CBD Oil in South Africa - Are the Labels Lying?

Published: 25 August 2021

No matter what you buy, as a consumer, it’s important to get exactly what you’re looking for. This is especially true for CBD products. Although there are many CBD oil tinctures available, it’s difficult to know whether the labels are telling the truth or not. So it’s time that we looked a little deeper. 

We took a sample of 10 of the most prominent CBD brands available in South Africa and sent them all for testing. Our goal at Cannabis Oil South Africa was to find products that not only contained CBD, but that provided accurate dosage information. And the results were quite surprising!

Results can be seen in the image attached.

CBD Oil Dosages

CBD products come in a variety of dosages, represented in milligrams (mg) on the label. Depending on what you need, it’s important that you choose the right product so that you can take the right amount of CBD. 

The most common products available today range from 100mg up to 1,000mg of CBD. But did you know that some of these products had between 50% - 200% more than the label specified? 

According to a representative from Qure testing lab, “Generally, in the pharmaceutical industry a 10% tolerance around label claim is accepted.” which means only 1 out of the 10 local CBD brands that we tested were within this range. 

One of these products (brand 8) is a CBD skin cream that is advertised at containing 156mg of CBD. However, upon testing the product it came back with NO CBD oil at all. We find this very alarming and a disappointing lie to consumers.

What’s even more surprising is that the rest were adding way more CBD than they said - with one brand (brand 3) over 1.5x the stipulated amount.

Not only is it difficult to take accurate doses, but you might be exceeding the government’s recommended dosage of 20mg per day. And even worse, the products may no longer fall under the Schedule 0 drug classification and could be illegal. 

The latest SAHRPA CBD documentation stipulates that these products must “contain a maximum daily dose of 20 mg CBD with an accepted low risk claim or health claim”.

Is it Dangerous to Consume These Products?

The products themselves are not the problem, but rather the dosage that you consume. If the products do not contain accurate CBD amounts, you will not know exactly how much to take each time. You might find the CBD isn’t working as expected or that each batch is different to the next. 

When it comes to CBD products, accuracy is key.

Finding the Right CBD Oil for Sale | What Can I Do?

If you want to take the necessary steps to avoid inferior quality products that are not providing accurate information, you need to look out for a COA (certificate of analysis). 

Every product that you purchase should have a batch number which you can match with an up-to-date CBD test result (COA). By law, the products must provide this information, so it should be there.

If you can’t find a COA for the product or if you are unsure whether the COA is linked to your current batch, it’s important that you contact the supplier directly to find out more. If they cannot (or refuse) to provide you with the test results, it is a clear indication that their products cannot be trusted. 

All of the best CBD oil providers in South Africa have this information on hand and it is usually listed on the product’s page or on the shop’s website.

Get What You Paid For

This release isn’t meant to be a name-and-shame, which is why we left out the actual companies involved. It’s intended to be a warning for any consumer looking to purchase CBD in South Africa. 

Even though getting more than your money’s worth might seem appetising, accurate information and transparency are the cornerstones of a reliable (and trustworthy) CBD product. 

There are plenty of these high-quality CBD oils available. Will you continue to let the deceptive companies pull the wool over your eyes or are you ready to find out the truth? Remember - if there isn’t a test result, something isn’t right.

For your staff: “Where the mind goes, the body will follow”

Published: 13 June 2021

Author: Kelsey Rod, Healthcare Ambassador, Dynamic Body Technology

If your people really are your greatest asset, why is burnout becoming so prevalent halfway through the year?  This is one of the challenges that leadership teams and HR executives are grappling with as the economy starts to open up again.

There is growing evidence that the COVID-19 pandemic is taking an enormous toll on the mental wellbeing of workforces across the globe. Depression, lack of motivation and a combination of mental and physical exhaustion are taking hold and negatively impacting productivity in businesses. Staff are too scared to take time off to re-charge or get professional help and this exacerbates these stress points.

If this sounds like something you are seeing within your own workforce, then perhaps it is worth looking at a quote from body-builder and movie star Arnold Schwarzenegger who once said:

“Where the mind goes, the body will follow”

While this sounds great in principle, the trick is going to be reinvigorating a team or teams that have forgotten how to put themselves and their well-being first.

Here are a couple of thoughts that might be worth considering implementing in your business:

Insist on actual breaks for all team members:

Tools like Teams and Zoom have made our workforces far better at holding meetings (not to be confused with being productive).

It has almost become the norm to try and fill up every hour of your diary with back-to-back meetings. These creates a culture where it is perceived that if you are not meeting, you are not being productive.

Microsoft actually released research showing just how bad this is for the brain and how transitions from meetings can actually become high stress points for individuals who have to re-align and re-focus their thinking.

Integrating play into your working week

Traditional teambuilding activities have been challenging due to various COVID-19 restrictions, but this doesn’t mean you have to take the fun out of your workplace.

Whether it is an informal internal cooking or fitness challenge, setting up an action soccer team or something more structured like a Lego Serious Play or a MINECRAFT facilitated session.

There are so many creative options to introduce play into your team.These activities let your staff detach from work for a bit, improve problem-solving skills and reignite the competitive juices required for a competitive organization.

Mind and Body have to be part of your organizational culture

The idea of forming a mind-body connection is not a new one in the world of fitness. The benefits of strengthening the link between your mind and body when exercising, have proven to be substantial and an investment in this area of your staff wellness program could pay substantial dividends in the long run.

If we walk into the gym one afternoon with a lazy or negative mindset, telling ourselves how unappealing the upcoming workout seems or how we would rather be at home, chances are our workout potential will be limited. On the other hand, arriving at the gym with a mindset of eagerness and determination, our physical capabilities during that workout are automatically maximized.  

Our minds cannot reach full cognitive functioning if our bodies are not being fuelled correctly with food, exercise, play, water and sleep. We cannot expect ourselves to interact with colleagues, friends, and work projects efficiently if our bodies are hungry or tired.

Similarly if your teams are overworked or undernourished, their performances will lag.Empathetic leaders recognize the toll that the last 18 months have taken on their people and are making conscious decisions to invest in the mental and physical wellbeing of their people to ensure they remain competitive in the market.

Kelsey Rod is the Healthcare Ambassador for Dynamic Body Technology, a South African wellness business focused on building the workforce of the future. For more information, please visit www.dynamicbodytechnology.com


TherapyNow Online Counselling in South Africa (COVID-19)

Published: 08 June 2021

TherapyNow brings accessible, affordable, discreet therapy to anyone located anywhere - online. Traditionally, individual therapy is expensive, requires time and is not accessible to everyone.

TherapyNow online counselling provides a variety of professional mental health services via any internet connection. We make it easy to get help when you need it most -  so that anyone who struggles with life’s challenges can receive assistance anytime, anywhere and at an affordable rate.

TherapyNow's skilled and experienced Therapists have an integrated approach, using a variety of tools, services and evidence-based therapies that are designed specifically to support your personal growth journey as an individual.

At TherapyNow, we are passionate and compassionate professionals who care about your well-being. We're driven by the mission of helping more people to live a better life every day - even after just one session from us.

What is the difference between in-person and online therapy?

In terms of therapeutic benefit - none at all.

Online therapy has the benefit of being more affordable, flexible with scheduling, and accessible to those who live far away. Therapists are able to use chat services or video apps and conferencing websites extremely effectively with anyone located anywhere. Online therapy is more discreet and completely confidential.

A study done by Radcliffe found that both methods were equally effective at treating anxiety disorders and there were no significant differences when it came to depression symptoms or posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

The most important aspect of either type of treatment will be how many sessions you attend and how much you invest in the process. This may be because research revealed that as an indicator of whether patients felt satisfied with their therapeutic experience afterwards.

What does Counselling help with?

Counselling is a process that helps clients safely address various feelings and issues, ranging from their low self-worth, anxiety and depression to relationships, trauma and substance misuse recovery.

When you're ready to make an appointment with a therapist, there are many ways to connect. Online therapy is done through video calling apps like Google Meet, Skype, Zoom or Whatsapp. Therapists and clients can adjust how appointments are planned and conducted based on their needs, meaning there’s no need to put up with problematic commuting or time out from work or other life obligations.

COVID19 and Remote Online Therapy

The coronavirus (COVID‐19) pandemic has confronted us with an unprecedented global challenge of psychological distress, alongside reduced access to therapeutic services such as the traditional face-to-face format (due to restrictions and self-isolation). This previously unimaginable set of circumstances provides an opportunity for online therapy to fulfil its potential in assisting with mental health needs to anyone located anywhere.

The early studies on the psychological impact of this virus, such as increased stress levels, fear anxiety, strong emotions like posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), substance use disorders and domestic violence; also have been shown to affect social support from friends or relatives. There is reduced support when people need it most - when they are feeling worried, lonely and afraid and they're not able to see loved ones in person.

TherapyNow online therapy is able to provide support for addictions for these deep issues with the help of skilled and experienced professionals. Therapists are trained to make you feel safe and comfortable from the first session and you will have a confidential space to express yourself, gain a new perspective and find a way forward.

Reach out today: https://www.therapynow.co.za/

Thrive Fitness Open Day

Published: 21 March 2019

Thrive Fitness opened its doors this month in Hout Bay. Purely local, run by Hout Bay residents for Hout Bay residents.  

It’s a new concept gym that consists of 4 zones, with 4 stations each working out 4 areas of the body to synchronised music and lighting. All without any monthly contracts or sign up fees, simply book per class online. https://www.thrivefitnesssa.co.za 

This Saturday is their open day - not only free to all but if you attend you get an extra 3 free sessions. Plus giveaways, smoothies and music by DJ Moran. So spend 45 min on yourself this weekend and head on down to 31 Victoria Avenue, Hout Bay.

About Thrive Fitness
Our goal isn’t focused on how much weight you lose or how much muscle you gain. Our goal – no! - our dream - is to help you advance and thrive, by creating a supportive and inclusive space where you meet and nurture your best self.
Our Approach - it's all about fun - Ready? OK… let’s go! Our experienced trainers lead 45-minute group classes where they create a full-body workout like no other, targeting four main areas with each workout - upper and lower body, cardio and core. Each class is capped at 16 people, so the trainer can check your form to ensure optimal results and prevent injuries. Want more personal attention? We offer one-on-one training too! Let us know if you’re keen.
Thrive is a judgment-free zone. Our down-to-earth community is made up of all shapes, sizes and fitness levels where each member works towards their own goal at a level they’re comfy with.

Yoga Teacher Training & Immersion - Summer 2019

Published: 05 July 2018

Life Retreat Studio brings you our 2019 annual ISHTA Yoga Immersion / Teacher Training in a way that is suited to anyone who wants to learn more about yoga…

… as well as for those who wish to qualify as an internationally certified yoga teacher.


Modules 1 and 2 are open to anyone wishing to deepen their understanding of yoga. All three modules are required if you were to register for the 200hr Yoga Teacher Training Certificate. Your course facilitator is Sevak Hari Singh (Ryan G. Edmonds), with several excellent guest trainers and speakers along the way.


A stand-alone module for those who either want to train and certify as a yoga teacher or for those who wish to deeply immerse themselves in yoga philosophy.

For ISHTA YTT Certification (to become a yoga teacher) you need to have done this module. Or it can be done as a stand-alone module for those with a desire to learn more about yoga, and its ancient wisdom.

Module 1 Will Include:

 Summer 2019                                   

  • 8 Feb:       Introduction & Welcome + Opening Ritual (Friday evening) 
  • 9-10 Feb: Weekend 1: Yoga Philosophy – history, origins, ancient texts, the 8 limbs 
  • 16 - 17 Feb: Weekend 2: Meditation & the Mind – Pranayama 101 
  • 23 -24 Feb: Weekend 3: Ayurveda & Yogic Lifestyle                                                       

Venue: Life Retreat Studio, Lourensford Estate

R6 000 (for those applying to do full certification, modules 1-3)
Price: R8 000 (for a stand-alone module)


A stand-alone module for those who either want to train and certify as a yoga teacher or for those who wish to deeply immerse in yoga philosophy.

For ISHTA YTT Certification (to become a yoga teacher) you need to have done this module – or it can be done as a stand-alone module, for those with a desire to learn more about yoga, and its ancient wisdom.

Module 2 Will Include:

Summer 2019                                    

  • 8 March: Introduction & Welcome + Opening Ritual (Ritual) 
  • 9 - 10 March Weekend 1: Energetic Anatomy: chakras, mantras, sound, colour
  • 16 - 17 MarchvWeekend 2: Anatomy, Asana & Alignment   
  • 23 - 24 March Weekend 3: Physiology & Asana (physical & energetic)                                

Venue: Life Retreat Studio, Lourensford Estate

R6 000 (for those applying to do full certification, modules 1-3)
Price: R8 000 (for the stand-alone module)


This is only open to those wanting to certify as an Internationally Registered Yoga Teacher at the 200hr level. It is the ‘crowning-jewel’ of the accumulated training.

On this 7 day intensive retreat, you will immerse yourself in yoga, which teaches conscious living… on all levels. Surroundings will be natural to best support this process. Experience an ashram lifestyle (from pre-sunrise spiritual practice, to end of day closing ritual) so as better to understand & progress along the yogic path.

This period includes theory, practice, and development of your unique teaching toolkit (in preparation for certifying practical assessments & theory exam).

Module 3 Will Include:

Teaching style, creating & holding space, hands-on adjustments, building confidence in yourself & your students, class structure & sequencing, ethics, setting yourself up as a professional Yoga Teacher.

Summer 2019                                    

  • 5 – 12 April: Retreat                             
  • 21 April: Optional ‘check-in’ session                                    
    [Time needed to take off from work will be 5 working days, and a weekend]

Venue: Away – to be confirmed upon registration

Price: R12 000


The entire YTTC is valued at R24,000 (including the away retreat).
If you book & pay by 31 December 2018 (for Summer Course) or 30 April 2019 (for Winter Course), you will receive a 10% (R2,400) discount!!

To qualify, email us immediately & we will invoice you appropriately.


Queries? This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


What if I just want to learn a bit more about yoga, but don’t want to necessarily qualify as a teacher?

This course has been designed in such a way that even those who simply want to immerse themselves in the ancient wisdoms and philosophies of yoga can do so without the pressure of exams and assessments.  If you just want to understand yoga on a deeper level, modules 1 &/or 2 are perfect for you.


I am new to yoga – is this a problem?

Not at all.  Anyone can do Modules 1 & 2, and beginners will get a lot from the training. However, to qualify as an ISHTA Yoga Teacher, you need to be fully committed to the training, and even after you have completed you exams and practicals, you may only certify once you (and your facilitators) are confident in your fluent understanding of the terminology, physical, philosophical and other integral aspects.

Do I need to do ALL the Summer or Winter Module together?

Not at all. Students could do (for example) Module 1 in Summer, and Modules 2 and/or 3 in Winter – you receive credits for all modules done, but they do need to be done in order (over any period of time).

What is ISHTA Yoga?

ISHTA is a school of yoga that was formed in South Africa several decades ago by Kavi Yogiraj Mani Finger.  The system is a lineaged school of yoga, drawing from direct teachers of ancient sources. ISHTA yoga hold a proud direct line of teaches going back thousands of years. The name is special on many levels, but it also stands for Integral Hatha, Tantra & Ayurveda (or Integral Hatha & the Tantric Arts).


Who would I be certified with as an ISHTA Yoga teacher?

Your certificate is signed by ISHTA Teacher-Trainer, Ryan Edmonds (Sevak Hari Singh), endorsed by YTF Chairlady, Marina Contardo, and you are registered through the International Yoga Fellowship (IYF).


How many hours?

This is a 200HR yoga teacher certification module – that is 200 contact hours (in-class time), and 50 signed-off classes.

There will be a later option to do an additional 300HRS Advanced Teachers Certification


50 signed-off classes?  Where do I do these?

Anyone doing the first two modules, or the full TTC, will qualify for complimentary studio access at LIFE RETREAT STUDIO for the duration of their module/s.  Classes may be done during this time. If students wish to do classes at other studios, that is their prerogative.


What if I miss a lecture/weekend?

The 200hours are critical for the completion of the course. Should you wish to certify, these hours must be made up in private sessions with the lecturer/s – at a nominal fee.

Does one need to belong to any particular spiritual/religious path to become a yoga teacher?

Not at all. Yoga means Union.  No matter what your personal beliefs, yoga will enrich these… and open your mind and heart to exploring other paths – even if only for the duration of the course. 

Will students be required to do homework?

Students are encouraged to implement the tools and teachings into daily life. Certain creative assignments, readings, and journalistic reflections will be called for. This will be especially relevant for those pursuing the full TTC.


What benefits will this course have?

That depends on your intentions… whatever you need, this course can be a catalyst to deliver that.  Spiritual growth. Healing. Learning. Self-awareness & personal confidence. A new career.  Going deeper into a positive relationship with your body. Learning the ancient wisdom, and breathing fresh new life into a lineage of thousands of years.


Please feel free to contact us on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Yoga Teacher Training Winter 2019

Published: 05 July 2018

Yoga Teacher Training & Immersion - Winter 2019

Life Retreat Studio brings you our 2019 annual ISHTA Yoga Immersion / Teacher Training in a way that is suited to anyone who wants to learn more about yoga…

… as well as for those who wish to qualify as an internationally certified yoga teacher.


Modules 1 and 2 are open to anyone wishing to deepen their understanding of yoga. All three modules are required if you were to register for the 200hr Yoga Teacher Training Certificate. Your course facilitator is Sevak Hari Singh (Ryan G. Edmonds), with several excellent guest trainers and speakers along the way.


A stand-alone module for those who either want to train and certify as a yoga teacher or for those who wish to deeply immerse themselves in yoga philosophy.

For ISHTA YTT Certification (to become a yoga teacher) you need to have done this module. Or it can be done as a stand-alone module for those with a desire to learn more about yoga, and its ancient wisdom.

Module 1 Will Include:

 Winter 2019                                   

  • 7 June: Introduction & Welcome + Opening Ritual (Friday evening) 
  • 8 – 9 June: Weekend 1: Yoga Philosophy – history, origins, ancient texts, the 8 limbs 
  • 15 – 16 June: Weekend 2: Meditation & the Mind – Pranayama 101 
  • 22 – 23 June: Weekend 3: Ayurveda & Yogic Lifestyle                                                       

Venue: Life Retreat Studio, Lourensford Estate

R6 000 (for those applying to do full certification, modules 1-3)
Price: R8 000 (for a stand-alone module)


A stand-alone module for those who either want to train and certify as a yoga teacher or for those who wish to deeply immerse in yoga philosophy.

For ISHTA YTT Certification (to become a yoga teacher) you need to have done this module – or it can be done as a stand-alone module, for those with a desire to learn more about yoga, and its ancient wisdom.

Module 2 Will Include:

Winter 2019                                    

  • 5 July: Introduction & Welcome + Opening Ritual (Ritual) 
  • 6 – 7 July Weekend 1: Energetic Anatomy: chakras, mantras, sound, colour
  • 13 – 14 July Weekend 2: Anatomy, Asana & Alignment   
  • 20 – 21 July Weekend 3: Physiology & Asana (physical & energetic)                                

Venue: Life Retreat Studio, Lourensford Estate

R6 000 (for those applying to do full certification, modules 1-3)
Price: R8 000 (for the stand-alone module)


This is only open to those wanting to certify as an Internationally Registered Yoga Teacher at the 200hr level. It is the ‘crowning-jewel’ of the accumulated training.

On this 7 day intensive retreat, you will immerse yourself in yoga, which teaches conscious living… on all levels. Surroundings will be natural to best support this process. Experience an ashram lifestyle (from pre-sunrise spiritual practice, to end of day closing ritual) so as better to understand & progress along the yogic path.

This period includes theory, practice, and development of your unique teaching toolkit (in preparation for certifying practical assessments & theory exam).

Module 3 Will Include:

Teaching style, creating & holding space, hands-on adjustments, building confidence in yourself & your students, class structure & sequencing, ethics, setting yourself up as a professional Yoga Teacher.

Winter 2019                                    

  • 9 – 16 August: Retreat                             
  • 25 August: Optional ‘check-in’ session                                    
    [Time needed to take off from work will be 5 working days, and a weekend]

Venue: Away – to be confirmed upon registration

Price: R12 000


The entire YTTC is valued at R24,000 (including the away retreat).
If you book & pay by 31 December 2018 (for Summer Course) or 30 April 2019 (for Winter Course), you will receive a 10% (R2,400) discount!!

To qualify, email us immediately & we will invoice you appropriately.


Queries? This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


What if I just want to learn a bit more about yoga, but don’t want to necessarily qualify as a teacher?

This course has been designed in such a way that even those who simply want to immerse themselves in the ancient wisdoms and philosophies of yoga can do so without the pressure of exams and assessments.  If you just want to understand yoga on a deeper level, modules 1 &/or 2 are perfect for you. 

I am new to yoga – is this a problem?

Not at all.  Anyone can do Modules 1 & 2, and beginners will get a lot from the training. However, to qualify as an ISHTA Yoga Teacher, you need to be fully committed to the training, and even after you have completed you exams and practical’s, you may only certify once you (and your facilitators) are confident in your fluent understanding of the terminology, physical, philosophical and other integral aspects.  There is no rush. A YTTC is a journey, and many students take another 6 months after the course before they choose to certify.  

Do I need to do ALL the Summer or Winter Module together?

Not at all. You could do (for example) Module 1 in Summer, and Modules 2 and/or 3 in Winter – you receive credits for all modules done, but they do need to be done in order (over any period of time). 

What is ISHTA Yoga?

ISHTA is a school of yoga that was formed in South Africa several decades ago by Kavi Yogiraj Mani Finger.  The system is a lineaged school of yoga, drawing from direct teachers of ancient sources. ISHTA yoga hold a proud direct line of teaches going back thousands of years. The name is special on many levels, but it also stands for Integral Hatha, Tantra & Ayurveda (or Integral Hatha & the Tantric Arts). 

Who would I be certified with as an ISHTA Yoga teacher?

Your certificate is signed by ISHTA Teacher-Trainer, Ryan Edmonds (Sevak Hari Singh), endorsed by YTF Chairlady, Marina Contardo, and you are registered through the International Yoga Fellowship (IYF).

How many hours?

This is a 200HR yoga teacher certification module – that is 200 contact hours (in-class time), and 50 signed-off classes.

There will be a later option to do an additional 300HRS Advanced Teachers Certification 

50 signed-off classes?  Where do I do these?

Anyone doing the first two modules, or the full TTC, will qualify for complimentary studio access at LIFE RETREAT STUDIO for the duration of their module/s.  Classes may be done during this time. If students wish to do classes at other studios, that is their prerogative. 

What if I miss a lecture/weekend?

The 200hours are critical for the completion of the course. Should you wish to certify, these hours must be made up in private sessions with the lecturer/s – at a nominal fee. 

Does one need to belong to any particular spiritual/religious path to become a yoga teacher?

Not at all. Yoga means Union.  No matter what your personal beliefs, yoga will enrich these… and open your mind and heart to exploring other paths – even if only for the duration of the course. It is required to enter such a training with an open mind, and childlike spirit of adventure, while understanding that this is a deeply impactful journey, and much introspection is required.  

Am I required to do homework?

You are encouraged to implement the tools and teachings into daily life. Certain creative assignments, readings, and journalistic reflections will be called for. For those pursuing the full TTC, these are mandatory. 

How will this course benefit me?

That depends on your intentions… whatever you need, this course can be a catalyst to deliver that.  Spiritual growth. Healing. Learning. Self-awareness & personal confidence. A new career.  Going deeper into a positive relationship with your body. Learning the ancient wisdom, and breathing fresh new life into a lineage of thousands of years. 

Please feel free to contact us on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Ayurveda Night Time Tips for Good Sleep

Published: 05 July 2018

Winter is a great time of the year to get ourselves back into nurturing habits for bedtime. 

Join Trish & Ryan as we delve into ancient ayurvedic practices for deep, healing sleep time routines for the entire family!

AYURVEDA is the age-old "Science of Life":

♥ Detox from technology♥ Soothing bedtime teas

♥ Bathtime practices for warming the body and cleansing the skin naturally

♥ Great ideas for essential oil blends

♥ Bring the sacredness back into the home, family, and heart

Date: 29 July 2018

Time: 10:30 - 13:00

Cost: R 450 (Receive a gift & PDF notes)

BOOK TICKETS NOW: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Buddha Bowl Demo feat. Marlien Wright

Published: 04 July 2018

Join Life Retreat Studio & Silver Forest Boutique Lodge and Day Spa for an evening at "Bowl It" restaurant - and make your own gourmet Buddha Bowl for dinner while listening to an awesome talk by expert nutrition guru, and author of THE YOGA KITCHEN, Marlien Wright.

Come & warm yourself by the fire, enjoy nourishing Buddha Bowl deliciousness, and soak in the inspired wisdom of an awesome speaker - what a great way to enjoy a Winelands winter evening

♥22 SEATS AVAILABLE: book now by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

DATE: 26 July 2018

TIME: 19:00

VENUE: Silver Forest Boutique Lodge & Spa, Somerset West

PRICE: R220 pp

Books will be on sale, and signed by the author

The Healing Hub @ Lourensford Estate

Published: 04 July 2018

Our Healing Hub is the first of its kind in Africa (situated on a premier Cape wine estate), and fulfills the vision of our passion for wellness and living a balance lifestyle that is fun, fresh, and engages your senses on every level!

We have yoga (in our beautiful studio or outdoors, surrounded by the Helderberg mountains), hikes, clay pigeon shooting, spa treatments, wine & chocolate pairing, coffee tasting at the Roastery, beer tasting, weekly family food markets, a Lifestyle Shop, and more. We are eager to share all these treasures and more with you in our Winelands Wellness Experiences - and can even arrange accommodation for our long-distance friends.

What new point of view would you want guests to gain after going on your experience?We want to share our love for holistic living, calm environments, getting back into nature (our gardens are amazing!), and our motto for balanced lifestyle.We see life as something to be experienced through all the senses... we want you to enjoy healthy body movement, mindful meditation, adventurous outdoor activities, and decadent food, wine and beer experiences. 

What you gain here, you take home with you, and we share our secrets to how we love to live a life of health, balance, fun and positive energyCredibilityHow did you discover this passion, how long have you been interested in it, and how do you continue to learn more? Our team (consisting of yoga teachers, healers, medical doctors, masseurs, and more) are authorities in the field of Wellness-based Experiences. 

We continually train to improve, and update the quality of, our Lifestyle Days & Wellness Packages - no matter the size of the group, or whether they are families, corporates, etc.AccessWhat special access can you give guests to make your experience stand out?

You will be given access to off-limits areas of South Africa's premier Wine Estate, and all the activities that entails - from hikes, clay pigeon shooting, or tours of the gardens, to a view of one of the world's most high-tech wine cellars.

Our Studio and Spa offer a sacred haven of tranquility, with some of the world’s top teachers, therapists, and guides facilitating your day.

The Experience:

How would you turn that passion into an actual experience?Imagine arriving at our wine estate, at the foot of two merging mountain ranges, having (maybe) spent the night in our sister hotel next door.You partake in a yoga class (beginner friendly, indoors or out), with a light relaxation at the end.

After that you are treated to one of several African coffee blends, and a healthy snack at our Roastery, and then hop on the Jeep to fire some shots at our clay pigeon adventure range.If shooting is not for you, how about booking in for a 60min deep massage at our Spiral Aloe Medi Spa - or choose from a variety of decadent treatments.

Then, while touring you through our art gallery, we take you to the classic cars museum for an enlightening journey into the realm of our own Abru craft brewery before lunch.Lunch at the Millhouse with views of the Helderberg and Hottentots Holland is the perfect time to take pics of you and your group, catch up on the adventures of the day, refresh and fill the tummy with gourmet goodness.

Finally, walk on over to the Lourensford Wine Cellar for a wine & chocolate tasting experience to entice the senses.

If you are joining us on a Friday or Sunday, be sure to cruise your way through the Twilight Market, and stock up on fresh berries, low-carb treats, and every other food while listening to live music.

Anything else we should know about you?
We are passionate about bringing authentic African healing and lifestyle experiences to everyone - while making it fun, engaging and memorable.

BOOK YOUR GROUP WELLNESS DAY  with us today! Families, gifts, couples, corporates, weddings

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Massive Outdoor Zumbathon event set to take place in the Mother City this March

Published: 06 February 2018

An annual Zumbathon event, which aims to showcase a gigantic outdoor Zumba class in Cape Town while some of the proceeds benefit a worthy cause, is set to take place in March this year.

The Zumbathon For A Cause sport and recreation event will see participants engage in a two-hour Zumba session on Saturday 3 March, at Good Hope Seminary School in Vredehoek.Zumbathon For A Cause attracts Zumba enthusiasts from all ages and walks of life to participate in what is considered as the biggest Zumba class in South Africa.Some of the proceeds of this year's event will benefit Hope Cape Town – the Cape Town-based organisation that dedicates its efforts to fight against inform about and help victims of HIV and Aids).

According to Zumbathon For A Cause organiser, Didier Moestus, this year's event is looking to create more awareness around World Aids Day and people affected by or living with the disease in The Western Cape.“Our team conducted research regarding who the best organisation was involved with informing, helping and preventing HIV and Aids education and we were touched by Hope Cape Town and the work that they do. We actually met with some of the children who come from families devastated by this disease and it was an eye opener for us. Hope Cape Town's dedication to save lives is authentic and touching but also, they are doing it with a smile on their face,” he says.

Tickets for this year's event are priced at R100 each for online purchases while tickets purchased on the day will cost R130 each. Children under 15 accompanied with an adult, or with an ID, will enter for R50 each.Group tickets (10 tickets minimum), are available at R75 per person.

The theme colour of this year's Zumbathon For A Cause event is purple and pink, and all Zumba lovers, fitness fans, moms, and personalities who want just an excuse to smile and dance in the morning, are encouraged to join in on the fun on the day.

Says Moestus: “Participants can look forward to two outdoor classes of Zumba, as well as a great opportunity to meet new faces and network in the process. We have a number of great prizes on offer too, so all around the family-centered event will be a fun day out for the entire family.”Moestus adds that Zumbathon for A Cause is targeted at people who relate to wellness and health, as well as everyone who wants to make a contribution to fight for Aids awareness.

Renowned SA Zumba instructor, Lucas Mthenjane, will spear-head the event as the main Zumba instructor on the outdoor stage.“Lucas is like a Zumba guru on this continent, and he has travelled the world to learn new aspects of that discipline throughout the years of his practise and is the only one who gives license to Zumba instructors in South Africa. We are very proud to have him involved with us. He is the engine of this event and we are really impressed with his passion, enthusiasm and creativity for this discipline,” says Moestus.

For more details about Zumbathon For A Cause, you can email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or visit:www.zumbathonforacause.co.zaFor more details about Hope Cape Town, visit: https://www.hopecapetown.com

Do also check out Zumbathon For A Cause on social media:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Zumbathon-For-A-Cause-2035606090059935/

Instagram: @zumbathonforacause

Twitter: @ZumbaForACause

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Please forward requests for further information, hi-res photographs or interview opportunities to:

Clayton Morar (Publicist)
Mobile: + 27 74 194 1766
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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