Energy and water sectors excited by solar PV, technology innovation and distributed generation but view corruption as biggest challenge

Published: 29 March 2018

African Utility Week industry survey yields interesting results

Solar PV is overwhelmingly seen as the most promising generation source for Africa while corruption, skills gaps and access to finance are some of the biggest challenges that power and water professionals face in their industries. This is according to a survey by the organisers of African Utility Week among attendees of the annual event in Cape Town last year. Other questions in the survey included what respondents think will have the biggest impact on the energy and water sectors, what future technology excites them and what the biggest challenges are that they face in their industry.

Of the 834 people surveyed, 696 are South African (71%), 199 are from 24 other African countries (63 Kenyan, 85 Nigerian) and 40 from the rest of the world, including Europe, USA, China, India and Canada.

Most promising generation source
Asked what the most promising source of generation is for Africa, Solar PV scored more than 54% amongst the respondents while nuclear was second with 11%. “The reason could be that rooftop PV, when measured against the other technologies, is easy to execute as a project and photovoltaic modules are becoming very affordable,” says Nicolette Pombo-van Zyl, editor of the energy trade journal, ESI Africa.

She adds: “it is also the most obvious technology to use in mini- and off-grid projects as well as for use in hybrid models. However, what is interesting but not surprising is that 11% of respondents feel that nuclear energy is the most promising generation source. Nuclear has its merits. What is disappointing is how few are in favour of biomass as a promising source of generation capacity, considering that this technology offers a distributed model and a measure of reducing the mounds of waste that Africa’s cities are confronted with. Another concern is the lack of interest in wind energy – only 8% of respondents felt this technology a worthy source; however, it does rank slightly higher than hydro where the continent’s impressive potential capacity is recorded. Wind energy is likely to make tentative steps towards market growth now that South African, Kenyan and Moroccan wind farms are making good headwinds.”

Nuclear scored the lowest amongst power and water professionals when asked what they think will have the biggest positive impact on the energy and water sectors in Africa within the next 5-10 years:  (Respondents were allowed to select more than one of the 12 options provided.)

  1. Technology innovation 59%
  2. Government commitment and transparency 55%
  3. Uptake of renewables 47%
  4. Expansion of mini grids 28%
  5. Distributed generation 25%
  6. Cross border partnerships 24%
  7. Investment in capacity building 21%
  8. Local investment 21%
  9. Direct foreign investment 20%
  10. Roll out of ICT systems 9%
  11. Nuclear 7%

“Even though nuclear made a spectacular appearance in the previous question, here it ranks lowest, with technology innovation taking the prime spot” says ESI Africa’s editor, adding that “Tech R&D in all spheres of energy, power and water are already advancing with enthusiasm. And sometimes the simplest of solutions can be developed for the specific needs of a local community making the most impact. This is made possible by various organisations that are investing in entrepreneurship programmes and providing support to local innovators.”

She continues: “the other key area that respondents are hopeful will make a positive impact is around government’s commitment and transparency. Now that there has been an increase in public and industry association monitoring groups, such as OUTA and SAWEA, along with the ongoing Eskom Inquiry and South Africa’s leadership changes – this area is set on the right path to make a noteworthy impact.” 

Future technology 

Asked which future technologies most excite the respondents, the results were as follows:

  1. Smart Grids 54%
  2. Energy storage 49%
  3. Energy trading 49%
  4. Connected/smart cities 37%
  5. Electric vehicles 36%
  6. Energy trading 14%
  7. Blockchain 14%

“These results show an interesting grouping around smart grids, energy storage and energy efficiency, which are intrinsically connected,” says Nicolette Pombo-van Zyl. “It’s disappointing that energy trading and blockchain are perceived as too futuristic to be the technology that respondents are most excited about. The African continent was able to leapfrog landline telephony straight to mobile; countries can do this again by becoming the leaders in energy trading and the use of crypto currency to fund projects and transact in the utility, energy and water space.” 

That the market has a healthy appetite for the futuristic technology was confirmed in a separate question whether the market is ready for the digital utility with a focus on smart meters, grids, Internet of Things and ICT – the overwhelming reply was a yes from 84% of the respondents.

Biggest challenge = corruption
At 49%, corruption was indicated as the biggest challenge that power and water professionals face in their industries but issues such as skills gap, access to finance, regulation and policy clarity, red tape and  economic slowdown were also perceived as important hindrances, scoring from 36% to 28%. 

Says the ESI Africa editor: “corruption is still perceived as a major obstacle and this goes along with respondents’ strong call for government commitment and transparency. It will take concerted leadership from all levels of government to rid the continent of this deeply entrenched challenge. The skills gap is also pinned as a high concern, putting development at risk – the loss of engineers, technicians and managers who are now retired or close to retirement age is a real factor; perhaps reviving apprenticeships along with attractive offers would make inroads to solving this risk.” 

The future lies in…
When asked the question: “The future lies in:” and given four choices only, namely distributed generation, mini grids, utility scale grids and storage, distributed generation was a clear winner at 40% with storage second at 27%, then mini grids with 22% and utility scale grids scoring the lowest with 11%. 

According to Pombo-van Zyl, distributed energy resources (DER) are top of mind as an imminent risk to the traditional utility and municipality business model – and not just in Africa. She explains: “it is being discussed at all levels of the utility business from its executive boards to internal auditors as it poses a threat to traditional revenue streams. However, the good news is that utilities have acknowledged a future that includes distributed generation – the challenge is in how to manage the technicalities around accommodating this on the national grid and its impact on revenue.” 

She adds: “it must have been a tough choice for survey respondents to choose between distributed energy, mini grids, utility-scale grids and storage. This is evident in the close percentages, with the obvious outlier being utility-scale grids; probably due to grid connected generation having made little inroads on increasing electrification rates across the continent.”  

Skills deficit in power and water sectors
Skills in finance, engineering/technical, people management and leadership all scored high (29%-33%) in a question on what power and water professionals perceived to present the biggest skills deficit in their companies. The ESI Africa editor’s take on these results: “it is a concern that there is a joint winner from this question: finance and engineering/technical skills. Without these two significantly important skills being resident within the utility market it is no wonder that companies’ cash flow is untenable and technical losses along the value chain are present due to maintenance challenges. A potential solution lies in leadership and people management, which also scored very high in this question.”  

Award-winning energy platform
The 18th annual, multi-award winning African Utility Week will gather over 7000 decision makers from more than 80 countries to discuss the challenges, solutions and successes in the power, energy and water sectors on the continent. Along with multiple side events and numerous networking functions the event also boasts a seven track conference with over 300 expert speakers.

The African Utility Week expo offers an extensive technical workshop programme that is CPD accredited, free to attend, and offers hands-on presentations that take place in defined spaces on the exhibition floor. They discuss practical, day-to-day technical topics, best practices and product solutions that businesses, large power users and utilities can implement in their daily operations.

Industry support
African Utility Week has already secured important industry support including Eskom Rotek Industries, Hexing and Landis+Gyr as platinum sponsors and Aberdare, Africa Utility Solutions, SAP and Sensus as gold sponsors.

Dates for African Utility Week:
Conference and expo: 15-17 May 2018
Awards gala dinner:  16 May 2018
Site visits: 18 May 2018
Location: CTICC, Cape Town, South Africa

Website:  &
Twitter:    #AUW2018  
Linkedin: African Utility Week

Senior communications manager:  Annemarie Roodbol
Telephone:  +27 21 700 3558
Mobile:  +27 82 562 7844
Email:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  

Maureva signs commercial agreement with Hi-Fly Marketing.

Published: 20 March 2018

Maureva a leading software and service solutions provider for the airline industry, has chosen Hi-Fly Marketing, the growing South African company specialising in technical services in the African aviation industry, as its commercial representative for its ALEXIS – Flight Scheduling & Crew Management solution for the Subsaharian African Region. Maureva's ALEXIS Flight Scheduling & Crew Management enables airlines to address the challenges of flight and crew scheduling as well as daily operations management while improving user efficiency and optimizing both aircraft and crew utilization through high level automation. This generates a substantial revenue improvement for airlines. ALEXIS Flight Scheduling & Crew Management has already been adopted by Air Austral, Air Vanuatu and most recently Air Zimbabwe. 

Operating in Africa since 2008, Hi-Fly Marketing is a South African based aviation services and consulting firm, with a vast knowledge on airlines operational software solutions. I have known and followed Hi-Fly Marketing development for many years and have witnessed their expertise and knowledge of the African market.

Hi-Fly Marketing was a natural choice when we started looking for a reliable partner to support our development for our new ALEXIS Solution in the region. We are pleased to start this collaboration with their expert team  – Romain Angella, Head of Business Development – Maureva. Both companies share a commitment to innovation and a combined vision for the future of the airline industry. This partnership aims to bring greater value to African airlines by delivering enhanced capabilities and operational efficiencies through a flexible and cost-efficient Flight Scheduling & Crew Management solution.  Maureva has proven that they are committed and able to be the partner we're looking for. Maureva’s expertise in developing airline software solution along with our aviation knowledge ensures that our offerings are always up to date with the latest regulations in the airline industry.We are looking forward to a successful and fruitful collaboration.  - Alexandra Guillot- CEO at Hi-Fly Marketing  

About Hi-FLY Marketing:

Operating in Africa since 2008, Hi-Fly Marketing is a South African based aviation services firm, with a particular focus on technology systems and engineering expertise for improving operational efficiency and safety.Hi-Fly Marketing provides consultancy and services to the aviation industry, specializing in helping clients in their business development through a range of strong representations of global leaders.Our services offering has been put together with our valuable partners. We all share the same professional views and ethic in business. We encourage collective effort in the industry and believe that is the only way to move the entire industry forward to the highest level of safety standards and best practises.

Our specific objectives:

  • Strengthen the capital base of African carriers through strategic partnership
  • Optimise the fleet choice, maintenance and usage• Build up IT structures adapted to local requirements and to global standard
  • Increase efficiency, organisation and make airlines competitive 

More information on:  

About Maureva

Maureva is a leading software and service solutions provider for the airline industry. With more than 20 years’ experience, we are specialized in the field of airline revenue accounting and business intelligence.By keeping a strong focus on the uniqueness of each of our client airline, we ensure that our solutions provide the right level of adaptation to integrate specific business requirements while always adhering to industry standards, in order to deliver efficiency levels above standards.As an IATA strategic partner in both Airline Revenue Accounting and ONE Order program, we are proud to serve this industry and more than forty prestigious Airline companies stretching all over the five continents, and to enable them to strengthen their competitive advantage, to lower their costs and to gain easy access to comprehensive insight analytics. 

More info:

Top African Business Names Sign-Up for First Artificial Intelligence Expo in Cape Town

Published: 09 March 2018

As support gathers for Africa’s first Artificial Intelligence Expo, top names in the AI field have signed up for the event that will allow C-Suite Executives from across all industries to understand, embrace and implement AI in their businesses.

AI ExpoAfrica will take place on 9 – 11 September 2018 at the Century City Conference Centre in Cape Town, South Africa. It is focused on real-world applications and trends driving the Artificial Intelligence economy in Africa and seeking to build an AI Business-focused community across the continent.

AI ExpoAfrica 2018 is aimed at the C-Suite and Enterprise decision-makers who are grappling to understand how AI applications can add value or impact their business today. With emerging technology breakthroughs in AI now going mainstream, understanding the business opportunity from both a supplier and client perspective has never been more paramount.

In attendance at the event will be 400 delegates, 27 speakers with 5 keynote addresses, as well as more than 28 AI exhibitors. There will also be Innovation Café housing more than 20 AI startups.

Companies and organisations at the forefront of research, investment and implementation in Artificial Intelligence across Africa such as SAP Africa, TransUnion Africa, Data Prophet, LARC AI, Siatik, MIIA (Machine Intelligence Institute of Africa), Clevva, Knife Capital, Startupbootcamp Africa, Cortex Logic, Sw7, Silicon Cape, Mint and Amani Business to name a few have already signed up or endorsed the event:

Lee Naik, CEO TransUnion Africa & Digital Transformation Expert stated: “Technology will always be one of the biggest disruptors in our industries. As a business leader myself, I have seen first-hand how the power of disruption can either cause chaos for a business or provide it with an opportunity to innovate and differentiate itself in new and exciting ways. This is why platforms like AI ExpoAfrica are so valuable: it brings CxOs, investors and innovators together to engage in real-world discussions around technologies disrupting enterprises, markets and clients. Together with my fellow speakers I look forward to sharing my perspective and some insights around what these disruptors mean for our industries.”

Frans Cronjé, MD of DataProphet said: “We are really excited to be part of AI ExpoAfrica - to showcase some of the great results of AI we have implemented in the manufacturing environment and share our experiences in seeing AI integrated into business processes, both in the local and international market. AI often goes unmentioned in Industry 4.0 conversations - but is a critical component in giving a factory its own ability to learn from its mistakes.

Keith Jones, Sw7 Co-Founder, who will be leading the Plenary and case study track as moderator at AI ExpoAfrica said: "As we see the effect of connected markets, digitisation, mobility, IoT, interoperability and big data drive access to, and increase the quality of, data business will increasingly be driven by machine-assisted decisions. The ability to leverage the available data assets to make informed decisions quickly will be what drives strategic advantage in the future. This will affect all market sectors, not just the digitised markets. AI ExpoAfrica is creating a platform to connect businesses with the community that is driving this exciting sector. The goal is to educate delegates about what is possible and connect them with people in the sector. The real-world aspect of this event will have great appeal to any business leader seeking to explore and acquire both innovative and proven AI-based solutions.”

Dr Jacques Ludik, Founder & President of MIIA & Cortex Logic CEO, will be serving as Track Moderator at the event and stated, “It’s great to see AI ExpoAfrica focusing on the real-world applications of AI. Their novel approach to include large enterprise platform and service vendors, alongside AI startup innovators coupled to a CxO audience containing decision-makers and investors makes for a perfect mix. It’s a great opportunity to see how AI is now impacting many aspects of Commerce and Enterprise in Africa, and delegates will gain great value from attending.”

The event will showcase AI Cloud platform providers, Tier 1 and 2 deployment and service providers, AI startups, investors, educators, government and AI ecosystem community builders. The event will give those attending a real feel for what’s available now or in the near future.

With six themes and three tracks, the event is focused on real Enterprise AI case studies and the application of AI in Business, AI deployment challenges, ethics and skills plus the business innovation driving current deployment trends across all industry sectors.If you would like to join the event as a delegate or if you’d like to be an exhibitor, join the Innovation Café or apply for a speaking opportunity, please visit our website:  


Notes for Editors:

For more information on this press release or AI ExpoAfrica 2018, please contact:

Mika Stanvliet | 081 534 6237 | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Thembu Royals magazine reaches access to 35million + Readers Worldwide

Published: 06 March 2018

It is with great pleasure to announce that Thembu Royals Magazine is now also sold at international platforms. Thembu Royals Magazine is a South African Premier Business Magazine.Our international distributor has exposed our magazine to more than 35 ( thirty five) million readers all over the world. We are grateful for this achievement. This will help us to advertise all the products that are under our umbrella to reach millions of consumers world wide.

This will also further assist us to incorporate more players as we have already issued out adverts for different vacancies that have arisen as a result of this expansion. This also helps us to reach more potential investors who will take part in the Industrialization Program that we are pursuing currently in the Eastern Cape Province.
We have highlighted below the simplest methods that one can use to acquire this Premier Business Magazine.

How to acquire the magazine;

If you want to buy from the distributor, there are two methods.

Method 1;
Simply click this icon:

This icon takes you directly into the magazine.
Once you are there, at the bottom of the Cover Page there is "PREVIEW". Click "PREVIEW" to read about 6 free pages. This will help you to decide that what you want to buy is genuine.

Then see the price lists on the right hand side, then decide which option you want to choose.
That is it.

Method 2;

Click on this icon;

Then click on MAGAZINES ICON ( next to ARTICLES ICON)

When MAGAZINES opens up see where it says "What would you like to read today".Then type "THEMBU ROYALS MAGAZINE". The magazine will come out.

Once the Cover Page comes out, see at the bottom it says "PREVIEW". Click "PREVIEW" to read about 6 free pages. This will help you to decide that what you are buying is genuine.
Then visit the price list on the right hand side, and choose the options that you like.

That is it.

Method 3;
With this method you buy directly from us, the Publishers.

Click this icon;

Once you are on the site
Click on "Become a Member". Then register by simply filling the required information. The site will guide you once you do this.


Best Regards
Thembi Qondy Tembe[Ms]

Director: Stakeholder Relations


Energy sector: why things are looking up

Published: 28 February 2018

The energy sector is a clear winner emerging from the South African cabinet shuffle earlier this week says the editor of the energy trade publication ESI Africa, Nicolette Pombo-van Zyl. She explains: “President Cyril Ramaphosa’s attempt to sweep his inherited cabinet clean on Monday night resulted in a watered down compromise to satisfy both party and state interests. However, a clear winner emerging is the energy sector, which can look forward to two ‘new’ faces: Minister of Public Enterprises Pravin Gordhan, known for his deft ability at service delivery and turnaround of state departments, and long-standing cabinet member Minister of Energy Jeff Radebe, renowned for his firm leadership. These placements have shown Ramaphosa’s commitment to ensuring reform at state-owned enterprises and specifically Eskom.”

She continues: “assuredly, with these two gentlemen, along with Minister Nhlanhla Nene’s return to Cabinet as the minister of finance, we will see a finalisation of the nuclear build programme (either putting it to bed or giving it a nod) and a formal consultation on the long-overdue integrated resource plan. Another priority area that needs immediate attention is the independent power producers’ outstanding power purchase agreements.”

“The damage done to South Africa’s energy market is extensive; however, there is tangible hope in the air. With the likes of Gordhan, Radebe and Nene in the fold, this is a brilliant move by Ramaphosa – who had already shown his mettle at the WEF when commenting on South Africa’s nuclear position – and I’m optimistic that we will see progress at last.”

Radebe “to address the mess”

Independent energy expert Ted Blom agrees: “it is probably not by accident that President Ramaphosa has appointed one of the most senior ANC members to the portfolio of energy. This sector has been troubled by one scandal after the other, which included the missing billions at Eskom, Mosgas, and the Strategic Oil Fund. Add to this the near miss on the Russian nuclear order disaster.”

He adds: “depending on the chosen benchmark and whose numbers you trust, the missing billions amount to anything between R50bn and nearly R1.5 trillion, and the ANC can offer nobody with more gravitas than Jeff Radebe to address this mess, and hopefully claw back a fair proportion of the misappropriated funds. Not only has Radebe accumulated the most experience of all ANC stalwarts, he has also spent the most time in the presidency and probably overheard a lot of the wayward planning, making it easier for him to unravel the bird's nest of twisted facts.”

The energy industry will discuss these and other crucial, developing challenges in the sector in more depth at the upcoming African Utility Week conference and exhibition.

Award-winning energy platform
Ted Blom is a featured speaker at the 18th annual African Utility Week in Cape Town in May while ESI Africa is the premium media partner for the event, which will gather over 7000 decision makers from more than 80 countries to discuss the challenges, solutions and successes in the power, energy and water sectors on the continent. Along with multiple side events and numerous networking functions the event also boasts a seven track conference with over 300 expert speakers. The conference programme will address the latest challenges, developments and opportunities in the power and water sectors: ranging from generation, T&D, metering, technology and water.

The African Utility Week expo offers an extensive technical workshop programme that are CPD accredited, free to attend, hands-on presentations that take place in defined spaces on the exhibition floor. They discuss practical, day-to-day technical topics, best practices and product solutions that businesses, large power users and utilities can implement in their daily operations.

African Utility Week is the flagship energy event organised by the multi-award winning Spintelligent, leading Cape Town-based trade exhibition and conference organiser, and part of Clarion Events Ltd, based in the UK. Other well-known energy events by Spintelligent are Future Energy Nigeria and Future Energy East Africa. More events include African Real Estate & Infrastructure Summit, Agritech Expo Zambia, Property Buyer Show, DRC Mining Week, Eduweek, Farm-Tech Expo Kenya, Nigeria Mining Week and the Mining Baraza in Kenya.

Dates for African Utility Week:
Conference and expo: 15-17 May 2018
Awards gala dinner:  16 May 2018
Site visits: 18 May 2018
Location: CTICC, Cape Town, South Africa

Website: &
Twitter:    #AUW2018  
Linkedin: African Utility Week

Senior communications manager:  Annemarie Roodbol
Telephone:  +27 21 700 3558
Mobile:  +27 82 562 7844
Email:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Thembu Royals Magazine “10 Days In Public Space & The Way Forward”

Published: 23 February 2018

Thembu Royals Magazine [TRM] is a South African Premier Business Magazine that was launched on air on the 12/02/2018 ( 10 days ago). The magazine is the product of Thembuland Royal Empire-The Nation of AbaThembu. The Royal Family of AbaThembu Nation conceived and is actively involved in all the activities at issue herein. The corporate entity of Thembuland Royal Empire is Thembuland Royal Treasury Holdings Ltd, which is a Specialist Business Consulting Firm. This corporate entity is also currently pursuing massive Industrialization Program in the province of the Eastern Cape. Full details appear more fully on our website:

Thembu Royals Magazine has been created specifically to improve business awareness, and a solid spirit of entrepreneurship among our constituencies who are found scattered in all 9 South African Provinces estimated to be around 32 ( thirty two) million people or so.

The Essence;
At the moment Thembu Royals Magazine is only on a digital platform. It is anticipated that the print version will be released during the month of March 2018 to be distributed in all 9 South African Provinces making use of regular distribution channels that are used by other popular magazine brands that are currently on offer.

There has been a shockingly positive response that we have received from the public in the past first 10[ten] days, for which we are deeply grateful, humbled and honored. At the moment more than 15,000( fifteen thousand) people on Social Media Platforms are currently talking about our magazine. This number has been greatly improved with the diligent assistance of various Media Monitoring Houses that took it upon themselves to welcome , support and publicized our cause massively. We remain deeply indebted to these giants of the media fraternity. The support on the ground from traditional leaders, business forums, academics, religious groups, NGO, and from across all sectors, from Cape to Cairo, from Brazil to Australia, has been swelling on an hourly basis. At this stage it is impossible to estimate with accuracy how many people have pledged their support.

The reason for the support: TRM’s approach is to educate, inform, inspire and to give opportunities to the public. These are the 4 corners of our publication. Furthermore , ours is not only a magazine. It is an institution whose benefits appear herein below.

Benefits to the public
a)Entrepreneurs who decide to subscribe to the TRM will receive additional business related benefits that are stipulated on our website, under Gold Membership. Kindly visit our site.

b)Non-Entrepreneurs: This refers to people like students, unemployed people, and the like also have benefits that accrue to them on becoming Silver Members. One such benefit is Free Career Advice, and Career Networks that is aimed at alleviating unemployment in South Africa especially among the youth. We have also partnered with various recruitment agencies to help us fight against unemployment.

c)Affiliate Marketing Scheme: In March 2018 we are starting an Affiliate Marketing Scheme mainly targeting unemployed graduates, and other young adults. These Affiliate Marketers will get an opportunity to earn a living for themselves. We will be setting up Business Centers for this purpose in all 9 South African Provinces to absorb these young adults into a workforce.

d) Various other job opportunities; Various other job opportunities have arisen. The details will be communicated to the public as set out below.

Communication to the public;
#Option 01:
In March 2018 we are embarking on a Road Show visiting various places in South Africa to clarify this unique concept, more especially the benefits to the public. If one has a constituency that desires to get a personal presentation they are cordially invited to drop us an email to;This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Our Professional Consultants will attend to them, very soon. OR call at-0812892046.

#Option 02;
On our website various dates where we will be visiting different constituencies will be advertised from the 01/03/2018. Kindly check our site very often to see when are we coming to your city.

#Option 03;( International )
This has been designed mainly for people outside South Africa. Even if you are inside South Africa you will also benefit from it in any event. These are Webinars. We will be holding several Webinars from March 2018 to communicate with the local and international community. Dates will also be advertised on our site. Anyone who desires to be part of these Webinars is cordially invited to simply drop us an email to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. –any day from the 23/02/2018. We will put your names on the waiting list and update you accordingly once specific dates have been finalized.

Best Regards
Thembi Qondy Tembe[Ms]
Director: Stakeholder Relations
Office of the Emperor [0822195195]; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.;
Eastern Cape Free State Gauteng KwaZulu-Natal Limpopo Mpumalanga Northern Cape NorthWest Western Cape

Thembuland Royal Empire

(dedicated diligent developmental services to the nation)
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Address : Stegman Rd

Banking; Insurance; Energy-Oil & Gas; Mining; Business Consulting]
All Inquiries to : 0812892046

Energy expert Ted Blom on explosive energy week in South Africa: “Cape Town needs to cut a deal with Eskom for more affordable desalination”

Published: 26 January 2018

Independent energy expert Ted Blom, speaker and advisory board member at African Utility Week in Cape Town in May shares his views on several developments this week in the energy sector including the appointment of the new Eskom board, appearance of two Eskom executives before the Parliamentary enquiry, Brian Molefe’s court judgement, Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa’s announcement about nuclear power and the Cape Town water crisis. The interview was done by ESI Africa editor Nicolette Pombo-Van Zyl:

Click here for the full interview with Ted Blom.  

Award-winning energy platform The 18th annual African Utility Week will gather over 7000 decision makers from more than 80 countries to discuss the challenges, solutions and successes in the power, energy and water sectors on the continent. Along with multiple side events and numerous networking functions the event also boasts a seven track conference with over 300 expert speakers. The conference programme will address the latest challenges, developments and opportunities in the power and water sectors: ranging from generation, T&D, metering, technology and water.

The African Utility Week expo offers an extensive technical workshop programme that are CPD accredited, free to attend, hands-on presentations that take place in defined spaces on the exhibition floor. They discuss practical, day-to-day technical topics, best practices and product solutions that businesses, large power users and utilities can implement in their daily operations.

Industry support
Already the event has secured support from leading industry players including Landis+Gyr, Hexing South Africa as platinum sponsors while water expert company Sensus is a gold sponsor. African Utility Week is the flagship energy event organised by the multi-award winning Spintelligent, leading Cape Town-based trade exhibition and conference organiser, and part of Clarion Events Ltd, based in the UK. Other well-known energy events by Spintelligent are Future Energy Nigeria and Future Energy East Africa.

In 2017, African Utility Week was named the joint winner for the AAXO Award for Best Trade Exhibition 6001-12000 sqm category (with the World Travel Market). Co-located to African Utility Week is another AAXO award winner for best confex, the African Real Estate & Infrastructure Summit, an international platform that brings together the full spectrum of the African real estate and infrastructure sectors.

Dates for African Utility Week:
Conference and expo: 15-17 May 2018
Awards gala dinner:  16 May 2018
Site visits: 18 May 2018
Location: CTICC, Cape Town, South Africa

Website: &   
Twitter:   #AUW2018 
Linkedin: African Utility Week

Senior communications manager:  Annemarie Roodbol
Telephone:  +27 21 700 3558
Mobile:  +27 82 562 7844
Email:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

SA's favourite Ventriloquist returns with New Show at Baxter Theatre in The Mother City this Year

Published: 26 January 2018

Conrad Koch: Puppet Guy @ Baxter Golden Arrow Studio, 3 – 14 April 2018 - IN ASSOCIATION WITH COMEDY CENTRAL

It's official! Top South African ventriloquist and award-winning performer Conrad Koch is back to showcase his latest show offering at The Baxter Theatre in Cape Town, this April.

Proudly associated with Comedy Central, the double International Emmy-nominated comedian, is set to return to The Mother City for a two-week run of his brand new show, Puppet Guy, along with his famous puppet comrade, Chester Missing.

The much-anticipated, Puppet Guy, is billed as Koch’s most fun show to date, with a roller coaster ride of outrageous puppet characters and off-the-wall comedy ventriloquism. It's seen as a change of pace from Koch’s previously highly political work on stage – focusing on hilarious characters, funny observations and world-class entertainment.“This show is loads of fun for everyone, not just those who read the news,” says Koch.

It’s comedy mayhem as Chester Missing and Koch playfully battle each other: Chester demands equal rights for puppets and to not be put in suitcases. Two feather dusters and a slipper become Hilton, the dancing ostrich; sunglasses and a hoodie become a DJ who actually DJs, DJ Hoodie.

If that's not all, a brand new character has been introduced into the show. You’ll meet Africa’s most dangerous animal: a vegetarian mosquito. From the get go, fans will get a glimpse as to how Koch just wants to get through the show in one piece. Yes, we know he’s arguing with himself. It’s like Parliament.Puppet Guy has already been accepted into the Regina and Winnipeg Arts Festivals in Canada in July this year, and is on the waiting list for a number of other international festivals too.

So what makes the show unique? “The show is highly interactive. I use a cell phone, Snapchat and a projector to turn people in the crowd into digital puppets, hilariously teaching everyone how ventriloquism works, and, using ventriloquism masks, I find a member of the audience who actually thinks they’re a lion, voices and hunting skills included,” shares Koc

Puppet Guy kicks off at the Baxter Theatre from 3 – 14 April 2018. Tickets for this much-anticipated show can be purchased via Webtickets at either, and are priced at R120 each, discounted tickets are priced at R100 each.

You may also book tickets directly from the Baxter Theatre via 0861 915 800 or Johannesburg fans are in for a treat too! Puppet Guy will run from 25 April - 27 May at the The Studio Theatre at Montecasino. Tickets for the Johannesburg leg of the SA tour can be purchased via Computicket at either or via Checkers and Shoprite retail stores, countrywide, and are priced at R165 each.Follow Conrad on Twitter: (@conradkoch). For up-to-date info, visit: Facebook page (MrChesterMissing) as well as Chester’s twitter too: @chestermissing


Conrad Koch is one of South Africa’s most in demand comedy talents. He combines hilarious comedy with world-class puppetry, and has done so for over fifteen years to local and international acclaim.Conrad was the winner of the 2010 Entertainer of the Year award, and of a 2012 Standard Bank Ovation Award from the National Arts Festival. He was a nominee for 2014 SA Comic of the Year, and won The Times Comic’s Pen Award for 2014, and is a double International Emmy-nominated comedian.

He has worked all over the world, been featured on local and international television and is a frequent guest at some of South Africa’s biggest comedy events – Mass Hysteria, Blacks Only, the Smirnoff Comedy Festival, the Vodacom Comedy Festival, Metro FM Comedy Experience, etc.His most famous character, Mr. Chester Missing, was a regular on eNCA’s Late Nite News with Loyiso Gola; and his hit one-man shows have received standing ovations around South Africa. In 2015 Comedy Central Africa took him to Just For Laughs in Montreal, the world’s biggest comedy festival, where he recorded shows for both Comedy Central and Canada’s Comedy Network.

In 2017 Chester Missing attended the ANC’s elective conference at Nasrec with eNCA as an actual journalist, The Saturday Star describing him there as “justifiably the star of the show”.Conrad's outspoken political analyst puppet, Mr. Chester Missing, is fast becoming a household name. His television interviews with South Africa’s political elite have received wide acclaim. The use of a puppet to get political players to let down their guards is completely unique. In fact Chester Missing has been asked by the likes of City Press, Natal Witness, Reuters, the BBC, the Mail and Guardian, etc, to comment on political affairs.In 2014 Chester was the first puppet in history to be taken to court, and win. Chester Missing was one of New African magazine’s most Influential Africans of 2014, and You Magazine’s Most Influential People of 2014. Conrad and Chester were the first recipients of the Ahmed Kathrada Foundation’s Certificate of Appreciation for their stance against racism.Conrad has audiences in stitches by talking to himself through a variety of extremely eccentric characters. Self-ridicule has never been this fun.

Meet Mr. Chester Missing, satirical political analyst, Hilary, an ostrich made from two feather dusters and a slipper, and DJ Hoodie, a puppet made from a hoodie who actually DJs. The show is highly interactive – audience members hilariously become the puppets.

The Rhinos are Coming!!! Rhinos Paint The Town Red at V&A Waterfront and Cape Town International Airport!

Published: 19 January 2018

Eight gorgeous life-sized Rhino sculptures are wowing the crowds at the V&A Waterfront and Cape Town International Airport this January through to February 2018.

The Rhinos Are Coming!!! have announced that their Sponsors’ Rhinos are getting fantastic exposure in the many places they have been since they embarked on their Great Rhino Roadshow in April 2017. The main event is the three-month long world-class outdoor art exhibition which will be coming to Cape Town from mid-December 2018 to mid-March 2019. It will feature 60 or more life-sized painted Rhino sculptures which will be exhibited on street corners, parks and public spaces all around the city centre and surrounds. The exhibition will raise funds and spread awareness for the plight of South Africa’s endangered rhinos.Talented artists from our local communities transformed the first nine pioneer life-sized blank Rhino sculptures into valuable works of art.

Eighteen Sponsors have already signed up. The City of Cape Town supports this initiative by enabling Art Rhinos to be exhibited at many of the most-visited iconic tourism sites in Cape Town. The first nine painted Rhinos are already creating huge exposure for their Sponsors with the Sponsor’s brand name and mission statement emblazoned on a plaque attached to the heavyweight base on which the Rhinos are anchored.  These famous, as well as up and coming artists volunteered to paint the pioneer Rhinos: Beezy Baily, Lionel Smit, Nardstar*, Jade Waller, Nasser Zadeh, Peter Gray, Andrew Hart Adler, Clair Homewood and the children of the Lalela Project.

These Rhino ambassadors have already been doing the rounds at well-visited events such as the 2017 Gartner Symposium held at the CTICC, where they were hosted by MTN Business SA. The Rhinos started on their travels with their spectacular presence at the Cape Town Stadium for five days by the invitation of the Organisers of the We Are Africa conference in August 2017. Then they moved to Spier for three days. The ‘Penguin Rhino’ is gracing the entrance to The Two Oceans Aquarium. The other four can be seen at the Flag Pole and the Watershed areas located inside of the V&A Waterfront.

The Radisson Hotel Group have been using their Rhino since December 2017 to be on display at the entrances to their various hotels during the run-up to the Exhibition in December 2018, enhancing their social media and PR presence.These first nine Rhinos were sponsored by The One & Only Hotel, Belmond Mount Nelson Hotel, The Radisson Hotel Group, African Secrets, Timeless Africa Safaris, The Alphen Boutique Hotel, Welgevonden Game Reserve, Motswari Game Reserve and Pamela Isdell, in her private capacity. Janice Ashby, Founder of The Rhinos Are Coming!!!!, is appealing to organisations and individuals to get involved by sponsoring a Rhino. There are great marketing benefits for sponsors.

The Rhinos are Coming!!! Exhibition will promote Cape Town as a top tourist destination and an international centre for the arts. It will offer local artists the opportunity to showcase their work to an audience of hundreds of thousands while inviting the general public to join the war on poaching and to save our rhinos. In the first quarter of 2018, eight of these uniquely painted sculptures will make their appearances at The Cape Town Carnival on Saturday 17 March and at the World Travel Market Conference at the CTICC from 18 – 20 April. 

If you want find out more about this great initiative and how it works, you can do so by following on social media, reading more on the website or making contact via email. Details below.

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  • Email to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Energy expert and African Utility Week speaker Ted Blom: “Distributed generation will slice electricity costs by up to 90%”

Published: 12 January 2018

African Utility Week returns to Cape Town in May

Energy expert Ted Blom believes distributed generation will slice electricity costs by up to 90% for the average household.

Blom is a speaker and advisory board member of the 18th African Utility Week that is taking place from 15-17 May in Cape Town, South Africa.

In the run-up to the event, he says in an interview that “South Africa and the world is at the precipice of revolutionary developments in energy generation and distribution, and the next 5 -10 years will render such dramatic changes that today's energy supply chain will not be recognisable, especially with the advent of distributed generation, which in many instances will kill off centralised ‘bulk’ generation and distribution. I believe this move will slice electricity costs by up to 90% for the average household, and be a boom industry for participants in the energy revolution, with concomitant radical improvements in standards of living.”

Parliamentary investigation into Eskom
Last year, the independent energy expert also testified before the South African Parliament’s inquiry into Eskom’s governance: “the Parliamentary Energy subcommittee investigation is a refreshing attempt to decipher what has gone wrong at Eskom since it was ‘commercialised’ in 2001. However, any results will only highlight that prosecution and clean-ups are long overdue, as the committee is powerless to take punitive action against wrongdoers.”

Blom also conducted forensic reviews on the Medupi, Ingula and Kusile power station contracts, “but that work is far from complete and dramatically short of resources. Another milestone is the completion of the legal preparatory work to have the first Tegeta coal supply agreement terminated, but again the action has been suspended for unknown reasons. The other two Tegeta coal supply agreements should also be terminated, but it seems South Africans do not have the political staying power to exercise their rights, with the result that Tegeta has managed to get Eskom to further increase coal supply prices, beyond the already outrageous prices- which eventually feed into new higher electricity prices. So while we appear to be winning on the ‘small stage’, we are falling further behind on the ‘Big Stage’".

“Nuclear deal will be pushed through”
With regards to the pending decision on the nuclear deal, Ted Blom says: “I am convinced that the nuclear deal will be pushed through the moment South African citizens take their ‘eye off the ball’. Zuma's government has already confirmed that it is beholden to the Russian deal, and their delivery of those contracts to Russia is allegedly behind. So expect renewed vigour from Eskom and the Department of Energy to bulldoze these through.”

The full interview with Ted Blom can be read here: African Utility Week endeavours to provide a platform for dialogue in the industry and the views and opinions of event speakers and advisory board members do not necessarily reflect the views or position of the organisers.

Award-winning energy platform
The 18th annual African Utility Week will gather over 7000 decision makers from more than 80 countries to discuss the challenges, solutions and successes in the power, energy and water sectors on the continent. Along with multiple side events and numerous networking functions the event also boasts a seven track conference with over 300 expert speakers. The conference programme will address the latest challenges, developments and opportunities in the power and water sectors: ranging from generation, T&D, metering, technology and water.

The African Utility Week expo offers an extensive technical workshop programme that are CPD accredited, free to attend, hands-on presentations that take place in defined spaces on the exhibition floor. They discuss practical, day-to-day technical topics, best practices and product solutions that businesses, large power users and utilities can implement in their daily operations.

Industry support
Already the event has secured support from leading industry players including Landis+Gyr, Hexing South Africa as platinum sponsors while water expert company Sensus is a gold sponsor.

African Utility Week is the flagship energy event organised by the multi-award winning Spintelligent, leading Cape Town-based trade exhibition and conference organiser, and part of Clarion Events Ltd, based in the UK. Other well-known energy events by Spintelligent are Future Energy Nigeria and Future Energy East Africa. 

In 2017, African Utility Week was named the joint winner for the AAXO Award for Best Trade Exhibition 6001-12000 sqm category (with the World Travel Market). Co-located to African Utility Week is another AAXO award winner for best confex, the African Real Estate & Infrastructure Summit, an international platform that brings together the full spectrum of the African real estate and infrastructure sectors.

Dates for African Utility Week:
Conference and expo: 15-17 May 2018
Awards gala dinner:  16 May 2018
Site visits: 18 May 2018
Location: CTICC, Cape Town, South Africa

Website: &    
Twitter:   #AUW2018  
Linkedin: African Utility Week

Contact: Senior communications manager:  Annemarie Roodbol
Telephone:  +27 21 700 3558
Mobile:  +27 82 562 7844
Email:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.