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Milpark Education launches first-ever TV advert

Published: 06 November 2017

Milpark Education, the private higher education institution, has launched its first-ever television advert, ”It’s about the world”. The new commercial champions the brand’s new corporate identity and brand platform, Learn to Thrive. 

The concept and stories in the advert are inspired by alumni. The advert illustrates three distinct stories, each with its own tale of success achieved through hard work, dedication and hope. The three characters represent distinct archetypes of Milpark and South African students, ranging from the school-leaver studying on campus, to the distance-learning mother wanting more for her and her baby, to the rising executive studying online.The advert seeks to demonstrate the modes and methods of study that set Milpark apart from its competitors, using its innovative modern learning approaches and high-engagement techniques.  

Julian van der Westhuizen, CEO of Milpark Education says: “I am delighted that our brand, which has become synonymous with excellent business education over the past 20 years, remains committed to enhancing the student experience through innovation and high standards of academic quality.” “The advert illustrates what makes the Milpark experience so unique – our commitment to achievement, producing high-quality and socially responsive graduates, ensuring employability, teaching entrepreneurship and making an impact. It’s an exciting time to be at Milpark, and our new advert conveys that in a distinctive and memorable way,” he continues.  

The concept for the advert was created by Milpark Education in partnership with the creative agency, The Jupiter Drawing Room (TJDR) Cape Town and film production house TinToy. Collectively they worked to bring the Learn to Thrive concept to life in the video from TV and cinema to YouTube. 

Mark Rawsthorne, Milpark’s Head of Marketing, explains: “When we unlocked the platform of Learn to Thrive it became clear that we had unearthed a powerful brand insight. One that spoke not only to the success of Milpark and its alumni but also to the employment situation in South Africa. The stories we heard from our alumni demonstrated that at Milpark we create graduates capable of doing more than just getting a job, but of creating jobs, through a mixture of driving growth for their employers and successful entrepreneurialism. “What is clear is that we are offering the skills and knowledge needed to enter the workforce and harness the potential of each student, to the advantage of their family, their peers […,] their world. This is more than just a brand truth, it’s a rallying cry, one that speaks not of merely surviving, but of thriving in our modern world of work.”  

Andy Lang, TJDR creative director, says: “After looking at the competitors, we realised that Milpark Education was responding to the changing world. We found an institution that was not talking about themselves but about how, through their contemporary educational approach, they were empowering others to be successful and impactful human beings in society. They were sincere in their beliefs and had real stories to be told about graduates who had not only made it for themselves, but who were also making it for others, and giving back.”  

The advert will be shown on SABC, eTV and DSTV, from 30 October 2017. The advert is 45 seconds in length and is supported by a 15-second cut-down version. There is also a 45-second web-only testimonial featuring Samukeliso Mncube, CEO of Azisa Global and Milpark MBA alumnus. She also features in the 45-second commercial. All new pieces are available on the Milpark Education website and YouTube channel.

Milpark Education joins project to support African entrepreneurs

Published: 11 October 2017

Milpark Education was recently announced as one of the seven African higher education institution’s to work with the UK’s University of Wolverhampton to spearhead a £1.3 million project to support the education of entrepreneurs in Africa. The innovative five-year project will be funded by the European Union. 

The University of Wolverhampton’s Centre for African Entrepreneurship and Leadership (CAEL) will lead the project that will focus on strengthening communities by enhancing awareness of self-employment opportunities. Milpark Education has been leading the call for entrepreneurship education with its Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Business Administration qualifications focusing on self-employment opportunities through entrepreneurship education.  

The seven African partners include Addis Ababa University (Ethiopia), Makerere University (Uganda), Kyambogo University (Uganda), University of Ghana (Ghana), Milpark Education (South Africa), Ministry of Education Uganda and the Private Sector Foundation Uganda. 

Dr Joseph Sekhampu, Dean School of Commerce says: “Our participation, as the only South African higher education institution, is in recognition of our leading role in the area of entrepreneurship education development over the last few years. The partnership also allows us to adopt the challenges that currently face the local economy. The project will allow us to come up with innovative solutions and contribute towards a more entrepreneurial society.” 

Dr Sam Koma, head of department, Milpark School of Government and Public Management says the project partners “signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) agreeing to foster and hearten the development of student and staff academic exchange and embed entrepreneurship education delivery in the thematic fields of Business, Administration and Law.” The agreed partnership MoU, he continues, “represents an assurance and vow from the partners to promote sustainable development, ultimately contribute to poverty reduction through increasing the availability of educated and qualified high-level manpower in Africa.” 

Dr Koma says the five-year project that will kick off in 2018 “will involve academic exchange programmes to share ideas and expertise, guest lectures, research fellowships, hosting joint academic conferences, symposia and seminars based on entrepreneurship-related topics as well as social and economic development within communities across Eastern, Western and Southern African regions.”  

For more information on the Milpark School of Commerce and the project, visit: http://www.milpark.ac.za/school-of-commerce

Milpark Education will help students `Learn To Thrive’

Published: 28 September 2017

Milpark Education, the award-winning private higher education institution, is excited to introduce its new corporate identity and brand platform. The new look and feel titled `Learn To Thrive’, ushers in a fresh modern look for the 20-year old brand, that has become synonymous with world-class business education and is home to South Africa’s number #2 MBA (Master of Business Administration), as ranked by PMR.africa, in 2017.  This ranking reflects the success of Milpark graduates, as rated by South Africa’s top employers.         

The new brand platform and the strapline, `Learn to Thrive’, acknowledge the employability and impact of the high-quality graduates Milpark’s six schools continue to produce. The straplines double meaning notes an innovative change in learning modes – from traditional distance and on-campus learning to pioneering high engagement distance learning online (DLO). Furthermore, it affirms the institution’s commitment to producing graduates who not only secure jobs but also help create jobs, so that the world thrives along with them.     

“We are excited about what the new brand platform represents,” says Julian van der Westhuizen, CEO. “We deliver contemporary curricula in a high engagement model online, or in class, with the assistance of experienced professionals - this is a powerful formula, one that equips graduates with the functional competence and work-readiness needed to make an impact from day one on the job, or the confidence to start their own businesses and become successful entrepreneurs”, adds van der Westhuizen.          

The new corporate identity will be brought to life during a full through-the-line marketing campaign that will unpack the concepts of learning and thriving. The advertising campaign will encompass static and moving media across social media, press, out of home, radio and television, amongst other channels.          

Esther Venter, Executive Dean of Milpark Education says the private higher education institution has created innovative products that are unrivalled in South Africa’s distance learning landscape. This is because Milpark understands the daily challenges that students face. “Distance Learning Online transforms the traditional distance learning offering into a high engagement experience in the increasingly wired and ever-evolving education sector, and is what makes us the leader in distance learning in the country,” says Venter. Milpark Education launched its online MBA, Bachelor of Commerce (BCom) and Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) programmes in 2016, further anchoring this DLO leadership position.Further announcements on the new advertising campaign and delivery of modern learning will be made at the end of October 2017.

Further announcements on the new advertising campaign and delivery of modern learning will be made at the end of October 2017.

For media queries and comment, contact Mark Rawsthorne, Marketing Manager on 021 673 9100 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
For more information contact Zwelakhe Shangase, PR and Social Media Manager on 021 673 9100 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Private Higher Education Body To Boost Student Options And Accessibility In SA

Published: 01 February 2017

South Africa’s leading private higher education institutions have committed to improving the quality and positioning of the sector in the country. Launched with an official signing ceremony at Milpark Education in Johannesburg on Wednesday, 25 January, SA Private Higher Education (SAPHE) aims to build public awareness of and trust in private higher education by addressing myths and misperceptions about the sector, to ultimately increase access to higher education.

Additionally, the association will seek to ensure that there is a greater understanding by the general public of the quality study options available outside of public universities. “Although the term ‘private universities’ has gained some popular traction in recent months, many are not aware that private higher education institutions legally may not describe themselves as such. Therefore, unlike the situation with private schools, many prospective students are not even aware of the high quality, accredited qualifications they are able to pursue at scores of respected institutions across the country,” says Dr Felicity Coughlan, chair of SAPHE. “Additionally, there remains a perception that a qualification from a public university is automatically more valuable than one from a private higher education institution. This could not be further from the truth, and unfortunately, this lack of awareness means that prospective students who may have been able to study towards a degree never do so.”

SAPHE members include most of the leading private higher education institutions in South Africa, including The Independent Institute of Education (Varsity College, Rosebank College, Vega, Design School SA and The Business School at Varsity College), Monash, Da Vinci, Boston, Milpark Business School, Southern Business School, the International Hotel School, Aros, St Augustine, AFDA and Inscape.

While SAPHE members have worked together as an interest group for more than five years, a decision was made to formalise the association due to the increased need for a unified and clear voice on the alternatives that private higher education is able to offer to students, society and the economy. “The potential role of private higher education in the country is not well understood,” says Coughlan. “Communicating opportunities in the sector to the general public, prospective students and parents is severely hamstrung by the fact that private institutions may not call themselves private universities. This is despite South Africa’s unitary quality assurance system (for the accreditation and registration of higher education qualifications) being equally applicable to both the private and public sector.

“SAPHE is committed to enabling student decisions by clearly communicating what private higher education offers, but more importantly to ensuring that quality and relevance promises are delivered on by its members. A third and equally important objective is one of advocacy with the regulators and with society.”

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