Clutch Honours Adworth as South Africa’s Top Advertising Agency for 2021

Published: 01 November 2021

Going digital, advertising and marketing — these three can be a great hassle if you don’t have the know-how, or simply have too many things on your plate.That’s why we’re here. Adworth is a world-class advertising and marketing agency that has everything you need under one roof.

We’re a Cape Town-based company and are absolutely passionate about helping promising startups and businesses scale!With that being said, we’re truly honoured to announce that Clutch has officially given us the title of South Africa’s leading advertising agency as well as top B2B company this 2021!

To give you a bit more context, Clutch is an independent B2B research and rating platform that is widely respected by service providers and corporate buyers alike. Each and every year, the site holds an awards cycle to applaud the dedication and prominence of the best agencies worldwide.In their latest recognition, Adworth was hailed as a leader.

Such an amazing title means the world to us. Considering that we’re a young company, being seen and validated for what we do inspires us.

“Our focus has always been about crafting bespoke solutions for our clients and this award speaks to our customer-centric approach. We’re proud to be named one of South Africa’s top firms in 2021!” — CEO, Adworth

All of this is especially made sweeter because our clients played a huge role. Clutch’s award represents the tireless work hours we’ve put in to assure our clients of the best possible results.Thank you to all of our clients! We appreciate everything about our amazing relationships. We look forward to seeing more of your incredible reviews on Clutch in the near future. Cheers for this memorable win! This achievement is for all of you!

Let’s talk! Want to elevate your advertising and marketing efforts? Give us a call or send us a message! We’re excited to hear from you.

Helping businesses cut marketing costs while still putting out good marketing collateral

Published: 21 October 2021

Our business environment has changed dramatically since the beginning of 2020. We have been either forced to start a business to survive or adapt. The first costs to go in most businesses are marketing; this is why this subscription service has been created.

Just about every business has PowerPoint but never use it.  It is a great program, it is user-friendly, and there are various formats that your documents can be saved in. Within our subscription service, there are a variety of templates to choose from, and new templates/graphics will be uploaded every month. Each category has a video explaining how to change colour and add text/logo. I have made use of Google fonts as everyone has access to them, and they are free.

Your thinking will be changed, and your creativity ignited without being distracted by too many technical details.  You will be learning a new skill that you can use for years to come, for both business and personal projects.

My hope is that this subscription service will add value for start-ups and small businesses.

Contact details:
Rebecca Potgieter, Owner
072 915 9350 | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Clockwork’s Marketing Learnership Programme is now open to applicants

Published: 08 September 2021

Young marketing learners can jump on the right path with free education and work experience by applying for Clockwork’s annual Marketing Learnership Programme, which is now open to applicants. In partnership with Red & Yellow Creative School of Business, Clockwork has five slots available each year, offering students and aspiring marketers the chance to learn from the best with a comprehensive 12-month programme.

The learnership programme consists of six months of classroom training and six months of integrated work learning at the Clockwork offices in Johannesburg. Students receive a holistic look at the world of marketing by studying Communications, Strategy, Content, Digital and Design in the course.

This is the perfect way to get a foot in the door of marketing or advertising, and the Clockwork Marketing Learnership Programme is open to anyone with a matric, regardless of previous marketing experience or education.

Applicants are encouraged to submit their CV with a cover letter and a 30-second video explaining why they should be the next learner at Clockwork. Apply here:

No more tough guys, just good fellas, please

Published: 07 July 2021

Since around the 1920s, when the sales era of advertising was introduced, marketing has been building visual gender stereotypes to convince people to purchase products and leaning heavily on societal biases for genders as part of their product or brand story. This has been the bedrock of a singular perspective of masculinity best described as the ‘tough guy’.Although the world of marketing has always known it portrays a biased, generalised view, with times changing and society fighting for equality across the board, the conversation has been pushed out enough for the industry to realise just how detrimental gender stereotypes have been to not only individuals, but also to the brands we, as marketers, represent.So, while for generations exaggerated ideas of masculinity have been the source of award-winning campaigns, they have also created lifestyle pressures and abnormal realities that men could not withstand. Studies show that men, more than ever, are succumbing to depression and societal pressure, resulting in one in four more men committing suicide globally. 

So how much is advertising to blame?
Simply put, advertising reflects societal changes, while society is influenced by advertising trends. In a recent Marketing Week article on male stereotypes and their effects, it was reported that 64% of UK males aged 18 to 34 have been found to believe that negative male representation in advertising does real psychological damage. A further 75% of UK males believe social media is making it harder to remain psychologically healthy.While gender stereotypes have clearly not been good for male individuals, research has also shown that products portrayed as ‘male’ in advertising, such as car or financial services, tend to have weaker performance results with female consumers.

But there is no doubt that the advertising world is taking note.
A general response from global advertising regulatory bodies has firmly stated that gender politics are no longer welcome in advertising. Britain’s Advertising Standards Authority announced the ban of using gender stereotypes to sell or advertise products or brands in 2019. Closer to home, the South African Advertising Regulatory Board also recently banned an advertisement for Windhoek beer that suggested that ‘real men drink real beer’.These decisions have been strong and clear signs of the advertising industry’s commitment to joining the cause to end the ‘tough guy’ gender stereotype in advertising.

With these changes in mind, we have been wondering what the new ‘man’ looks like in marketing. What, or who, is driving this change, and how is the industry responding?
We have noted the embrace of a broader spectrum of masculinity (gentle and positive) in the depiction of men, which is a refreshing look beyond the ‘tough guy’ persona that has been defining toxic masculinity traits.We are finally seeing a trend where men are being encouraged to express their vulnerability, authenticity and unique selves. Finally, more than their six-pack, work boots, hard hats and off-road 4x4s, men are comfortably being seen as human first.What we saw recently this Father’s Day was a great representation of the male identity in 2021.

The angle is now ‘positive masculinity’.Some great campaigns to reference include:

Dove: We See You, DadsThis campaign looked at broadening the idea of what it takes to be a father, showing the gentler perspective.

Grow Great Dads Challenge
This campaign, which ran on Power FM, demystified the expectations of a how fathers are meant to participate in raising their children, demonstrating the change by incorporating real fathers into the campaign discussion, which added that extra layer of authenticity.

Dhara Oils#HappyNewFathersDayThis Father’s Day campaign in India demonstrated the change of perspective in fatherhood, even incorporating adoption and demonstrating how this has become a global shift.

The quest to depict the ‘perfect world’ ideology often leads marketers to fall into the trap of generalisation and operating within certain biases. However, we need to be aware of our biases if we are to be truthful to not only the work we deliver, but also the audience we speak to. While there is still work that needs to be done in building guidelines to prevent our generalisation from becoming an oppressive and limiting reality for men again, we can thankfully see a global shift as the image of ‘positive masculinity’ is seemingly the favourite leading image, replacing the ‘tough guy’ narrative once and for all.

Proven Tips on Celebrity Social Media Management

Published: 06 November 2019

Proven Tips on Celebrity Social Media Management

Managing social media can be tough for a celebrity. It’s difficult to juggle promotion and intimacy and to respond to so many fans. Often, a large audience also means more potential for abuse, which may drive some celebs away from social media completely.That said, a celebrity social media strategy is important. This is because the benefits of social media outweigh the drawbacks. By building a presence online, you can:Promote primary and secondary projectsSpeak to fans on a channel you controlBuild up sponsorship dealsGet to know your fans—and let them get to know youSo, are you interested in social media but unsure of where to begin? Let’s learn how other celebrities are using their social platforms.

Pick the Right Celebrity Social Media Platform

A celebrity social profile serves as an important tool for marketing, promotion and forging a connection with fans. This means you need to go where your fans are. Each social network features different media and attracts different demographics.For example, Instagram’s strength is providing an intimate glimpse at life behind the scenes through images. Snapchat does the same with video and messaging. Twitter places you in direct contact with your fans, letting you converse in the moment. Pay attention to age, too: Snapchat’s crowd, for example, skews younger than the one on Facebook.Picking the right social media platform

Develop a Voice and Content Strategy

Planning a celebrity social media strategy begins with choosing the content you’ll produce and how you’ll share it. A celebrity social media profile should strive to:Be engaging with fansBe candid, fun and unexpectedBe open, honest and intimatePromote the celebrity’s projects (without too much focus on promotion)

How Celebrities Use Social Media: Be Candid!

Your number-one priority should be honesty. Because you control this channel—unlike those through partnership brands, project reps, interviews or tabloids—you’re free to let down your guard a little a strike a connection. Afraid of being too candid and making a faux pas? Just look at how celebrities use social media: Adele has a manager approve her posts before publishing, letting her be sincere without worrying about saying the wrong thing.Have fun! DJ Khaled became a bit of a meme when he broadcasted his bizarre but captivating “jet ski adventure” via Snapchat. The move was funny for portraying Khaled in a vulnerable (but still tongue-in-cheek) situation that left his audience on the edge of their seats all throughout. It’s a great example of how creative thinking and a touch of drama can generate buzz.Celebrity Social Media Management TipsCelebrity Social Media Requires IntimacyWhen it comes to intimacy on social media, perhaps no one pulls it off better than Kim Kardashian. This star handles her celebrity social media management all on her own, and it shows: she often speaks directly to her audience via Instagram stories, and just recently invited her Twitter following to help her daughter name their new puppy over the course of a few days. This is an example of giving her audience agency, which is important in forming a connection.Another shining example of how celebrities use social media to provide behind-the-scenes glimpses is Jessica Alba. Alba’s Instagram is full of casual, homey selfies—a stark contrast to the glitz and glamour you might expect from celebrity social media. Her social media presence is humbling, and she feels like a friend we know.

Engage with Fans—or Your Celebrity Social Media Strategy is Worthless

An important tenant to celebrity social media management is that it be a conversation, not a one-way broadcast. As a celebrity, your audience is probably too big to respond to everyone. Still, when fans reach out, you should engage with them. This makes them feel appreciated, and makes you seem more approachable. Taylor Swift positioned herself as America’s best BFF by engaging with her fans. Meanwhile, Iggy Azalea’s celebrity social media strategy is startlingly frank about the difficulties in her career, which her audience appreciates.Don’t be afraid to give back! When managing social media for a celebrity, be sure to include charitable works and projects. Need an idea? Nicki Minaj leveraged her Twitter audience to pay off tuition and debt for straight-A students. She did this live on the platform, inviting her fans to share their report cards. Surprise acts of goodwill like this—directly benefiting the community—are an amazing use of social media that we should see more often.

Protection & Comment Moderation are Essential for Celebrity Social Media Management

Finally, be sure to protect yourself when putting yourself out there. Celebrity social media abuse is a big issue. Your celebrity social media strategy should include comment moderation to avoid trolls, spam and abuse.When you have thousands of fans responding to everything you say or do online, it can be difficult to moderate it all alone! When managing social media for a celebrity, invest in an artificial intelligence-based comment moderation tool like Smart Moderation. This tool provides 24/7 protection across all of your favorite social media platforms, blocking spam and harmful language according to your needs. You can learn more about integrating comment moderation into a celebrity social media strategy on our blog

The Loeries Shared Value Initiative: No-one stands alone

Published: 27 May 2019

If you love creative work that highlights a powerful, socially uplifting message, look at the Loeries Shared Value category, sponsored in 2019 by Vodacom. It’s a showcase of brilliant campaigns that are socially useful and commercially successful. Shared value takes corporate social responsibility much further.

“Rather than being charitable,” explains Harvard Business School Professor Michael Porter, and Harvard Kennedy School of Government Senior Fellow, Mark Kramer, “corporate shared value is a management strategy in which companies find business opportunities in social problems.” Vodacom’s Managing Executive: Brand & Comms Abey Mokgwatsane says the Loeries Shared Value category is in line with Vodacom’s values and a natural sponsorship fit.

“Our commitment is to bring a meaningful, sustainable economic transformation of South Africa and beyond,” he explains. “We laud all companies that are creating jobs, stimulating the economy and being innovative about the way they make money, while still tackling the social issues of our times.” Safaricom's “DigiFarm”, the Kenyan mobile solution for smallholder farmers – which took gold in the Loeries Shared Value category last year – is a good example of adding value to the community while helping to build the brand experience.

The app enables farmers to expand and improve their business activities by providing education, access to loans, easier purchases and eliminating the middleman when they sell their crops. It simply helps farmers to do better business while empowering their lives and their community. Perhaps a question to be posed is, if business can be socially uplifting, does that mean it should be?

Pepe Marais, CEO of Joe Public United, and #1 ranked Chief Creative Officer in the Loeries Official Rankings, offers this hypothesis: “Aspiring to be bigger than yourself isn’t just a nice ideal, it’s the driving force of successful businesses.” Marais says: “Any entrepreneur will tell you that there is something far greater that drives her or his business. Without that drive, most would not have made it past the first year – it is simply too tough. The challenge is that this drive is so deeply unconscious that the conscious answer often may be money.” But, in reality, Marais insists we need something greater to motivate us.

“That drive is at the heart of the greater purpose of the business.” Ultimately, doing business with a purpose helps you do better business. Considering that Joe Public United is rated the number one agency in the Loeries Official Rankings, Marais certainly knows a thing or two about operating a company on the philosophy of shared value. “We believe that the growth of our people is linked to the growth of our creative product, which impacts the growth of our clients, and which ultimately contributes to the growth of the country,” he says.

Mokgwatsane agrees: “Vodacom is in the business of connecting people for a better future. Technology gives us tremendous power, but ultimately, it’s what we do with it that counts. We remain committed to responding to the needs of millions of people that can benefit from the capacity of technology to democratise access to the life changing services of a connected future.

By sponsoring the Loeries Shared Value category, we support companies and creatives who are using the power of shared value to inspire.” P2/.... The Loeries extended deadline for entries is June 7, 2019. Details at Major Partners:     DStv Media Sales, Gearhouse        Category Partners:    AB InBev, Barron, Brand South Africa, Facebook, Gagasi FM, Google, JCDecaux, Nando’s, Tsogo Sun, Vodacom, Woolworths 

Additional Partners and Official Suppliers:    AAA School of Advertising, Antalis South Africa, Aon South Africa, Backsberg, BEE Online, First     Source, Fresh RSVP Guest Logistics, Funk Productions, Gallo Images, Grid Worldwide, Hetzner,     Mama Creative, Newsclip, Paygate, Rocketseed, Shared Value Initiative, Shift Social Development,  Vega School, VQI Communications Nigeria

Endorsed by:    Association of Communication and Design, Brand Council South Africa, Commercial Producers     Association, Creative Circle, EXCA, IAB, South African Institute of Architects, IID        Official Media Partners, Book of Swag, Brand Communicator Nigeria, Business Insider by Pulse, Campaign Middle East, Film & Event Media, Modern Marketing,The Redzone.        Twitter: @loeries    Instagram: Loerieawards    Facebook: The Loeries

Distributed on behalf of the  Loeries  by:    Riana Greenblo Communications Date: May 27, 2019   For more information,interview requests or high-res images, please contact:    Riana Greenblo on 011 3256006; 0825675159 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Gina McLoughlin on 0113256006 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (mornings only) IMAGES INCLUDED:    Abey Mokgwatsane Digi Farm 2018 Gold Shared Value Joe Public agency of the year 2018 Joe Public Craft Gold CAPTIONS Caption 1: Abey Mokgwatsane, Vodacom’s Managing Executive: Brand & Comms Caption 2: Digi Farm took Gold for the 2018 Shared Value category Caption 3: Joe Public won agency of the year at the Loeries 2018. Caption 4: Joe Public won Campaign Craft Golf in 2018 for their A Little Hungry - Mine, Temple, Bank for Chicken Licken

Loeries 2019: Nando's fires up the design category

Published: 16 May 2019

Nando’s joins the Loeries to celebrate design Design from Africa and the Middle East finally gets the recognition it deserves with the expanded Nando’s Design category at the Loeries in 2019. This year’s category has been extended to recognise design from a much broader range of creative professionals. “We’ve expanded the design category beyond only brand communication to include areas of design such as retail furniture and product design, fabric, wallpaper, lighting, architecture and interior design, and even the design of signage programmes,” says Loeries CEO Andrew Human. He adds that the Loeries has long been recognised as the highest accolade in advertising and brand communication.

“A strong design award has been lacking for our region and this is a great opportunity for all designers to showcase their work and achieve recognition.” Design is woven into the Nando’s DNA, making Nando’s a natural partner for the Design category. “Design and creativity have been an intrinsic part of the Nando’s way of doing business.

Nando’s is the first local brand to collaborate with local designers at the scale it does,” says Deirdre King, Nando’s Brand Experience GM. She adds: “Putting our support behind the design community is important to doing business well. Our PERi-PERi power has charted new paths and careers for many local artists and their art. Putting that same fire behind the extended Design category for the 2019 Loeries gives us a chance to spice things up for the wonderful designers who will imprint their names onto this exciting category. According to Gaby de Abreu, Loeries board member and creative head of Switch Design, the awards are invaluable because they offer a chance for designers to showcase their work to a far greater audience.

“The Nando’s Design category at the Loeries is an opportunity to showcase excellence across disciplines in countries throughout Africa and the Middle East. For independent designers, it’s a unique chance to achieve recognition across the industry, reaching creatives internationally,” says de Abreu. “For a furniture designer working in an independent workshop or a graphic designer outside of the agency network, this year’s Loeries offers a chance to show the world what you’ve achieved,” he adds. The Nando’s Design category at the Loeries is open to designers across all the main disciplines. The entry deadline is 15 May and more information can be found on

About Nando's: While proudly South African, Nando’s is an international flame-grilling, PERi-PERi chicken restaurant group. We offer a twist of Afro-Portuguese with an upmarket and comfortable dining experience. Two friends, Robert Brozin and Fernando Duarte, opened the first Nando’s in 1987 in Johannesburg, South Africa. All Nando's PERi-PERi chicken is marinated for 24 hours, locally sourced and never frozen, ensuring our customers only get the finest flavours.

Our unique PERi-PERi recipe includes herbs, spices, garlic, lemon juice and bird’s eye chilli. Nando's authentic PERi -PERi has captivated its customers all over the world, making it the largest South African restaurant group to expand internationally. DEADLINE FOR 2019 LOERIES ENTRIES EXTENDED TO MAY 31 About Loeries Africa Middle East: The Loeries, a non-profit company, is Africa and the Middle East’s premiere initiative that recognises, rewards, inspires and fosters creative excellence in the brand communication industry.

As the highest accolade for creativity and innovation across our region, the Loeries promotes and supports creativity by helping marketers, agencies and consumers appreciate the value of ideas and fresh thinking.

Culminating in the biggest creative gathering in Africa and the Middle East, Loeries Creative Week Durban brings together the best innovative minds from our industry for a festival of networking, inspiring minds and recognising great work. Our region's creative economy is world-class and has great potential to grow and to offer employment both to our talented youth. The growth occurring throughout Africa and the Middle East is very exciting, and a major focus of the Loeries is to increase the standard of brand communication in the region.

Major Partners of the Loeries: DStv Media Sales, Gearhouse Category Partners: AB InBev, Barron, Brand South Africa, Facebook, Gagasi FM, Google, JCDecaux, Nando’s, Tsogo Sun, Woolworths Additional Partners and Official Suppliers: AAA School of Advertising, Antalis South Africa, Aon South Africa, Backsberg, BEE Online, First Source, Fresh RSVP Guest Logistics, Funk Productions, Gallo Images, Grid Worldwide, Hetzner, Mama Creative, Newsclip, Paygate, Rocketseed, Shared Value Initiative, Shift Social Development, Vega School, VQI Communications Nigeria Endorsed by: Association of Communication and Design, Brand Council South Africa, Commercial Producers Association, Creative Circle, EXCA, IAB, South African Institute of Architects, IID Official Media Partners Between 10and5,, Book of Swag, Brand Communicator Nigeria, Business Insider by Pulse, Campaign Middle East, Film & Event Media, Modern Marketing The Redzone. Twitter: @loeries Instagram: Loerieawards Facebook: The Loeries

Distributed on behalf of the Loeries by: Riana Greenblo Communications: 011 3256006

For more information, interview requests or high-res images please contact: Gina McLoughlin: 0113256006 (mornings only)or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Riana Greenblo: +27 82 5675159 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Creative Africa Celebrates Creativity #AfricaMonth and Africa Day 25 May

Published: 16 May 2019

Africa has creative talent to burn. We spoke to African creative leaders about how pan-African showcases like the Loeries, help promote African talent to the world – and why awards like these, inspire brands to be bolder, and do more creative and effective work.

There is a very human voice to African brand communication, as well as a sense of fun. Lesibane Mohale, Group Creative Director of Ogilvy Africa Group, in Ghana, admires the way “humour is weaved into communication messages”. In Africa, “telecommunications brands thrive on humour and simplicity to connect with consumers,” he says.

Many African creatives are driven by a belief that we can tell better stories by taking inspiration from each other, particularly from the unique and diverse creative resources across the continent. Angolan graphic designer Hilma Sassa feels that Africans don't yet fully value their creative industry and its importance in society, making it harder to get noticed, “As a creative, you may have more luck getting noticed beyond your country, and outside the continent, if you share your work on the international stage.”

That sentiment informs the work of the Loeries, the most prestigious creative awards across Africa and the Middle East. “Our mandate is to showcase the best creative work from the continent, of course. But, it’s equally about helping brands find the right creative team to help them realise their business goals,” says Andrew Human, CEO of the Loeries. “Countries such as Brazil and India are great examples of markets that have entered work into international award shows and won by leveraging locally relevant ideas backed by solid local consumer insights,” says Mohale.

“As a continent, we should champion work that feels unapologetically African so that we can showcase to the world what the continent is truly about.”

As Sassa puts it: “I am stimulated by the diversity of work created in Africa, which is deeply inspired by our culture and tradition. That signature makes it unique and different from the things we see out there.” A similar impulse drives Human, who urges more creatives from around the African continent to enter the Loeries. “The Loeries is the only award in Africa that is recognised by the global WARC Report, which makes the Loeries a unique platform for African excellence on the global stage.” Human says the international standing of the Loeries is the result of a commitment to high standards and an independent and objective judging process. “Every year, we host some of the world's top creative leaders to act as jury presidents, coupled with panels of leading experts from throughout the region. Their objectivity and expert insight is part of what makes the Loeries the benchmark.”

“Entrants know that their work is being held to the highest global standards, and it’s a unique opportunity for African creatives to show the world just how good they are.” About  Loeries Africa Middle East:    The Loeries, a non-profit company, is Africa and the Middle East’s premiere initiative that recognises, rewards, inspires and fosters creative excellence in the brand communication industry.

As the highest accolade for creativity and innovation across our region, the Loeries promotes and supports creativity by helping marketers, agencies and consumers appreciate the value of ideas and fresh  thinking.  Culminating in the biggest creative gathering in Africa and the Middle East, Loeries Creative Week Durban brings together the best innovative minds from our industry for a festival of networking, inspiring minds and recognising great work. Our region's creative economy is world-class and has great potential to grow and to offer employment to our talented youth. The growth occurring throughout Africa and the Middle East is very exciting, and a major focus of the Loeries is to increase the standard of brand communication in the region.

Major Partners: DStv Media Sales, Gearhouse
Category Partners: AB InBev, Barron, Brand South Africa, Facebook, Gagasi FM, Google, JCDecaux, Nando’s, Tsogo Sun, Vodacom, Woolworths

Additional Partners and Official Suppliers:    AAA School of Advertising, Antalis South Africa, Aon South Africa, Backsberg, BEE Online, First     Source, Fresh RSVP Guest Logistics, Funk Productions, Gallo Images, Grid Worldwide, Hetzner,     Mama Creative, Newsclip, Paygate, Rocketseed, Shared Value Initiative, Shift Social Development,  Vega School, VQI Communications Nigeria

Endorsed by:    Association of Communication and Design, Brand Council South Africa, Commercial Producers     Association, Creative Circle, EXCA, IAB, South African Institute of Architects, IID

Official Media Partners    Between 10and5,, Book of Swag, Brand Communicator Nigeria, Business Insider by Pulse, Campaign Middle East, Film & Event Media, Modern Marketing, The Redzone.

-- ENDS --

Twitter: @loeries    Instagram: Loerieawards    Facebook: The Loeries

Distributed on behalf of the  Loeries  by:    Riana Greenblo Communications Date: May 16, 2019

For more information, interview requests or high-res images, please contact: Riana Greenblo on 011 3256006; 0825675159 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

New e-book spills the secrets for growing hotel occupancy!

Published: 24 September 2018

The world over, hotels, guesthouses and B&Bs are struggling to grow in the face of exploding competition from Airbnb. They are finding marketing more expensive, and more technical, and commissions to Online Travel Agencies more prohibitive. Now two seasoned experts have come to the rescue, with a downloadable e-book packed with insider hints and hacks. In workbook form, “How to Digitally Grow Your Hotel Occupancy” takes you step-by-step through the fastest, most powerful ways to use digital platforms for business growth.

The workbook was developed by Karen Parkin, who led the globalization of the Marriott International hotel site, and has taken independent guesthouses to 90%+ occupancy. She says “We want to share the secrets of success with hospitality business owners who normally can’t afford the time or fees to attend one of our corporate workshops. In just a hundred pages of explanation, examples and exercises, they will save time, save money, and grow their business, without having to be a geek.”

There’s a lot of surprisingly powerful stuff in this book. For example, it shows you how to dominate the screen space of a search engine results page. And it explains how to automatically turn anyone’s link to your website in social media into a powerful free advertisement, complete with a photo and action button.

Her co-author is Godfrey Parkin, author of “Doing Business Digitally” and “Digital Marketing” and leader of Britefire’s Startup Workshop.  He says that most hospitality businesses are appallingly badly marketed, so it is not hard to beat them if you simply do the right things and do them well. “We wanted to focus on only those things which most hotels get wrong, but which give you a huge sales boost if you do them right. We explain these concepts simply and provide step-by-step instructions which even a newcomer to digital can follow. The book is available on Amazon. But for the next couple of weeks you can download it from for the price of a couple of cappuccinos!” he said.

At last, there is a streamlined guide which explains the concepts in language a hotelier can get excited about. It lays out the route to rapid business success in a series of simple exercises. This book was designed to become fundamental to your marketing thinking. It could forever change the way you do business. Download it at

Contact details: Godfrey Parkin, co-author: +27 21 794 7838   This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

indaHash South Africa expands into Africa

Published: 18 April 2018

World’s fastest growing influencer marketing platform focuses on building a strong local team to deliver targeted services to the South African market(Johannesburg, South Africa) April 09, 2018 - indaHash, the global technology platform that connects more than 600,000 digital influencers has committed to expanding its South African footprint by investing in strong local talent. The team brings unparalleled strategic value and influencer marketing expertise to the South African market having already delivered successful campaigns for well-known global and local brands such as Coca-Cola, Telkom, Sony Mobile, Shell and Magnum.

“We believe it is key for us to develop a highly skilled local development team that specialises in influencer marketing and allows us to drive the business in a positive direction,” says Federico Dedeu, indaHash Business Development Leader, EMEA.Federico Dedeu is an experienced manager with more than 18 years of experience in the disciplines of marketing and advertising. He’s held senior roles at some of South Africa’s most prominent organisations, such as Wunderman and Mediacom, and has taken the lead on accounts for brands such as Coca-Cola and Standard Bank. Led by Federico, the new team comprises Hayley Wessels and Faheem Ahmed as the new Business Development Managers - both bringing extensive experience to the business.

The company will also be welcoming additional new members over the next few months to meet the exponentially growing demand for indaHash’s services. Faheem Ahmed has more than 12 years of experience in the advertising and media industry and with more than four years of hands-on influencer marketing expertise. He understands the South African landscape and has significant expertise in campaign execution and client management.

Hayley Wessels has more than eight years’ experience in the digital media industry with an extensive network of marketers, media buyers and brands. She understands how to deliver on the value and return on investment of influencer marketing and is focused on growing the business in South Africa.“While influencer marketing is still in its infancy, indaHash brings years of working experience to the market as the key members of our team have been involved since it began,” says Federico.

“We bring unparalleled strategic value and execution know how – recognising opportunities and pitfalls and advising our clients appropriately. We leverage the indaHash platform to provide our clients with bespoke campaigns and brand ambassador deals.”Brands and agencies will have direct access to the indaHash team, receiving the latest information about influencer marketing, trends, insights and even upskilling workshops.

The South African landscape may well be in the early stages of influencer marketing trend, but indaHash has created a team that assures brands, influencers and marketers of exceptional campaigns and support.“Our strong local team, supported by our advanced campaign management dashboard, will create personalised campaigns with extensive reach and engagement that will deliver unparalleled transparency, measurement and results” concludes Federico.

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