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Youth Entrepreneur Nadav Ossendryver Game-Changing In the Tech World, Driving Millions and Making Waves at Silicon Valley

Published: 19 September 2017

SA Youth attracts over half a billion people to his YouTube channel, driving tourism and giving our national parks an Edge.  With You Tube already a partner on his channel and Facebook profiling him as a case study, the world is  Nadav Ossendryver's oyster.

The 22 year is fast making tracks globally with Forbes listing him as one of the most influential people to look out for under 30.  Thanks to What’s On Your Plate, a new series that highlights young entrepreneurs, innovators and influencers who are shaping the future; more South Africans will get to hear about him. 

On our second season of Bunnies in the Burbs: What’s On Your Plate; a JT Comms offering hosted by Wits student and youth entrepreneur Taynita Harilal, about sharing positive solutions of how a new generation of innovators are using technology and providing solutions to so many of the continents problems like job creation, nation building.

'We’re using our digitally enabled platforms to connect and amplify important, inspiring narratives that ordinary South Africans are creating to offer extraordinary solutions. Profiling Nadav in our Bunnies in the Burbs kitchen is an eye opener of how simple it can be sometimes to innovate without using any funds, working with what you have and building on one's passion. It's these kinds of stories that we believe can impact and influence how we use technology to create new futures." says Taynita Harilal.

Nadav Ossendryver has built one of the biggest YouTube followings in the country with his real-time wildlife-spotting service, Latest Sightings.  Latest sightings is a verifiable hit within the global wildlife and conservation community, with users not only being able to watch videos, but because of its crowd-sourcing model, can post their own encounters with nature and wildlife. Thousands of people around the world watch the live sightings and it's this kind of traction that Ossendryver's app is driving in profiling SA. His channel to date boasts more than half a billion views and has 537,969 subscribers.  The Latest Sightings app was named one of the Top 5 Most Innovative Apps for Culture and Tourism in the world at the World Summit Award (WSA) Innovation Congress, and Ossendryver was named one of Africa's Most Promising Entrepreneurs on the Forbes list for under 30’s for 2016.  Ossendryver's obsession with wildlife began when he was just eight-years-old, however it was only in 2011, when was 15, that he launched his first wildlife-spotting YouTube channel, Kruger Sightings, after a family holiday to the Kruger National Park. The channel was an instant success.

  "It was one of those small YouTube channels and my first video ever, actually went viral," Ossendryver says. This was despite some misgivings from the wildlife community about the possible interference of social media.  "At the time, that was the only way to get the community going. I couldn't think of any other way and I wanted people to know about this so they could share their sights, and because it's online, it's instant. In the past a lion could be a kilometer from you and you would have no way of knowing it."

 Ossendryver, who is currently studying for a B-Com degree part-time, has taken his influence beyond YouTube.  He has capitalised on the channel's success, launching a website and app, and together with social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, updates wildlife enthusiasts on where interesting animals and birds can be spotted. The service also provides Kruger National Park accommodation recommendations and specials. 

With Tourism Month in full swing, the South African National Park (SANParks) is once again opening its doors for free for South African National Parks Week from Monday, 18 September until Friday, 22 September.The initiative is part of the annual South African National Parks Week. The campaign is held under the running theme ‘Know Your National Parks’ and allows locals, with valid identity documents, a chance to spend a day at a national park of their choice free of charge."Only when I finished matric, had I realised that this community is so big and I decided let's try and monetise it so I could do something I love forever and I could make a living off it. So the monetisation kind of started in the past two years and YouTube and the media around it is a big part of it."  Ossendryver has also partnered with Tendopro, an online education platform to provide wildlife courses to students, particularly those in rural and poverty-stricken areas.  For media queries, media accreditation, interview requests and to access high resolution pictures contact JT Comms on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 011 788 7632

About JT Communication Solutions

JT Communication Solutions “JT Comms” is a dynamic 21st century PR, Media, Communication and Marketing agency rooted in Africa, with a global reach. The agency is strategically positioned as a technology aggregator using digital to scale clients’ businesses linking them to a global audience through creation of engaging content distributed beyond the continent onto a global stage. Through its investment in technological operations, the agency has successfully launched a 360-degree turnkey digital solution hub for existing and potential clients. The agency is also home to Bunnies in the Burbs, #ECAfrica-Amplifying African excellence and architects of the #ECAfrica hashtag. Bunnies in the Burbs is a JT Comms initiative that launched in August 2016 and is a digital media cooking show about culture, cuisine and conversations and advancing positive African narratives. The show has a favourable footprint with viewership spanning beyond South Africa and the continent at large, being viewed and engaging audiences in countries such as United States of America, India, Morocco, Nigeria, Senegal, Guinea, Niger, Canada, Trinidad and Tobago ,Mexico, Thailand, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Congo to mention a few. #WhatsOnYourPlate is the title of the second season of Bunnies in the Burbs where Youth Entrepreneurs are invited to cook a meal while sharing their entrepreneurial journeys.

Taynita Harilal (host) is no stranger to the hustle and opportunities of entrepreneurship. The 19 year old from Johannesburg first received media attention when she raised in excess of R150k for a tombstone for the late South African singing legend, Dolly Rathebe, garnering her place among the Lead SA Young Heroes in 2015, Yo TV's Achiever of the year amongst other accolades. She was born and bred in an entrepreneurial household and is making constructive use of the firsthand experience that this ongoing opportunity has provided by launching her own online television cooking show #BunniesintheBurbs #OurFamilyKitchen a JT Comms production. 

South African National Parks

The inaugural South African National Parks Week took place in 2006 and was aimed at linking the South African national parks system to the global national movement and to also showcase the best of South Africa’s national parks. During the SANParks Week, members of the public are able to access most of the country's national parks for free. It is part of San Parks campaign to showcase the natural beauty of South Africa and its heritage.  SANParks manages portfolio of 19 parks - a park for every region and one for every season. Table Mountain and Kruger National Park are international icons, but there other parks to experience and SanParks has tourism product development plans for adventure activities and other activities to attract visitors to Golden Gate National Park, which is accessible to the Gauteng market in particular.  

Global Innovation Accelerator last call to local startup talent – 10 days left to apply!

Published: 28 June 2017

Startupbootcamp Cape Town (SBC) is issuing a final call to startups in Africa to apply to participate in the first ever Africa-based programme. 

Internationally renowned accelerator, Startupbootcamp launched their first Africa-based programme in May 2017. Now, after conducting over 12 successful FastTrack events across the globe in search of startup talent, Startupbootcamp Cape Town is issuing a final call for applications. The deadline for online applications is 9 July 2017.

From a pool of hundreds of applicants, the 10 most promising teams will be selected and provided with EUR 15,000, 100+ highly engaged industry mentors, free office space, access to funding and a network of industry partners, investors and venture capital firms. The 3-month bootcamp kicks off in September 2017 in Cape Town, South Africa, and will be led by seasoned innovation experts, Zachariah George, Philip Kiracofe, and Paul Nel.

Core sponsors for this first SBC Africa-based programme include big backers BNP Paribas Personal Finance, RCS, and PwC. Support is also given by global sponsors Google cloud, Amazon web services, Intel, and Cisco.

“As a leader in innovation itself, RCS is committed not only to the continuous search for new ideas and solutions that will define the future of financial services institutions, but also to collaborating and building partnerships with fledgling entrepreneurs to develop untapped talent. RCS believes in the potential of the African continent as the source of a new wave of technological innovation,” believes Regan Adams, CEO of RCS.  

Startupbootcamp CapeTown was initiated after a trend analysis found more than 160 applications to the global programme originated from African teams in 2016 alone.   

Ahead of final applications – attend a local FastTrack event

With only 4 African FastTrack events left to go, startups can apply to attend a local FastTrack ahead of the final application deadline to present their ideas to mentors and sponsors for pre-application advice and feedback.The last leg of FastTracks will be taking place in Dubai (2 July), Durban and Cairo (4 July), Cape Town (7 July) as part of their global tour to find the next big startup phenomenon. 

“The aim is to find and grow disruptive startups and connect them with dynamic corporates.  We are fundamentally changing the ecosystem and seeing tangible results that validate our methodology. The more we engage the more excited we get at how much talent we unearth at these FastTracks,” shares Philip Kiracofe, co-MD of SBC CapeTown.

Zachariah George, co-MD of SBC CapeTown, share, “It’s been an exhilarating, moving tour around the world engaging with startups. Their insight, dedication, and energy is inspiring! Africa is home to some of the best talent – and startups need to flex themselves and enrol programmes like SBC to realise true scale and success.” 

Applications are open to a broad array of disruptive startups in blockchain, connected devices, payment solutions, capital markets and asset management, integrated supply chain, e-commerce, alternative financing, identity management, digital connectivity, data and behavioral analytics and enabling technologies and beyond. 

NOTE: FastTrack engagements are not a requirement to apply for the Startupbootcamp Accelerator, and we encourage ALL startups to apply.  

How to apply?

Interested teams can apply to attend a FastTrack here: http://bit.ly/capetownft

Any mentors that would like to help with the FastTrack can apply here: http://bit.ly/capetownmentor

Startups interested in applying to the 3-month Cape Town program can apply here: https://www.startupbootcamp.org/accelerator/cape-town  

Notes For Editors
For more information about this press release, contact: Mika StanvlietThe Loudhailer: PR for Startupbootcamp Cape Town, South This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. +27 81 534 6237www.startupbootcamp.org 

About Startupbootcamp
Founded in 2010, Startupbootcamp is a global startup accelerator with 18 programs in Amsterdam, Barcelona, Berlin, Chengdu, Istanbul, London, Mexico City, Miami, Mumbai, New York, Rome, Singapore. They take startups global by giving them direct access to the international network of the most relevant partners, investors and mentors in their sector in more than 30 countries. 79% of the Startupbootcamp alumni teams are still active and 71% have gone on to raise additional funding from many of the world's leading VCs and angels.For more information visit: www.startupbootcamp.org 

About RCS
The RCS Group (RCS) is a leading consumer finance business that offers its customers a range of financial service products under their own brand name, as well as in association with a number of leading retailers in South Africa, Namibia and Botswana. RCS collaborates with its retail partners as BNP Paribas Personal Finance South Africa. RCS not only finances, operates, manages and promotes successful credit programmes, but also offers state of the art IT, call centre, risk management as well as financial marketing and brand building solutions.RCS continues to demonstrate growth and innovation in the credit market, offering ground breaking and accessible credit solutions to customers. The company provides more than just a technical solution and product for its partners, it also customises products that integrate people, processes and technology, creating value for their partners and customers. 

About BNP Paribas Personal Finance
BNP Paribas Personal Finance is the leader in France and in Europe for personal loans via its activities in consumer credit and mortgage lending. A 100% subsidiary of the BNP Paribas Group, BNP Paribas Personal Finance has nearly 20,000 employees and operates in about 30 countries. Under brands including Cetelem, Findomestic in Italy, AlphaCredit in Belgium, the company offers a full range of personal credit products at points of sale and car dealerships and directly to consumers through its customer relations centres and Internet. BNP Paribas Personal Finance has added an insurance and savings offer for its clients in Bulgaria, France, Germany, and Italy.BNP Paribas Personal Finance has developed an active partnership strategy with retailers, manufacturers and automotive retailers, web merchants and financial institutions (banks and insurance companies), based on its experience with marketing credit offers and integrated services tailored to partners’ business and commercial objectives. It is also a leading player in the field of responsible lending and financial education.www.bnpparibas-pf.com 

About PwC
At PwC, our purpose is to build trust in society and solve important problems. We’re a network of firms in 157 countries with more than 223,000 people who are committed to delivering quality in assurance, advisory and tax services. Find out more and tell us what matters to you by visiting us at www.pwc.com.PwC has a presence in 34 Africa countries with an office footprint covering 66 offices. With a single Africa leadership team and more than 400 partners and 9000 professionals across Africa, we serve some of the continent’s largest businesses across all industries.PwC refers to the PwC network and/or one or more of its member firms, each of which is a separate legal entity. Please see www.pwc.com/structure for further details.   

German innovation consultancy expands to South Africa

Published: 09 May 2017

Seedlab supports local companies navigating digital disruption

9 May 2017, Berlin, Germany and Cape Town, South Africa -- German innovation consultancy, Seedlab GmbH, has expanded internationally with the launch of Seedlab South Africa in early 2017. The company helps corporates manage digitalisation successfully and brings seven years of experience and tested innovation methodology to South Africa.

Seedlab works with companies to identify new business models; introduces them to startups and entrepreneurial ways of working, such as the Lean Startup approach and rapid prototyping. It embeds innovation into their DNA and ultimately helps them take new, disruptive business models to market.

Seedlab South Africa was founded by digital strategist, Elli Gorgievska, and technology journalist, Vanessa Clark. German founder, Regine Haschka-Helmer plays an active role with local clients. The new company is currently working with estate agency RE/MAX Living to optimise the property sales cycle.

“I’m excited about applying our proven innovation techniques and methodologies in the South African market,” said Haschka-Helmer. “But it’s definitely not about parachuting in our ways of working. What we learn in a South African context will be applied during our work with clients in Europe too.”

The adoption of digitalisation by companies in African countries could contribute R4 trillion ($300 billion) to the continent’s economy by 2026, according to a recent report by Siemens, African Digitalization Maturity Report 2017. The report goes on to say that South Africa is leading digitalisation on the continent, with the continent generally tracking well when it comes to digital transformation.

Seedlab’s innovation approach -- proven with companies such as Swiss Federal Railways and Volkswagen Financial Services -- is to work with businesses to unlock latent creativity and problem-solving capabilities. In parallel the process resets the company’s way of working to be better suited to a disruptive, rapidly-changing, digital world. The Seedlab network of experts and startups ensures that the right brains are around the table to support the company as it interrogates its customer journey, assets and processes to figure out where the business opportunities lie. This helps address some of the major blockages businesses experience when trying to kickstart innovation programmes.

“We don’t think innovation should be outsourced,” said Gorgievska. “Not if you want it to be sustainable. But we do recognise the need that companies have in closing the gap between what they know they should be doing to innovate, and the practical steps they need to take to achieve this. “For as long as it is needed, Seedlab creates the space and ensures the right people are involved to get clarity on what digitalisation means for the client, embeds innovation into their culture, and unlocks talent to help them achieve their business goals.”

As part of the job of supporting South African companies with digitalisation and innovation, Seedlab South Africa will introduce corporates to local and international startups, with a view to collaborating, forming partnerships and even acquisitions. In addition, the company and its German parent will form the nodes of a bridge between the startup ecosystems in Cape Town and Berlin.

“South African companies have a lot to learn from nimble, hungry startups,” said Clark. “Likewise startups can learn from companies that have weathered the ups and downs of the market. Unfortunately, they currently seem to be speaking different languages to each other, with a lot being lost in translation. Seedlab’s matchmaking of startups and established businesses is a double-edged sword, allowing startups to leapfrog to the next level of their growth plan, and companies to tap into startup mindsets and gain new capabilities and technology without building them from scratch.”Seedlab South Africa works with companies looking to innovate, and creative agencies who want to widen their portfolio and offer innovation services to their clients.

About Seedlab South Africa

Seedlab South Africa, seedlab.co.za, is an innovation studio that supports businesses with the existential shift needed to embrace radical innovation. By helping companies disrupt their world before they are disrupted, Seedlab South Africa unlocks revenue streams in the new economy.The company’s core belief is that sustainable innovation comes from within, so the focus is to unlock and entrench business’s own innovation and creativity to ensure growth and profits.

Ideate. Create. Build.

For more information, contact:
Vanessa Clark
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
+27 82 335 1117

RCS and PWC host first set of Fast-Track events in Africa

Published: 06 May 2017

One of the most influential global innovation accelerators, Startupbootcamp, launched its first African-based programme last month. Starting in September 2017 and led by seasoned innovation experts, Zachariah George, Philip Kiracofe, and Paul Nel, a 3-month intense “bootcamp” will take place in Cape Town, South Africa to scale selected top startups.Innovators and entrepreneurs around the world can apply to participate from now until 9 July 2017.

“The aim is to grow disruptive startups and connect them with dynamic corporates, providing both with an opportunity to collaborate and build the African innovation ecosystem,” shares Zachariah George.

The 10 most promising teams will be selected from a pool of hundreds of applicants and provided with EUR 15,000, 100+ highly engaged industry mentors, free office space, access to funding and a network of industry partners, investors and venture capital firms.

FastTrack Events

Ahead of the application deadline, 16 FastTrack events will be held all over the globe for the local talent to present their ideas to the Startupbootcamp Cape Town team and sponsors for pre-application advice and feedback.  The South African FastTracks will be held in Cape Town (11 May) and Johannesburg (18 May) and hosted by sponsors RCS and PWC respectively. Startups can apply now to attend. 

“RCS wholeheartedly believes in supporting initiatives such as Startupbootcamp Africa, and looks forward to hosting the very first FastTrack event on the 11 May at our Head Office in Cape Town’, said Regan Adams, CEO of RCS.  He added that, ‘There is an abundance of untapped potential that exists in Africa. As one of the leading financial services institutions in South Africa, we are constantly looking for innovative ways to improve our credit product offering for our customers and business partners and essentially improve their overall experience.”  

These FastTracks will then move to other cities within the African continent as well as Middle East and Europe. The cities include Accra, Amsterdam, Cairo, Doha, Dubai, Johannesburg, Kampalba, Lagos, London, Nairobi, Paris, and Tel Aviv. 

When and Where

Cape Town, 11 May 2017 

Johannesburg, 18 May 2017 

How to apply?

Interested teams can apply to attend a FastTrack here: http://bit.ly/capetownft

Any mentors that would like to help with the FastTrack can apply here: http://bit.ly/capetownmentor

Startups interested in applying to the 3-month Cape Town program can apply here: https://www.startupbootcamp.org/accelerator/cape-town


Notes For Editors

For more information about this press release, contact:  

Caitlin Dreyer

The Loudhailer: PR for Startupbootcamp Cape Town

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

+27 84 945 3728www.startupbootcamp.org 


About Startupbootcamp

Founded in 2010, Startupbootcamp is a global startup accelerator with 18 programs in Amsterdam, Barcelona, Berlin, Chengdu, Istanbul, London, Mexico City, Miami, Mumbai, New York, Rome, Singapore. They take startups global by giving them direct access to the international network of the most relevant partners, investors and mentors in their sector in more than 30 countries. 79% of the Startupbootcamp alumni teams are still active and 71% have gone on to raise additional funding from many of the world's leading VCs and angels.For more information visit: www.startupbootcamp.org 

About RCS

The RCS Group (RCS) is a leading consumer finance business that offers its customers a range of financial service products under their own brand name, as well as in association with a number of leading retailers in South Africa, Namibia and Botswana. RCS collaborates with its retail partners as BNP Paribas Personal Finance South Africa.RCS not only finances, operates, manages and promotes successful credit programmes, but also offers state of the art IT, call centre, risk management as well as financial marketing and brand building solutions.RCS continues to demonstrate growth and innovation in the credit market, offering ground breaking and accessible credit solutions to customers. The company provides more than just a technical solution and product for its partners, it also customises products that integrate people, processes and technology, creating value for their partners and customers. 

About BNP Paribas Personal Finance

BNP Paribas Personal Finance is the leader in France and in Europe for personal loans via its activities in consumer credit and mortgage lending. A 100% subsidiary of the BNP Paribas Group, BNP Paribas Personal Finance has nearly 20,000 employees and operates in about 30 countries. Under brands including Cetelem, Findomestic in Italy, AlphaCredit in Belgium, the company offers a full range of personal credit products at points of sale and car dealerships and directly to consumers through its customer relations centres and Internet. BNP Paribas Personal Finance has added an insurance and savings offer for its clients in Bulgaria, France, Germany, and Italy.BNP Paribas Personal Finance has developed an active partnership strategy with retailers, manufacturers and automotive retailers, web merchants and financial institutions (banks and insurance companies), based on its experience with marketing credit offers and integrated services tailored to partners’ business and commercial objectives. It is also a leading player in the field of responsible lending and financial education.www.bnpparibas-pf.com 

About PwC

At PwC, our purpose is to build trust in society and solve important problems. We’re a network of firms in 157 countries with more than 223,000 people who are committed to delivering quality in assurance, advisory and tax services. Find out more and tell us what matters to you by visiting us at www.pwc.com.PwC has a presence in 34 Africa countries with an office footprint covering 66 offices. With a single Africa leadership team and more than 400 partners and 9000 professionals across Africa, we serve some of the continent’s largest businesses across all industries.PwC refers to the PwC network and/or one or more of its member firms, each of which is a separate legal entity. Please see www.pwc.com/structure for further details.  

Paving the way for women in content and VR Development,Amelia Thiart a recognized innovator.

Published: 30 August 2016

Global Access has been lucky enough to have Amelia Thiart as our Head of Broadcasting and Creative for the past seven years and we are so proud to announce that she is a finalist in the Inaugural MTN Women in ICT awards within the Innovator Recognition category. She is being recognized for her work, pioneering the development of Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and 360 degree filmmaking both within Global Access as well as in South Africa.   This category was created to recognise and reward women, that in the words of the judging criteria ‘have introduced new methods, ideas or products that are contributing in one way or the other to the delivery of a bold, new, digital world.’  

How has Amelia paved the way and introduced something new to the digital world?  

Well, the South African ICT sector is one of the largest and most advanced in Africa and is characterised by technology leadership. Amelia knew South Africa would be missing out if we didn't branch into AR, VR and 360. By Amelia focusing her team and driving them to the creation of VR apps and AR, VR and 360 content she is pushing  her staff, clients as well as her competitors to accept and engage with these new technologies that very soon will be the commonplace. Technology changes rapidly and grows daily. It’s ever evolving. By championing the rise of these technologies and helping customers, who are more educated regarding technology than ever before, communicate and train in an innovative way, Amelia is paving the path that these technologies will become more accepted. Ensuring South Africa won't be left behind by the rest of the world.  

These awards however aren’t just looking at innovation or accomplishments within the ICT sector. They were created to reward women and their role in the growth and development of the Information Communication Technology sector. 

When asked what she believes Women’s roles to be in this new sphere within ICT, Amelia said “As technology is normally "a man's world" it is important that women get involved in all new technologies and services as well as the creation and development of the content. With VR and 360 videos, it's an experience and women are more adept, have more Emotional Intelligence and so can ensure the content is more personal and evocative. These new technologies need a new kind of developer, creative, animator etc it needs someone who understands peoples’ need for connection and how technology can create this shared experience and for that I truly believe women are the drivers behind this new personal technology.”   

Going forward VR, AR and 360 degree content will soon be combined into one new reality called Mixed reality which is an amalgam of all these technologies working together to change people's experience of places, things and ideas. If the ICT sector doesn't explore and adapt to these new technologies, just like VHS tapes after DVD’s, our industry will gather dust. These new technologies are attracting a lot of new minds, both male and female. But according to Women In Gaming “VR isn’t just ushering in a technological change. It may also stir social change, bringing new opportunities to female developers, whose scarce representation in the industry nowhere near reflects the true number of female gamers. What we’re seeing in the VR space, the spark of excitement around this particular type of technology that has suddenly become cost-effective and also added creative potential,” Tracy Fullerton, director of USC Games, told International Business Times at the Games for Change festival in New York this year. “I think there’s a tremendous energy and interest. That’s always good because there will be opportunities there, and a broad range of them.” Amelia and Global Access agree wholeheartedly that this change in tech is also a space for change for women and we are excited to see what the future holds.

We are so proud of Amelia and wish her the best of luck on Wednesday the 31st of August 2016.  

Global Access is an innovative digital media and content solutions provider.

Striking Simplicity. Pure Design

Published: 29 August 2016

The Geberit Alpha range now offers a slim 8cm cistern which is complemented with three additional actuator plate designs. These sleek new designs are elegant, modern, produced to the highest standards, long-lasting and easy to clean. The Geberit design tradition is easily recognisable.  

The Alpha range boast several benefits and features: The new Geberit Alpha cisterns can be easily installed into either an 8cm or 12cm wall, thanks to the adjustable brackets The sustainably produced and long-lasting products are premium quality, highly durable and leak-proof Water saving with dual flush technology Geberit Alpha actuator plates come in five designs and four different finishes. The Geberit Alpha cisterns combined with the small Alpha actuator plates add a discreet finishing touch to a modern bathroom. He who builds responsibly, builds sustainably.

That is why Geberit has always devoted itself to comprehensively sustainable products that meet the highest standards, thus providing innovative system solutions for sustainable building. The globally operating Geberit Group is a European leader in the field of sanitary products. Geberit operates as an integrated group with a very strong local presence in most European countries, providing unique added value when it comes to sanitary technology and bathroom ceramics.  

To find out more: www.geberit.co.za      → This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.    → 0861 FLUSH 1

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