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Perkal Promo Offers a Broad Selection of Corporate Gifts to Help Women Revel in the Luxury of Women’s Day 2021

Published: 29 July 2021

South Africa, July 25 –  Perkal Promo continues to take great strides in the field of corporate gifts and corporate products and adds another leaf to its hat by providing great offers for this year’s Women’s Day, scheduled for Monday, 9 th August, 2021.

Perkal Promo takes great pride in its portfolio spanning over a period of fourteen years in which the company never missed a customer’s deadline. Perkal has a diverse and expansive list of corporate clientele that includes banks, government agencies, cellphone providers, advertising agencies and many of the top 40 companies listed on the JSE in South Africa.

Moreover, the company makes it easy for customers to navigate through their product range by publishing approximately ten catalogs every year. From laser engraving to screen printing, pad printing to digital embroidery, and embossing to sandblasting, Perkal is well equipped to organize the branding or any product a customer may choose and possesses the experience to guide customers to the best branding options depending on the product chosen and the brand they seek to promote.

About Perkal Promo

Perkal has held the highest pedestal in the country ever since its establishment in the industry of corporate gifts and promotional products. The company boasts a broad-spectrum range, inclusive of promotional gifts, corporate gifts, promotional clothing, corporate clothing, workwear, business gifts, drinkware, caps, luggage, bags, pens, folders, clocks, watches, calendars, diaries, torches, keyrings, umbrellas, powerbanks, notebooks, USBs, Mobile, PC & Tech gadgets and hampers. 

Office: +27104424714 
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Website: https://www.pgifts.co.za/
Postal address: P.O. Box 487, Highlands North, 2037, Johannesburg, South Africa

Marketing to South Africa's Youth - reaching and engaging with next generation youth

Published: 21 June 2017

In South Africa, approximately half of the population is under the age of 25. Due to the size and buying potential of the youth market, the segment is of great significance to brands planning to stimulate new demand and reach and engage with a highly diversified collective of young sub-cultures.

Miguel Correia of The Zinto Marketing Group comments, “Research conducted by our team of field marketers indicates that South Africa’s youth want authentic, meaningful experiences and interact with real people in their homes and communities. For this reason, youth marketing has become more about engagement and dialogue and less about pushing product information and talking at them. We realised this trend and adapted our approach and marketing efforts to keep pace with youth culture through active and dynamic engagement and carefully constructed, interactive promotional drives.”  

Brand activation can be used to create new approaches and unexpected, chance encounters between brands and young consumers. An experiential showcase gives youngsters the opportunity to interact with (and be part of) the consumer journey. Correira highlights trends for marketers to consider when targeting the youth market in South Africa:

Participatory culture

The evolution of consumer to creators and disseminators of information means the youth view themselves as extensions of important and popular brands and that they have played a role in creating connections and forming perceptions of well-known brands. The interaction is personal, and rather than imposing product information on them, they expect brands to facilitate authentic connections and real experiences.  

Truth seekers

Real relationships are important to the youth and brands’ consumer promises must be perceived as open, honest and transparent. With an abundance of brands, communication and touchpoints competing for their attention, the youth is growing increasingly sceptical of advertising and media messages and marketers’ attempts to capture their loyalty. The young people are socially aware and will not support brands that contradict their personal values and beliefs – attributes  such as integrity, truthfulness and trust are held in high regard and they will not support brands that are perceived as dishonest or do not live up to expectations.  It is important to achieve a more authentic role in these consumers’ lives using technology and social platforms but understand that young consumers will expose any false claims using  the same communication channels and  networks to make their ‘voices’ heard. 

The power of connection – driving brand and peer engagement simultaneously

Not only is technology a true enabler for Millennials – connection and experiential appeal extends beyond digital mediums and the ability to share with peers and others around them, it also creates a sense of belongingness and relationships within the community.  From a marketing perspective, the brands that have been most successful in capturing young consumers’ attention and imaginations are those that have leveraged and facilitated the sharing of experiences utilising young consumers’ voices and participation. 

For more information about Zinto, visit www.zinto.co.za  

Regmerk.co.za launches new mathematics website

Published: 06 January 2015

Regmerk.co.za launches new mathematics website with free worksheets and assessments for teachers, learners and their parents.

Regmerk.co.za is a new Mathematics resources site for Afrikaans speaking learners in the senior phase. We give educators, parents and learners access to our growing knowledge base, which includes free assessments, useful articles and fun ways that learners can use to improve their marks.

Lourens Breytenbach, owner of Regmerk.co.za, says “If you do an online search for mathematics worksheets, assessments and summaries in Afrikaans, you will find that there is a constant and growing need for these resources.”

Visitors can download a free e-book with more than 50 pages filled with colourful articles, fun assessment questions and a printable collection of worksheets and summaries.

Here’s what you will find in our FREE e-book:

  • 20 questions to see how “clever” you are
  • Find out how you can improve your maths marks without studying more
  • 10 Mistakes parents make
  • 20 worksheets filled with printable exercises and summaries

Regmerk.co.za is a brand new project and promises to provide tons of useful maths resources for learners in the senior phase. Visit: www.regmerk.co.za and download the free e-book to learn more.

SaleSearcher brings savvy customers straight to you

Published: 17 November 2008
{pp}SaleSearcher, www.salesearcher.co.za, the newly-launched online sales and specials listings site, gives South African retailers an innovative opportunity to capture additional customers during this time of economic belt-tightening.