First Cybatar Application Released and Published

Published: 09 October 2014

If you haven't heard about it let me tell you more. Cybatar is a new social networking and collaboration application that allows users to send SMS messages to mobile phones for free. The network also allows users to share document files besides media files which is uncommon with all available social networks.

The company responsible for this product has developed their first application, being made available on stores and only available on Android devices for now. The development team on Red Diamond World is confident that it has developed an awesome product which will go viral a soon as the public becomes aware of it.

Cybatar comes as a more innovative service, on a different market with common social networking websites Facebook and Twitter and is not looking to substitute them but co-exist with them as the are very important especially for companies and professionals to increase their online presence which is a contribution Cybatar will make to users. This shows that Red Diamond World is in this for the long-run like big internet companies Facebook, Amazon and Google.Users can find the application on various Android application stores from today.

The application will reach more stores as time goes by and more application for Apple and Windows devices will be developed. Cybatar is currently available on HTML5 for all devices with internet access on and users are able to access all features.

South African debtors hounded by SMS

Published: 06 June 2008
{pp}South African debtors have nowhere left to hide from SMSs reminding them of their overdue accounts.

Until recently, only big business had access to SMS functionality for reminding their clients of overdue accounts and monthly payments. One year ago, DebtHound began offering an affordable scheduled SMS service to SMMEs for the purpose of debt collection, and as of now has added bulk SMS to their list of services.