect.        
  • KwaZulu-Natal: Durban Children’s Home: A home providing love, care and shelter to abandoned, neglected and orphaned children throughout KwaZulu-Natal since 1905.         
  • Free State: Botshelo Centre: A centre aimed to prevent HIV infection and distribute information relating to HIV/Aids.        
  • Eastern Cape: Inn Safe Hands: A safe-house and foster home that cares for vulnerable children brought to us from abused, abandoned or molestation backgrounds.

Spur Foundation runs this campaign on an annual basis, due to their commitment to the welfare of children in South Africa. The Toy Drive, supported by CourierIT, Longstreet Media and Nampak, collected 77 boxes filled with toys in the 2013 period.

“According to a 2014 National Adoption Coalition Report, there are 18.5 million children in South Africa. Orphans are estimated at about 5.2 million children. Over 13 000 live in residential care facilities and an estimated 10 000 live on the streets of South Africa. And that excludes the children that are with their families, but in such dire circumstances where they cannot afford basic necessities, never mind toys,” says Ronel van Dijk, Chairperson of the Spur Foundation.

The Spur Foundation was founded on Mandela Day in 2012, with an initial R670 000 donation from the Spur Group. Spur’s value of generosity and focus on family will be carried through to the Foundation’s various initiatives throughout the year, which are committed to Nourish, Nurture, Now!


NAME: Ronel van Dijk, Chairperson of the Spur Foundation and Chief Financial Officer of Spur Corporation Limited    
TEL: 021-5555100
E-MAIL: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
WEBSITE: http://www.spurfoundation.co.za
TWITTER: @SpurRestaurant #SpurToyDrive #PanasToyDrive #JDsToyDrive
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/SpurSteakRanches

Improve your writing skills with Marion Scher

Published: 17 February 2009
{pp}This course is for anyone who has ever wanted to earn their living through writing or wants to simply improve their skills. This course will give you the tools to write newspaper and magazine articles, press releases and edit copy.

Join the Plain Language Movement

Published: 15 October 2008
{pp}As early as 1945 people started to realise that in order to write effectively and get their message across they needed to write in language that everyone could understand.

Perk up your Presentation

Published: 11 September 2008
{pp}You get all dressed up for a great night out with your workmates and arrive at the event to welcome cocktails – the evening’s looking good, even though it’s a company anniversary bash or something similar. They’ve hired good music and the party’s getting better by the minute. Even the food at this huge hotel is surprisingly good.

Help with writing and editing company documents with Marion Scher

Published: 02 September 2008
{pp}So much work goes into producing documents, which is why they’re so long, but so little work goes into editing them.