Break into the lucrative world of freelance writing with award winning Journalist and Media Trainer, Marion Scher. Dates: 4 Wednesdays from 08h30 to 15h30 4, 11, 18 & 25 March 2009 Venue: 1A Haven Rd, Greenside The idea of this course is for the participants to produce at least two articles, possibly a profile, travel,health, humour piece and even an issue story. COST: R6000 00 The course will cover:
Researching and finding storiesFinding anglesInterviewing skillsUsing creative writingFeature story formulasEditing your own and other’s copyMOST IMPORTANT – Finding the markets and SELLING your work
We will cover another lucrative market – press release writing. Marion Scher is an award winning journalist, lecturer, media trainer and consultant with 21 years experience in the industry and for information on more of her courses, particularly on professional writing skills go to
Contact information:Marion ScherMedia 467 6046