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Latest innovations technologies and strategies in global banking transactions

Published: 25 April 2014

In order to grow globally African, and in particular Southern African banks, focusing on transaction banking will open up new avenues of revenue generation. Africa has become increasingly integrated into the global financial system. To succeed locally continuous innovation is required for seamless cross-border transactions and cash management, bearing in mind the various regulations, risks, the practicalities of moving cash and varying exchange control rules.

Attending the Global Transaction Banking Conference on 9 and 10 July 2014 will answer questions on how the latest innovations, technologies and strategies are going to rapidly transform the local transaction banking environment.

Key industry leaders like Nicky Weimar, Senior Economist at Nedbank; Rodger Dunn, Head: Transaction Banking at Sasfin Bank; Anthony van Eden, Chief Operating Officer at Strate; Nerina Visser, Head of Beta and ETF’s at Nedbank Capital; Brad Gillis, Chief Executive Officer: Regulated Markets at Bankserv Africa; David Robinson, Head: Collection Products – Transactional Products and Services at Standard Bank; Tertius Vermeulen, Chief Executive Officer at Trustlink (Swift SA Business Partner); Jean Groenewaldt, Senior Manager: Financial Surveillance at SA Reserve Bank, Stephen Meintjes, Head: Traditional Trade Products at Standard Bank; Josephat Mutepfa, Senior Executive: National Payments Systems at Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe and Charles Guise-Brown, Chief Executive Officer at Qualica Technologies and many more, are just some of the top class professionals who will be addressing the conference.

Register to attend the Global Transaction Banking Conference 2014 to gain insight on how to optimise current products and services in the transaction banking environment, and gain knowledge to respond to corporate requirements the FIRST time round.

Sebastian Gazi, Project Manager at Trade Conferences International said, “A lack of regional monetary zones until recently has made payments processing progressively difficult thus it has become important to improve and diversify transaction banking products and services to meet international standards. Investments in Africa are increasing exponentially and hence the need to make your organization the preferred point of entry for corporates who are involved in trade transactions globally, but particularly in Africa.”

To register for the Global Transaction Banking Conference 2014, complete the registration form fround on the TCI website and return it to Trade Conferences International on 086 582 2981. Alternativley call 011 803 1553 to speak to the project manager.

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{pp}So what does this mean for us in real terms that we can process and work around? It means that we have less money at the end of the month and maybe we have to look at ways to supplement this as they’ve been doing for years overseas.

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