AfriSam opens door of opportunities to women in construction

Published: 15 October 2021

On the 14th of October 2021, AfriSam, South Africa’s leading cement and construction materials producer handed over a brand new 10-ton truck to Baheso Brickmaking, a black woman-managed multi-purpose cooperative that produces and sell SABS certified cement bricks .On the 14th of October 2021, AfriSam, South Africa’s leading cement and construction materials producer handed over a brand new 10-ton truck to Baheso Brickmaking, a black woman-managed multi-purpose cooperative that produces and sell SABS certified cement bricks.

Baheso was established in November 2011 by a group of 5 women from disadvantaged backgrounds who saw the need to create employment in the impoverished Galeshewe township. To take the SMME to greater heights, AfriSam supplied them with a brand-new truck to make deliveries quick, secure, and easy, cutting costs on hiring.

Several housing developments that have been initiated by the government and private players in the past few years have increased demand for bricks. Baheso proactively identified and bridged the gap by producing cost effective, quality bricks for these projects.

The business currently employs 10 permanent employees and looks geared for more growth with this donation. Baheso trained unemployed youth, equipping with brickmaking skills.

“We are excited and grateful for what AfriSam has done for us. This new truck will solve many of our problems, increase productivity and improve our overall delivery time. We used to hire transport, but we will now be able to provide customers with a reliable door-to-door delivery service”, says Amelia Seile, Managing Director, Baheso Brickmaking.

In the past, the company lost a few big clients as it did not have reliable transport to move its material. Among other challenges, women in business still face marginalisation and intimidation, especially in male-dominated industries.

“At AfriSam, we see value in developing SMMEs as potential customers and partners in community development and job creation. We hope that Baheso Brickmaking remains resilient and grow stronger in the market to employ more people,” says Johan Foure, General Manager, AfriSam Ulco operation.

“We are confident that we will be able to retain old clients, attract new ones and be involved in bigger projects and create more jobs”, Seile adds.

AfriSam Concrete Training makes big impact to SMMEs

Published: 17 September 2021

09 September 2021- South Africa’s leading cement and construction materials manufacturer, AfriSam, hosted 60 SMMEs from different communities surrounding its Jukskei and Eikenhof quarries for a 1-day training session under the tittle: ‘Correct use of cement in concrete, plaster and mortar applications’. The training program is important for SMMEs as correct use of cement in construction projects has the potential to improve profitability and deliver quality structures for the SMME construction company. The training was held at the AfriSam Business Development Centre in Roodepoort.

This training forms part of the company’s Enterprise and Supplier Development support program provided to SMMEs. The skills and services offered by the AfriSam Business Development Centre are meant to empower previously disadvantaged businesses by equipping the owners with knowledge and expertise to improve how they render products and services for various construction projects.

“With this training, we hope that small businesses can get better value out of the materials they purchase and deliver greater quality and be able to compete with big companies for bigger projects”, says Betty Masinge, Community Development Manager, AfriSam.

Originally from Limpopo, Percy Baloyi, director of Greengate Projects, a company that specializes in construction of concrete columns, slabs, installation of staircases and building of houses says he now understands the different cement types, strengths usage and mixing ratios. He plans to use the knowledge to manufacture quality bricks and slabs to pave the dusty roads in his hometown.

AfriSam’s Technical Trainer, Mr Leslie Mchunu facilitated the training which focused on the correct mix and use of cement, concrete, plaster, and mortar applications to achieve superior quality in construction projects.

Peter Molete, founder of Molete Projects and Services which specializes in building construction and civil works has been attending various AfriSam training programmes since2019. He has undergone several teachings and strongly believes in the company’s slogan “Creating Concrete Possibilities” because of how he has been empowered, enabling him and his business to gain worthy opportunities.

“When I started my business, I had limited skills, no funds, no mentor, all I had was a dream. I have gained invaluable knowledge and expertise through the AfriSam training programmes and my skill set now range from corporate branding, marketing and financial management to brick laying, paving, plastering and now the correct use of cement in concrete, plaster and mortar applications”, Peter states.

Thabisile Jabu Magoda founder of NTN Magoda General Trading believes that her new skillset will enable her company to build better, stronger lasting structures and has put her in a better position to compete and perform in a previously male dominated environment/industry.

At the end of the program SMMEs received certificates to prove that they have basic knowledge about cement, aggregates, and ready mix. Based on performance, a few will be selected to develop accredited learnings through the Concrete Cement Institute of South Africa, fully funded by AfriSam.

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For more information Contact:
Maxine Nel
Head of Corporate Communications

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011 670 5893

Entrepreneurial Intent: A Coordinated Response to Ecosystem Hurdles

Published: 23 June 2021

With South Africa facing record unemployment - the third highest globally - it is clear that entrepreneurship is the solution to this continuing disaster state. Join us for a two hour session where we identify the most important hurdles limiting entrepreneurial growth - and define the action steps needed to address these hurdles.

The format of the event is two panel discussions with question and answer sessions followed by a summary where agreed actions are laid out and the work can begin. The first panel, chaired by SA SME Association CEO Howard Johnson will focus on economic recovery and the Sector Recovery Plans of SA Associations. The second is chaired by GEASA founder Brennan Williams will deal with Strengthening the SME ecosystem by deepening relations between Government, Big Business and Small Business in support of the Economic Recovery plan.

Panelists include CEO of SACCI Alan Mukoki, Lesley Wentworth, MD of Tutwa Consulting who is representing the EDSE, Khulekani Mathe the Head of Financial Inclusion at BASA, Mxolisi D Matshamba, the CEO of SEDA, Henro Kruger MP and Vukile Nkabinde, Director of Master Plan Development in the Enterprise Development and Entrepreneurship Division of the DSBD.

Entrepreneurial intent is regarded as the best predictor of actual entrepreneurial behaviour. More needs to be done to create an environment where entrepreneurship can thrive. Practical solutions to address issues such as black-listing, pandemic recovery, technology transfer, access to markets and funding and red tape reduction are on the talking list. The aim is to promote collaboration between government and business of all sizes to create a conducive entrepreneurial ecosystem.

Join us and put forward your questions. Which hurdles should be prioritised & what practical steps can they be resolved? How can government and business collaborate better to address the hurdles preventing entrepreneurial growth? 

Get involved, find out more and register on this link: 

Media Enquiries:
Dylan James
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066 206 2109

General Enquiries:
Carl Lotter
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A Boost for Business

Published: 27 February 2018

Last week, (before he was replaced by Nhlanhla Nene), Ex-Finance Minister Malusi Gigaba gave the budget speech and announced some initiatives that seek to support Small, Medium and Micro Enterprises (SMMEs*) in SA.

In a sign of support for SMMEs, numerous measures have and will continue to be implemented. This includes a R2.1 billion allocation for SMMEs in the early start-up phase. An additional R1.4 billion from the CEO initiative will support high potential SMMEs, and public procurement regulations will be revised to improve dealings with government. A black business growth fund worth R100 billion will be made available to sponsor large deals - yet another exciting tool on the horizon for SMMEs. 

SMMEs are key for job creation and the development of an economy. In SA, they make-up 91% of formalised business in terms of company numbers and employ 60% of our labour force. In an OECD study, it was found that the bulk of jobs are created by companies with fewer than 250 employees - and the majority of those have less than 200 employees each. The chart below illustrates their findings across countries and shows that South Africa underutilises the SMMEs potential contribution. In terms of contribution to GDP, South Africa also falls short of other countries. This next chart illustrates how much SMMEs contribute to their respective countries' GDP. 

Well, there are many, but access to financing is usually high on this list of obstacles for SMMEs. Considering the risks, banks are less willing to provide loans to unproven businesses, and if they do lend, they typically charge high-interest rates. The rural location of many informal SMMEs further intensifies this problem. Lack of access to infrastructure, utilities, transport and land all pile on more challenges. Whilst the journey is being made easier, a lot of work lays ahead. Growth in South African SMME numbers has been slow - research shows that the number of SMMEs only grew from 2.1 million to 2.2 million between 2008 and 2015. This doesn't bode well for the National Development Plan, which hoped that  90% of new jobs would be created by this sector by 2020.

Well, there are many, but access to financing is usually high on this list of obstacles for SMMEs. Considering the risks, banks are less willing to provide loans to unproven businesses, and if they do lend, they typically charge high-interest rates. The rural location of many informal SMMEs further intensifies this problem. Lack of access to infrastructure, utilities, transport and land all pile on more challenges. Whilst the journey is being made easier, a lot of work lays ahead.

The initiatives identified by treasury indicate a clear emphasis on the importance of SMMEs to the growth of the SA economy. The focus on increasing the sources of funding available bodes well for one of the major challenges. It’s important for government to focus on additional policies that meet most of the issues facing small businesses. Perhaps an important aspect relates to being able to develop and improve entrepreneurial skills and knowledge. We are interested to see how this develops.


This article first appeared in Digest |@digestRSA | |

Digest is a free email newsletter delivered to our inbox weekday mornings explaining financial newsworthy topics and events.

New B2B Marketplace to Slash eCommerce Costs for SMME Sellers

Published: 11 July 2017

Ecommerce business marketplace, launched in Johannesburg today, 11 July 2017. The online service offers companies with products that businesses need on an ongoing basis, the ability to build its brand, promote its products and sell online to businesses nationally.   

“Businesses marketing and selling products such as office equipment, stationery, consumables, catering equipment, tools, hardware, cleaning products, supplies, computer hardware and software, security goods and more, now have access to a fully-hosted eCommerce Marketplace where they can set up and host an online shop. Sellers only pay a low 1.2% sales success fee. The site is set to change the face of online business in the country,” says Stephen Oehley,’s CEO.  

Launching to small and growing businesses, offers sellers and their customers a trade secure payment platform that mitigates online trading risks and non-delivery. Order payments are simply made to the PASA-approved TradeSafe escrow trust account. The customer takes delivery, inspects the merchandise, accepts it online, and payment is immediately made to the seller.  A safe and fuss-free transaction for both sides.  

“ is not only a new B2B marketplace, but it is also a sales and distribution channel on steroids. Sellers registering on the site, receive a number of benefits that usually come at a premium. These include automated sales leads, automated invoicing and financial reporting as well as national delivery backup support, free product catalogue displays, the ability to configure packaging and price packs by minimum order quantities. 

“We are excited to offer a place for those owners of small businesses the opportunity to sell their goods online without the usual restrictive costs involved to set up shop online,” says Oehley. 

All small and growing businesses are invited to register on as soon as possible so as to start reaping the benefits that this marketplace offers. 

The B2B service connects international exporters looking for importers, importers looking for agents and distributors, suppliers of input products to manufacturers, manufacturers looking for sales agents and channels and suppliers of industrial and consumer products looking to increase sales into new local business markets affordably.

XAfricaMart has many well-respected sponsors, associates, and supporters. Visit the website to view this list, to find out more about the benefits of registering as a seller:  

Said Oehley: "CEO of Digital Planet, Neil Watson once said: ‘The percentage of B2B buyers completing their work-related purchases online, will hit 56% by 2017’, it is, therefore, clear that online trading is essential, especially as our economy continues to battle”.

'XAfricaMart holds all the right ingredients especially for SMEs seeking new markets and growth nodes', ~Elton Plaatjes: Brandenburg Small Business Engineering.To register as a seller and add products, go to

Dr Leon Grové to speak on how your people skills & choices determine business success

Published: 18 March 2015

Dr Leon Grové believes it is the people in your business that will determine whether you survive and prosper through to 2020.

Leon is one of the four featured speakers – along with Bryce Biggs, Clive Coetzee, and Rob Smorfitt - at the Business 2020 workshops being presented by the Pietermaritzburg Chamber of Business workshops on the 24th and 25th of March. Leon is a registered clinical psychologist, as well as a consultant, trainer, facilitator, author, executive coach and mentor.

He writes, publishes (author of the book ABC of Stress), and consults to a wide range of corporate and government clients. He has a particular interest in the fields of leadership and personal development. This work ranges from working with senior level executives on emotional intelligence to schoolchildren making career choices.

He assists with the assessment of leadership effectiveness and emotional intelligence for the staff  in senior leadership positions. He also takes a keen interest in the development of younger people and assists with assessing and coaching young people in the selection of a career direction. Amongst his younger clients, he is known as “Doc Groovy”.

At the workshop, Leon will address essential people aspects of your business –

-      how to successfully choose partners or staff

-      how to maximise benefits from your networks

-      how to keep your people engaged and committed

On the 24th, the four speakers will be focusing their input on start-ups and new businesses (concept, or start-up businesses, or those under three years since their establishment).

The workshop on the 25th will be focused around the needs of established SME businesses.

Bryce Biggs of Bryce Biggs Consulting is coordinating the Business 2020 workshops on behalf of the PCB. For more details on the workshops, which will take place at the Chamber offices in Pietermaritzburg, contact Lorna Jones on 033 345 2747 or at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Business 2020 workshop presented by Pietermaritzburg Chamber of Business

Published: 25 February 2015

Where will your business be in 2020? Will your existing business model still be viable? How will you fund it?

You will find answers to these and other key questions at one of two, one-day, workshops being presented by the Pietermaritzburg Chamber of Business on 24 and 25 March. The workshop on the 24th is for start-up businesses - businesses that are still to be born or that have been in existence for three years or less. The workshop on the 25th is focused around established businesses and their needs. Speakers will tailor their presentations to meet the needs of these two groups of participants.

The Chamber has been fortunate to secure four recognised speakers to take participants on this exciting journey of discovery. They are: Bryce Biggs who will focus on your business opportunities and model, as well as how to increase the market value of your business. Dr Clive Coetzee of KZN Provincial Treasury will be gazing deep into his economist’s crystal ball to forecast for you what is likely to happen in key sectors of the economy and where the growth will be.

Dr Leon Grove will address essential people aspects of your business – how to successfully choose partners or staff, and how to maximise benefits from your networks. Finally, Dr Rob Smorfitt, a leading authority on business funding, will be advising you on accessing funds through funding fairs and on how to crowdfund your business.

For more details on the workshops, which will take place at the Chamber offices.
Lorna Jones
Tel: 033 345 2747
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Recruit Group CEO wins top Award

Published: 19 August 2014

Laura Reynolds - CEO of Recruitgroup, last night was announced as Winner of the Standard Bank Top Women Awards in the Top Young Female Entrepreneur of the Year 2014 category. Laura has implemented exemplary vision, innovation, leadership and direction in the past eight years to create a business that has flourished to become an award-winning leader in the industry both as a service provider and as an employer. Laura's dedicated service and passion for her business has created a unique, positive and dynamic working environment that not only continuously grows its own people but fosters a culture that is respected and admired by clients, candidates and employees. Last night this dedication was recognised at a lavish gala event held at Emperors Palace.

Says Laura: "It is an absolute privilege not only to win but just to be nominated in a category with such incredible business women. These women are leaders in their industry and it is most humbling to be announced as the winner. I am so proud of my team at Recruitgroup on what we have achieved together and I thank them for their hard work and dedication as well as all at Topco Media for hosting such a fantastic event." 

In collaboration with the Top Women publication, the Top Women Awards is a prestigious event in which inspirational female leaders are celebrated for outstanding performance in the world of business and government. 

This year, over 160 companies from a range of different sectors, including agriculture, science and technology, transport, and retail, have entered the awards. In order to be shortlisted, as a finalist companies must meet certain criteria, like have an annual turnover of R35 million, 30 percent female staff, 10 percent and above female senior management, and one to 1.5 percent of per capita is spent on skills development for women in the industry. 

"Judging the entrants to the Top Women Awards is such an eye-opening experience because it gives a window into just how much is being done to help uplift women in South Africa," says Topco Media's Managing Editor, Nick Krige. 

Recruitgroup is one of the largest privately owned recruitment organisations in South Africa in finding and placing top talent. 

Turning traditional workspace upside down

Published: 07 August 2014

A South African company has developed a unique office space solution in Melrose Arch that taps into the emerging trend of workplace flexibility and mobility.

Abri Schneider, managing director of XtraSpace, a national provider of flexible space solutions, says technology, coupled with fallout from the global economic meltdown, has had a dramatic impact on the way in which people work.

“The mobile workforce is rapidly gaining momentum due to technological advances. At the same time, many companies need less physical office space, as their workforce is mobile and connected. Others are outsourcing work to contractors, who either work from home or in ‘coffee offices’ but actually need access to an upmarket space where they can hold formal meetings and have access to business and concierge services,” he says.

“In South Africa we’ve seen a sharp increase in demand over the last year or so for flexible workspace. This is essentially the office of the future,” Schneider says.

Creating the office of the future was exactly what XtraSpace had in mind when it set up its FlexiOffice offering at Melrose Arch. And although 44 Melrose Boulevard has just launched, it has clearly struck a chord. Amongst its first tenants are aspiring entrepreneurs, international executives and a film crew.

“Anyone needing instant, flexible and hassle-free access to work space will find this offering attractive. The offices are serviced (furnished and IT enabled), so all you need to do is choose your office size, plug in and off you go.”

“The uniqueness of Melrose Arch as a destination is a big drawcard, with restaurants, hotels, post offices, banks and a gym within the same precinct,” says Schneider.

XtraSpace tasked contemporary workspace designers Giant Leap with developing the layout of the offices. Account executive, Tandi Jacobs, says there is a growing trend towards flexible workspaces particularly in high-end commercial areas where micro entrepreneurs and small businesses might not normally be able to afford the rent per square metre.

“I was on site at Melrose Arch recently when a young lawyer popped in to ask if she could have a six-month lease. For her, the space is in an upmarket area, and is close to the Gautrain. It has all the facilities she needs to launch her practice,” Jacobs says.

Jacobs says her brief was to optimise the space for flexibility, while catering for potential tenants’ needs. “There are offices for between one and six people. There are meeting rooms and boardrooms. There is a pause area with coffee facilities for informal meetings. And touch down stations for those who need to drop in quickly. Then there’s open spaces for creative collaboration,” she says.

Of course, the entire space is fitted with state-of-the art IT infrastructure, flatscreen televisions, projectors and teleconferencing facilities.

FlexiOffice at Melrose Arch is XtraSpace’s first premier, standalone offering in a high-end commercial area. The company is currently developing more premium, flexible work spaces, focusing exclusively on the main metropoles.

“We are also busy with serviced offices developments in Sunninghill and Durban. We see ourselves establishing a further three sites over the next two years,” says Schneider.

The FlexiOffice facilities at Melrose Arch are located at 44 Melrose Boulevard and offer:

  • Reception, secretarial and concierge services, with booking and reservation team on hand.
  • Fully-serviced single and shared offices on flexible terms.
  • Virtual offices, offering controlled access to work stations and meeting rooms, ideal for entrepreneurs and start-ups.
  • Quality IT, telecoms and business services.
  • Contemporary pause areas for informal business meetings and networking.
  • Fully-equipped boardrooms and meeting rooms on a pay-as-you-need basis.
  • Conference-call and videocall facilities plus audiovisual equipment, with IT support on hand.
  • Courier service
  • Kitchens and catering service

About XtraSpace

XtraSpace is a national provider of flexible space solutions. The company currently operates 22 self-storage facilities with business centres across the country. FlexiOffice is a division of XtraSpace.

Media enquiries

Colleen Hunter
Chief Operating Officer
+27 11 262 4224
Cell: +27 72 659 1353
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

South African debtors hounded by SMS

Published: 06 June 2008
{pp}South African debtors have nowhere left to hide from SMSs reminding them of their overdue accounts.

Until recently, only big business had access to SMS functionality for reminding their clients of overdue accounts and monthly payments. One year ago, DebtHound began offering an affordable scheduled SMS service to SMMEs for the purpose of debt collection, and as of now has added bulk SMS to their list of services.