The BabyYumYum Virtual Parenting Experience: A first in online events for SA parents

Published: 07 July 2021

“Parenting is challenging at the best of times, but the last 15 months have seen moms and dads juggling more than ever,” says Amanda Rogaly, founder and Chief Mommy at online parenting and lifestyle portal BabyYumYum.

At a time when parents need trusted advice and support the most, BabyYumYum is disrupting the expo environment with an innovative digital offering: the BabyYumYum Virtual Parenting Experience. “While the work-life balance has always been a tightrope journey for parents, the pandemic has intensified this with parents looking online for support during this time.”

A new approach to eventing (and supporting parents)

A first of its kind in South Africa, the virtual event will take place over two days and many well-respected industry experts will take to the (virtual) stage to share empowering advice to help parents cope with the increased pressures of our ‘new normal’. 

Parents will be able to log into the event from the comfort of their home - or anywhere else - to attend the informative talks, interact in workshops or schedule reminders for the discussions that interest them.

On the agenda are practical how-to seminars like, ‘What NOT to do when treating your child’s fever at home’ and ‘Would you know how to save the life of your child in an emergency?’, as well as more in-depth discussions including, ‘Tantrums, biting & other tricky behaviour: surviving the toddler years’ and ‘Struggling to fall pregnant: what are your options?” to name just a few. 

But in true BabyYumYum style the “discreet and taboo” topics are also being faced head on, like ‘Cosmetic gynaecology: what is it the Orgasm Shot and should every woman get it?’ ‘Not tonight, honey: sex after giving birth & how to get your mojo back.’ 

And what would a virtual event be without appearances by well-known celebrities such as Krijay Govender as the MC, or insights into the lighter side of parenting with Tumi Morake and even advice from well-loved influencer Dr Nokukhanya Khanyile.

“This has been a hard time and we want to uplift South African parents and provide a fresh look at parenting over the two-day event.”

Helping parents connect

The virtual space opens up an opportunity to have a more intimate engagement between brand and parents. 

Partner brands have an opportunity to interact with parents in a meaningful way while also offering the attendees the exclusive product specials and discounts that they’ve come to expect from live expos. 

And because parents deserve to be spoilt with a real goodie back - even when attending a virtual experience - BabyYumYum will be treating the first 4000 people who buy tickets online to a goodie bag filled with amazing gifts, vouchers and samples, which parents will be able to collect from their nearest participating Supa Quick outlet. 

The event’s ever-growing brand partners include Panado, Lily Rose Collection, Nuk, Novalac Junior, Sudocrem, Medela, Next BioBank, Supa Quick, Safety 1st, JEFF, Montagu Snacks,, LuvLand, Tea4Kidz, Opti-Baby & Kids, Supreme Fertility, Play Sense, Extraordinary Safari Plains and more.

Parents get time out

With the added pressure of the third wave upon us, parents need a chance to be nurtured. 

“Our parents need time out - where they can be nourished intellectually, emotionally - while being entertained and empowered on their parenting journey.” 

The BabyYumYum Virtual Parenting Experience will be held on 31 July and 1 August 2021. Tickets and more information are available at When it comes to the first ever Virtual Parenting Experience, BabyYumYum really has thought of it all, but isn’t that what you’d expect from the #1 Parenting Portal BabyYumYum?

Hello World: Look Who’s Growing book launch. Saturday, 7 October.

Published: 02 October 2018

Hello World: Look Who’s Growing book launch. Saturday, 7 October.

The much-anticipated next edition of the Hello World series, by Dr Diana Du Plessis is launching on Saturday, 7 October in Linden

 [Linden, Johannesburg, October 7]  Dr Diana Du Plessis and her co-authors; Aneke Grobler, Rebecca Coetzee and Marlize Visser will be launching their new title, Hello Word: Look Who’s  Growing on Saturday, 7 October 2018, 10:00am,1st floor; Pine Park Centre 2 Dalmeny Street (CNR Bram Fisher), Linden. 

Hello World: Look Who’s Growing presents parents with the development of their baby from conception to 5 years of age. This book will assist you in tracking your baby’s growth and development and prepare you for what you might expect at each stage. As you get to know your baby, you will gain more confidence as a parent and be able to spot more easily when something is wrong. But in these early days, you may not be able to tell if the change in your baby’s behaviour is normal or a real problem. 

It is impossible to over-estimate the importance of play to babies and young children, as it forms the basis of all learning. This book suggests activities that cover all the main areas of development to fit in with your baby’s natural milestones, so that your baby’s truly astonishing skills will be acquired in connection with her brain and body.

 Although the focus is on new parents, this book is appropriate for nursing, physiotherapy and occupational therapy students as well. 

We welcome all to join, as well as media. Please RSVP before October 12.

Hello World: Look Who’s Growing is the ultimate guide to your child’s developmental steps followed by:

Hello World: Watch Me Eat

Hello World: See Me Drink

Hello Word: A Baby’s Journey 


If you would like more information about this topic, please call Aneke at +27 (83) 227 5442, or email  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

Did your child’s personality and behaviour suddenly change?

Published: 13 March 2017

What can you do if your child’s personality and behavior has suddenly changed – and what is behind the shift?

Around the world, parents are experiencing situations where their children go from angels to demons - seemingly overnight.

Often there seems to be no triggering factor for this change, and the contrast in behavior can be extreme, in many cases leaving parents at their wit’s end.

It’s not your fault

Before we even go into what is happening with your child, we need to deal with what you’re experiencing as a parent.

As a society, we place an enormous amount of importance on our roles as parents, which comes with multiple layers of internal and external stress and pressure. So when your child starts really acting out and you can’t gain control of the situation, you tend to beat yourself up enormously. That’s probably where you are right now in fact.

So stop, take a deep breath into the pit of your stomach and then breathe it out hard. Let your body relax and collapse down as you hear me:

Let go of the guilt!

As we’re about to unpack, even if you were the best parent in the world, you wouldn’t be able to help your child with this – in fact, probably only a handful of people around the world can. So stop beating yourself up about what you have NOT done, and take responsibility for what you can do - which is arm yourself and your child with the resources and tools you both need to make it through this trying time.

A rapidly-changing world & the 2012 Mayan Shift

You don’t need to look far nowadays to find proof of the fact that we are experiencing a spiritual renaissance around the world.

Regardless of religion, many are experiencing a renewed sense of connection to everything, to a power greater than them, and many are living their lives according to these new principles – often making dramatic and sudden changes to their lives.

At the most overarching level, this is what is impacting your child and causing their behavior to change.

The 2012 Mayan Shift was not about the end of the world, but the end of an age in the world, and the renewed cosmic connection is a sign of what the new age on earth will herald and bring for us.

In line with this, souls, like those of Christ, Mohammed and Buddha, have been sent to the Earth in order to assist with this energetic change. It’s the part of the reincarnation process and aligned with what we term our soul purpose… the soul purpose of these children is to help prepare the earth for that new change and energy that will be the age of enlightenment.

All will be called, but only a few will answer. Of those that answer even fewer stay the course.

But they all go through the beginning stages of overwhelm when they first do get called - and that’s what’s currently impacting your life.

How does it work?

It’s a two-fold process, where both parts of the process accelerate the other.

Firstly, there’s the morphic or holographic field. Scientists who formulated the process of kinesiology back in the 60s first discovered the morphic field. Read more at

Basically the morphic field is like the Internet of all knowledge and your body is a device that can upload and download information to and from that field. This is how kinesiology returns the same answers and results across various subjects – the answers lie in the field.

So, the more present an energy or idea is in the field, the more easily lots of people will cotton onto it. We call this critical mass.

As the critical mass for certain ideas and energies accelerate within the field, it triggers certain responses in people, waking up parts of their soul.

After this, the people who have been triggered will go through a growth curve – usually fairly steep – and then they will be inputting a higher-level vibration into the field. This then changes the field, which causes another round of growth to be triggered in the souls who have agreed to be here and participate in this accelerated time of change.

What does a period of growth look like? Usually like bad luck, turmoil, trauma and chaos unfortunately. The point is that you overcome these obstacles and grow stronger, developing and practicing the skills you will need later on.

The additional point is learning that you don’t matter and your needs don’t matter, which is crucial for the ego journey later on. They bring this lesson as lots of disappointment, rejection and abandonment sadly.

Can you hide this from your child?

No you can’t – not if you want your child to reach peace and happiness.

It’s not easy to accept ideas that might be outside your accepted frame of reference, but until you’ve been there, you can’t even begin to imagine what the overwhelm of information coming through feels like with these aspects awakening.

For example, you may be trying to convince your child that they have deep worth when their whole system is screaming to them that they don’t matter. The answer is to go all the way into the pain of ‘I don’t matter’, because the peace lies in ACCEPTING the fact.

As an additional example, knowing that they may be visited by sometimes scary-looking entities, or may begin hearing voices and thoughts can prevent your child from experiencing mental breakdowns and potentially being diagnosed with mental illness down the line.

Knowing what is happening will give your child peace of mind and allow him or her to accept what they’re experiencing.

My journey began at the age of FOUR, when I looked into a mirror and had the clear-as-day thought: “If I had lived before this, I would not remember it now.”

No one and nothing triggered that thought: it was simply part of my soul journey. But that thought triggered me and I began searching for knowledge, my brain suddenly switched on, I became deeply aware of my emotions and I started waiting outside for the aliens to fetch me.

Over the years that followed I had many experiences and periods like that, but because no one knew what was happening to me, or how to help me, I went through hell.

There was non-stop illness, anxiety, depression, suicide attempts, emotional outbursts, and periods where I really didn’t even know why I was doing the things I was – I just felt COMPELLED. I couldn’t reach peace until I had executed the experience.

Read more about suicide, depression and mental illness in spiritual types at

In my particular case, situations like awakening soul aspects often meant that overnight I just could not process or accept reality – like being surrounded by buildings all the time literally caused me unbelievable physical and emotional pain.

Or I would go through periods of months where I was plagued by nightmares so horrible that I could not sleep for weeks on end. Or I would feel compelled to cut my hair and then be plunged into a horrible depression afterwards.

Or I would rebel against and fight about and contradict EVERYTHING – even when I didn’t know why I was doing it. Sometimes even when I didn’t WANT to do it.

And don’t get me started on beings appearing and starting to hear messages and thoughts: I thought I was haunted, and I lived in absolute fear and dread most of my childhood.

Read more tips for raising star children at

What causes the child’s personality and behavior shifts?

When your child’s personality and behavior rapidly starts changing because of spiritual growth, it’s because of a number of factors.

During special time periods there will be advanced souls comprised of a number of different soul aspects, basically putting more into the mix to create a stronger soul than normal; one that can carry a heavier burden and load. Awakening soul aspects are parts of these souls that ‘wake up’ because of certain triggers in the morphic field.

Some of these soul aspects will come from other dimensions, and may never have been exposed to the heaviness of earth before. So the soul aspect can arrive and immediately reject everything it’s experiencing because it feels so foreign to it.

In cases like these, you’ll notice the child seems to have ‘forgotten’ certain things, or seems to have taken a step backwards in development, or seems to need to relearn stuff. They may also strongly reject something they were previously okay with, e.g. cutting hair or eating meat. They may also suddenly develop an adverse reaction to foods – even if it’s a behavioral reaction.

Literally what’s happening is that the newly awakened soul aspect becomes dominant at first, and it takes a few weeks for the balance of energy and the knowledge of the soul that already existed to become integrated with it.

It usually subsides and settles once integration has taken place, but integration can be permanently delayed by not allowing a modality (behavior, action, resource) that the soul needs in order for integration to take place, e.g. exposure to the energy of a person or friend that the parents have banned the child from interacting with.

Likewise you can have duality aspects awaken in certain souls – and this can trigger a period of wild, rebellious and out-of-control behavior.

This is almost like the demon aspects of the self and soul awakening – the very deep ego layers. There are a number of reasons you have to go through these periods:

  • Accelerated growth caused by an intense string of trauma and emotional pain
  • Learning how to manage being out of control (self discipline, self limitation and the miracle principle – miracles only happen in chaos where there are no limits and everything is possible, but it takes practice to navigate that space)
  • Rebellion – because you always have to rebel and swim upstream on the journey, you get chance to practice rebelling so that you can use it as a tool
  • Making your own rules so that you have practice with the stressful responsibility of making the rules and accepting the consequences of them
  • Learning to deal with adversity effectively and find opportunity in it
  • You need hands on experience of your own that you can draw on, and this is obtained by making lots of mistakes: the memories become the points of reference your mind uses, and you get the holistic understanding of what it ‘feels’ like (emotionally, mentally and physically) to have this experience

Additional themes that rear their heads pretty often in layers include:

  • Download periods where your child is full of new ideas and concepts and voraciously consumes any information they can find
  • Lazy periods where the child does not seem to want to do anything and can’t get motivated
  • Hibernation periods where the child does not want to participate in anything or mix with people – this is more isolation than laziness, but the two often go hand in hand, are common and normal, and should be allowed
  • Lonely and alone periods where the child either retreats completely or goes on a mad binge of new friends and social experiences. So you’ll experience a relationship start in one of these periods and often end in the next period about 6 to 12 weeks later
  • Creativity periods where the child wants to create in various art forms, from cooking to painting to gardening and more; often these are once-off and never completed or touched again, so don’t buy anything expensive at first

Finally, empaths help clear the field for everyone, by absorbing energies they can release through their own systems. A large percentage of what your child is processing is its empath load.

Read more about empaths at

You’ll recognise empath loads by very sudden changes in behavior and mood, changes around a specific person or changes that occur after a specific event or interaction.

In certain cases, you may be able to spot how the load on the person the energy is being lifted from lightens: they will walk in sad and walk out happy, and your child will take the sadness/anger/fear away with them and release it for the good of all.

Sadly this is a built in mechanism that just happens, and it’s almost impossible to turn it off.

Learn about how empaths sabotage their relationships at

What can be done to help your child?

No medication or therapy required

All spiritual healing works at the level of the soul, mind and emotion – there is no need for physical interventions or medication of any sort.

If anything, you’ll probably find that lifestyle, health and diet improve, often organically and of their own accord, because they new soul aspects often bring healthier desires. So you’ll likely see your child craving water and fruit over time.

It takes a village to raise a child

In my case, the fact that my parents did not know what to do to help me did a lot of damage to me, kept me very unhappy and delayed my growth and progress enormously.

I was shuttled backwards and forwards to psychologists and doctors, given medication of all sorts, and even diagnosed with everything from bipolar to depression to epilepsy. My first suicide attempt was in my early teens.

I was the consummate rebel and also unbelievably smart and organised and responsible – almost like I had multiple distinct personalities.

This chaos carried on well into my adult years until I discovered healing work and started mapping and figuring out what was happening to all of us.

Now, I haven’t touched medication in years, not even for colds and flu, I never get sick and I can easily traverse even the most difficult of emotional traumas with ease. I have the physical flexibility and mental agility of a dancer, no chronic health issues and I’m lucid and balanced. And I’ve managed to hone my mind into a razor sharp tool.

Like me, your child has an important role to play in the coming period, and like I was prepared, your child will be too.

If you help them with the right tools along the way, you’d be amazed at how easily you can navigate this period in your lives.

Watch my daughter and I in action together to see our relationship at and and

A brave new world for parents & children

This is a brave new world of parenting – and that’s one of the changes that this new era brings.

Your child is going to need specialised support to make it through this time, and they will be looking to you for answers that you do not necessarily have access to. They will be trying to understand concepts that make your head hurt at times.

It takes a village to raise a child… and the tools, resources and healers you need are out there to help your child soar through this without damage or the need for medication.

Let go of the rules and what society is trying to enforce – trust your instincts and be the parent your child really needs this lifetime.

Win R100 000 with My Most Beautiful KID 2016 photo contest

Published: 11 July 2016

The competition website is inviting you to enter their second annual KID photo contest. Now through 22 August, you can create a profile for free on, upload the favourite pictures of your KID (3 - 6 years) and campaign for votes to stand a chance to win the grand prize of R 100 000, R15 000 for the runner up, and cash prizes for the top 10 finalists.

Registration and SMS voting to SA residents is open for just over 7 weeks after which the top 50 KIDS will be determined on the 29th of August. Voting will then open again for the top 50 who will compete against each other for the title of SA’s myMOSTbeautiful KID 2016 and the R100 000 1st prize. The Top 10 finalists will each get a share of R151 000 in cash prizes and there are 10 x R1000 cash prizes up for grabs to randomly selected SMS voters! The winner will be announced on the 6 September 2016.

Joining in the search for this year’s myMOSTbeautiful KID are celebrity judges, Power mom & Reality TV star Razia Samson; Mrs South Africa 2010, business woman and model Laurette Batsone; Mrs Africa Continental 2016 Finalist, mom and entrepreneur Noni Mbete and our supporting charity representative Lauren Zuidema.  “I’m worried that the delight and joy I get seeing these cute, beautiful children -that I have to now judge- will leave me wanting a hundred more children! (make sure my hubby doesn’t read this!)” says Laurette is dedicated to giving back as a portion of profits will be donated to the Eniwe Children’s Fund who works with local communities to facilitate both short and long term sustainable projects and business ventures to ensure future benefits for the children of the community through education, skills, as well as improvements in basic health, safety and security initiatives.  “It is vital that both the emotional and physical needs of these vulnerable children are accounted for in ways that will provide them with hope for a better future – because we know that hope is imperative for change to occur. ~ says Director at Eniwe Children’s Fund, Lauren Zuidema

If your KID is a born star, go now and create a profile on, upload your KID’s pictures and get your friends and family voting via sms!

Hair Detangler School SA Reveals Good News For Women With Tangled Matted Hair

Published: 27 January 2015

Johannesburg, South Africa ( January 27, 2015) - Women with severely, matted and tangled hair can breathe a sigh of relief, following Hair Detangler School’s revelation of a new product they have been using to effectively treat hairs of this nature.

Hair Detangler School SA offers professional detangling service, unique to Africa, for those who want to get rid of tangles and mats in their hair without cutting their mane. 

The Take Down Remover cream is and American product and the only one that the professional’s at Hair Detangler School SA  use.  They do not use conditioner, glycerin, or water based products-as it makes severely matted/tangled hair worse.

Apart from effectively treating tangled, matted hair, the Take Down Remover Cream can be used in the detangling of dreadlocks, braids, sew-in weaves, twists and extensions.  It is also excellent option for the removal of bonding glue and keratin heat fusion bonds.

Senior Detangle Tech Trainers at Hair Detangler School SA state that "Most hairdressers just want to cut very matted tangled hair. They do not know about the Take Down Remover or the techniques needed to successfully detangle. Furthermore, they just can't be bothered with devoting a day or two days to detangling hair." Also they emphasize that "We do, however, train hairdressers who want to learn." 

To get hair professionally detangled or for expert training in detangling tangled matted hair visit,                                                                                                                       


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Improved Dreadlock Removal Process Developed

Published: 24 January 2015

23, January 2015 –Dreadlock Removal Process Now Made Easy with the Take Down® Remover 

The Take Down® Removers is the #1 Best Braid, Weave, Extension and Dreadlock Remover. This is a dry hair detangler which works fast in softening the hair.

The cream prevents any type of breakage during the process of detangling. It offers wonderful results on hair that has not been combed or brushed for a long period. Hair that has become extremely dry and matted can now be softened with the help of this excellent cream. The gentle cream penetrates through the hair and softens each and every strand as and when it is being combed.

Imagine the amount of time and effort it would take to remove the knots and clumps out of that matted and tangled hair. Take Down® Remover is definitely a great relief from pain as well as a feasible solution that offers excellent results.

The cream should be used directly on the matted hair before shampooing. Shampooing the matted hair would lead to more stubborn knots and clumps. It would also create masses of tangled matted hair. All that the users need here is this Detangler Cream, a wide tooth comb, a rat tail comb and of course lots of patience.

Users have to massage and soak the hair with the cream without wetting the hair. The knots, balls or clumps can be picked using the rat tail comb. The strands of hair can be slowly pulled out using the pin tip of the comb. If the hair to too tangled, users may wish to use extra cream – the more the better. This would weaken the matted knots and clumps.

The hair can be shampooed once it is completely detangled. A wide tooth comb can be used to remove all the knots and mats now. The hair can be conditioned with an excellent conditioner at the end.

Even the worst dreadlocks, twists, hair extensions and dread extensions can be detangled easily with the help of this dreadlock remover. Hair restoration is now easy and simple with this excellent product. It is time to say no to painful processes and those time taking sessions to detangle the extremely impossible tangled hair.   

To know more about this dreadlock remover visit

Contact Details

Nomsa Beauty Ltd, Johannesburg. 
Tel:(+27) 0791275325
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

A Teacher Changed My Life - NEW BOOK

Published: 01 October 2014

Darren August takes us through a few of the experiences and relationships with his own teachers, growing up, which changed his life. He retells the stories of others too, and will surely awaken your school memories. As an experienced motivator, the book leaves not only teachers encouraged to inspire others, but everyone else will feel inspired to reach their potential and live their calling too. 

This book offers a few giggles as we see things from the perspective of a child, but is mostly introspective of the role we play in the way in which children perceive themselves. Teachers and parents will find it particularly motivating – with practical ways you could change young lives, for good. 

This book is a great resource. It’s a celebration of teachers, as instrumental parts of society – it will definitely have you thinking of the teachers that have impacted your life. Scheduled for release in October 2014 – this book is set to motivate every South African reader to once again restore the dignity of ‘The Noblest Profession”. 

About the Author 

Darren August is the Founder and CEO of Dazz Consulting – A dynamic training organisation committed to seeing people thrive and succeed.He is a Corporate Trainer, Motivational Speaker, Life Coach, Entrepreneur, Radio Host & former Lecturer.He is passionate about Life; People and Education and together with his wife – Arlene, they believe in maximizing every opportunity to impact the lives of others. 

To order, for interview requests and other queries, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Published: 14 August 2014

The second development phase at Somerset Lakes, a 42-hectare residential estate in Somerset West, will be released to the market in mid September. The first phase sold out rapidly, with 114 sales being recorded within just six weeks of the launch. Construction of the first phase is well under way and occupation is expected to take place in mid 2015.

The new phase, Waterford Green, comprises 48 freestanding double-storey houses, selling from R1,3 million including VAT, no transfer duty. These two and three bedroom homes offer spacious, contemporary, open-plan living areas and private gardens. All homes include at least two bathrooms, one being en suite, and the three-bedroom design offers a garage and an optional guest toilet.

According to Dave Harris, Sales and Marketing Manager of Somerset Lakes, the new product has been specifically designed to help meet the growing demand for affordable, quality housing in the popular Somerset West area.

“We’ve been inundated with requests from buyers looking for houses,” Harris said. “People want freestanding homes with gardens, views and security, in close proximity to the centre of Somerset West, and that’s exactly what our latest product at Somerset Lakes has to offer.”

Designed by Schabort Associates Architects, the new development phase is located alongside the six-hectare lake that gives the estate its name.

“This unique feature is a huge attraction,” Harris commented. “It’s ideal for swimming, canoeing, sailing, windsurfing and fishing, and home to a rich variety of water birds. A magnificent community clubhouse on the shores of the lake, The Summer Club, will enhance the appeal of this fantastic recreational asset, providing residents with play areas, boat sheds, a sandy white beach, and a swimming pool and deck area with stunning views of False Bay and the Hottentots Holland mountains.”

The developers, Omwieco (Pty) Ltd, a consortium of highly experienced development professionals backed by financial giant Investec, have devoted no less than 40% of the estate’s total area to green, open space for the recreation of residents. This includes the lakes and other water features, a mature forest of stone pine trees, landscaped parks and gardens, and kilometres of walking trails and mountain biking tracks.

An indigenous fynbos nursery has been established on the estate, which was recently awarded the prized 2014 SALI Gold Award for landscape design by the South African Landscapers Institute.“No expense has been spared to implement the most technically advanced security system at Somerset Lakes,” said Harris. "These measures include electrified perimeter fencing with 70 high-definition surveillance cameras, which are monitored around the clock from the hi-tech guardhouse, 24-hour guarding and patrols, and an on-site rapid response team. Other advanced features include biometric fingerprint access control."

All homes in the estate will be hardwired with fibre-optic cabling for superfast internet access, DStv and VOIP telephone connectivity, which will allow free telephone calls within the estate.

A Curro Castle School is being constructed on the estate and is due to open its doors in 2015.

Convenient access to the Somerset West village has been provided by the developers through the R16 million construction of Reunion Drive, which links the main entrance of Somerset Lakes to Sir Lowry’s Pass Village Road under a specially constructed railway bridge. Just a few hundred metres from this entrance, an upmarket new shopping centre is now under construction, where Checkers, Woolworths Foods and Clicks will be the anchor tenants.The Vergelegen Mediclinic and the Somerset West CBD are less than two kilometres away, while popular Somerset Mall shopping centre is just 3,5 kilometres from the estate.

“When you consider the amazing lifestyle advantages Somerset Lakes offers, the security, the convenience of the surrounding amenities, and the incredible natural beauty of the estate, I have no doubt our second phase will sell as fast as the first one,” said Harris.“I strongly advise anyone interested to register online for an invitation to a pre-launch sales opportunity, ahead of our public launch in mid September, to avoid disappointment.”

For further information visit or phone 021 202 2200.

How to get kids (and husbands) to do chores!

Published: 18 February 2009
{pp}With the current economic situation, one of the South African "luxuries" that many of us might need to do without is the full-time maid. And it's long overdue - doing chores is a way for children to feel useful, responsible and self-sufficient.