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A New Attitude: UnStereotyping Advertising: Men should feel powerfully emboldened to be counted as feminists

Published: 27 June 2019

As the Women’s Decade 2010-2020 of the African Union draws to a close, women the world over are standing firm in their push for gender equality – and they want men to walk and work with them, to change perceptions of how women are viewed, and implement changes right where they are. This is at the very core of the United Nations HeForShe campaign www.heforshe.org – a place where men can feel powerfully emboldened to be part of the movement and the solution.  

The strides governments are making are laudable, says Anne Githuku-Shongwe, Representative at the United Nations Women South Africa Multi-Country Office. However, the real work of gender equality has to continually happen in our communities, in our thinking, in our advertising and our perceptions of women. “That’s what the United Nations HeForShe campaign is all about,” she says. “Taking personal responsibility and change that will cascade into thought and community change.”  “With the advertising industry, we’ve created the Unstereotype Alliance, and we’re really challenging private companies who spend billions on advertising to make sure that every single advert that goes out does not stereotype or reinforce images of women as weak or as sexual objects, but actually promotes the image of the future that we really want, which is one where gender equality thrives,” explains Githuku-Shongwe. 

The Unstereotype Alliance is a thought and action platform which uses advertising as a force for good to drive positive change. It seeks to eradicate harmful gender-based stereotypes in all media and advertising content. Convened by UN Women, the Unstereotype Alliance contributes to empowering women in all their diversity (including race, class, age, ability, ethnicity, religion, sexuality, language and education) and addressing harmful masculinities to help create a gender equal world. 

The Loeries, the globally recognised awards for the advertising and communications industry across Africa and the Middle East, are Ally Members the Unstereotype Alliance. One aim is to engage with communications students through a dedicated Unstereotype Alliance and HeForShe Facebook Challenge http://bit.ly/2QLhbFL. “We really want students to engage themselves on the issue of stereotyping. If we can begin to impact on students who themselves are moving into this creative industry that shapes how we believe men and women should be in society, if we can start changing that, and every billboard that comes up, every ad that is on the table, imagine what that would do? A strong woman with a strong man, positive families. These are the images we want portrayed. And just one powerful ad can make such a difference.” “This is the kind of conversation that we want to have at Loeries Creative Week in August this year, with men who are not ashamed to promote feminism, and who can stand and be counted as a feminist.

We’ve got to impact everywhere there are influencers. Creatives are influencers, so if we can influence the influencers to influence the world, then we’re really influencing.” Anne Githuku-Shongwe explains that “in much of Africa and the Middle East, gender-based violence is normalised. It actually should be considered a state of emergency, the way you would deal with a cyclone or other disaster, because really there is a serious issue here. Rape in particular, and sexual violence, is prevalent in many countries, and it’s an area that really has to be dealt with because women will make progress in their education and in their economic advancements, but then they get into a situation of rape or some form of violence from a loved one, and all of that reverses,” she laments.  

Gender equality has to go far beyond just the number of women who sit in high positions, it has to translate to having actual impact on women’s lives. Economically, governments spend billions on procurements every year. “Barely one percent of that goes to towards women-owned businesses. Barely! And that’s a global average,” says Githuku-Shongwe.  “Just imagine if 50 percent of government procurement went to women-owned businesses? That would transform the world, because we know that women-owned businesses employ more people and impact on more people just because automatically they are households.

So the economic upliftment of women is not something to do just because it’s cute, it actually makes transformational economic sense. It’s good business actually. And it starts with changing the way women are viewed and treated.” Anne Githuku-Shongwe will be speaking at the Unstereotype Alliance Masterclass as part of Loeries Creative Week, 22-25 August. More info can be found at Loeries.com. 

Major Partners:      DStv Media Sales, Gearhouse               

Category Partners:     AB InBev, Barron, Brand South Africa, Facebook, Gagasi FM, Google, JCDecaux, Nando’s, Tsogo Sun, Vodacom, Woolworths               

Additional Partners and Official Suppliers:   AAA School of Advertising, Antalis South Africa, Aon South Africa, Backsberg, BEE Online, First   Source, Fresh RSVP Guest Logistics, Funk Productions, Gallo Images, Grid Worldwide, Hetzner,   Mama Creative, Newsclip, Paygate, Rocketseed, Shared Value Initiative, Shift Social Development,  Vega School, VQI Communications Nigeria               

Endorsed by:      Association of Communication and Design, Brand Council South Africa, Commercial Producers    Association, Creative Circle, EXCA, IAB, South African Institute of Architects, IID               

Official Media Partners       Bizcommunity.com, Book of Swag, Brand Communicator Nigeria, Business Insider by Pulse, Campaign Middle East, Film & Event Media, Modern Marketing,The Redzone.               Twitter: @loeries        Instagram: Loerieawards        Facebook: The Loeries         

Distributed on behalf of the  Loeries  by:      Riana Greenblo Communications Date: June 27 2019         For more information, interview requests or high-res images, please contact:        Riana Greenblo on 011 3256006; 0825675159 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. McGloughlin on 0113256006 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (mornings only)   

Job Search e-learning empowers South Africa’s unemployed

Published: 15 May 2019

Job Search e-learning empowers South Africa’s unemployed. We all know that unemployment is one of the greatest problems faced by South Africans, this has been the case for some time and will remain so until concrete, wide reaching and actionable interventions are developed and set in motion.

With an overall unemployment rate of around 27% and a youth unemployment rate hovering around 50% these interventions are needed urgently and in all spheres of the economy. From the creation of new job opportunities to empowering job seekers to be able to actively and successfully secure appropriate jobs. Angelo Pereira Managing Director of GOAL2WORK Jobseekers Toolkit said; “There are many programmes and interventions directed at attempting to reduce the unprecedented unemployment rate in South Africa.

However with the large scale of our unemployment crisis, reaching all of those affected personally becomes logistically almost impossible.” “We have found that whilst we were touching over a thousand individuals annually via our face to face workshops; which are designed to provide a clearly defined course of action aimed at viable positioning in the market in the shortest possible time, this was only a drop in the very large ocean of those needing to learn the essential skill of searching for and securing meaningful employment.”

When considering various options for expanding the reach of the GOAL2WORK programme it soon became apparent that e-learning was the most viable route to follow.

“Most of our target audience, even those in remote areas and with limited financial resources, had access to at least one device with which they could access the internet, mainly via their cell phones.” said Pereira.

With this in mind GOAL2WORK set about developing an e-learning version of their powerful lecture led workshops which teaches the abilities required to develop and implement a successful job search plan whilst reinforcing self-esteem and addressing many other obstacles a jobseeker may face. “It took us over a year to develop a programme which would provide all of the required content in an engaging, fun and interactive way.

The programme is fully animated with voice over, gamification, and interactive exercises.” On the technical front the programme was developed in modules which download as they play and are small enough not to require extensive data. Should users choose they can complete the programme using data on their phones or view small snippets “on the go” and then cover more of the programme when Wi-Fi is available or on home pc’s and tablets.

The GOAL2WORK e-learning programme is now completed and the company is exceptionally excited to make it available to as many unemployed South Africans as possible. Pereira added, ”we have already made the programme available for individuals to purchase via our website, however we are now actively looking for corporate, government and educational institution partnerships to spread the programme as widely as possible to those unemployed South Africans who so desperately need assistance.”

Contact: Angelo at 011 949-9000, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., www.goal2work.co.za for further information.

RubiBlue invests into the potential of women in technology

Published: 08 August 2018

RubiBlue, intelligent business solutions provider, has implemented a strategic growth and expansion policy for 2018 that’s focused on empowering women and building a culture of inclusion.

The company’s goal to increase its staff complement by 45% has paid attention to the value that women bring to the technology industry and to the company’s dynamic culture.

“We believe that diversity is key to a successful company,” says Chris Ogden, CEO, RubiBlue. “At RubiBlue, we have a really vibrant culture that’s supported and driven by the women that lead our business units and the face of our company. We don’t believe that gender dictates how passionate a person is about technology and our staff are all incredibly driven and motivated in this industry.”

For RubiBlue, Women’s Month isn’t just 31 days of recognising the value women add to the industry. It’s about a consistent investment into their potential and recognising their ability to lead, transform and inspire.

"Women add remarkable insights and perspectives to the business, introducing fresh ways of thinking and looking at problems or challenges,” says Ogden. “They also demonstrate superb leadership skills and lead their teams with compassion. Skills and talent aren’t defined by gender and we long since recognised that women are pivotal to our long-term growth and to creating a strong internal culture of warmth, consideration and support.” RubiBlue’s staff complement is steadily increasing month on month and continues to showcase how an investment into talent, rather than gender, delivers long-term results.

To find out more about RubiBlue and how it can work with your business to create intelligent technology and ignite revenue, visit www.rubiblue.com, call 27 (0) 861 48 48 99, or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Hop on to this empowerment train to your desired success!

Published: 02 March 2015

Limitless Social Club

Mobile: 076 4024 936



5 March 2015



Save the date! 14 March 2015 is the date worth to save on your diary because you obviously don’t want to miss this empowerment train to your desired success. Due to popular demand, Limitless Social Club (LSC) once again invites you to another exclusive women empowerment talk hosted by Thandi Hlatshwayo, the CEO of LSC. This talk is all about Global Success and you! It will take place at Clico Boutique Hotel, 27 Sturdee Avenue, Rosebank.  LSC is a social club that drives empowerment among the South African youth.

It is committed to create an environment for the youth to partake in constructive activities as well as to learn how to sustain themselves through socialising. At this event you will learn:
• How to take your businesses from a local level to a global level
• Effective methods to adopt in order to attain global success
• How to effectively position your brands in a competitive international market
• The importance of innovation and how to efficiently implement innovation in your businesses
• What is global success, and how to consistently achieve it as a woman in business.

The line-up of speakers is made up of experts in global business and personal development fields.

Palesa Makanda is a CEO of Enziafrica (www.enziafrica.co.za), a black women owned organisation that is built on the philosophy that Africa holds great opportunity and has the potential to thrive even further if African solutions are applied to build the continent, particularly through sustainable entrepreneurship. She has extensive experience developing SMMEs which includes both funding entrepreneurs as well as providing non-financial support with multi-national companies.    

Pontsho Manzi is Executive Chairman and CEO of Botlhokwa Group; a holding company for three subsidiary companies called Recrutrain, FabImage and Bonisa Media. She is a qualified HR practitioner by training, an author, a nationally and internationally recognized professional business and inspirational speaker, facilitator, coach and image consultant. She is the founding editor and publisher of Fabulous Woman magazine and author of arguably the first South African black female created and owned annual inspirational diary for women called Diary for Fabulous You.

Colleen Larsen is CE of Business Engage Association NPC, a South African based organisation at the forefront of strategic thinking on gender mainstreaming in the private sector. As a speaker and an author on the subject, Colleen is one of the leading voices for the sustainable advancement of women in the corporate and entrepreneurial space in South Africa today using the business case as a basis for transformation. She was the first chairperson of the South African Women Entrepreneurs Network Ltd., an initiative of the Department of Trade & Industry.

Don't miss this opportunity to network with dynamic women; learn effective practical methods on how to achieve your true success and kick start your year with a high level of motivation. Investment is R380 per person. Pre-booking is essential as tickets are very limited. To reserve or purchase your ticket, email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 073 963 4369. Follow @LSC_2014 or Thandi_LSC on twitter. 

Notes for editor
CEO Thandi Hlatshwayo is available for interviews about Limitless Social Club. We would like the event to be covered in the media. 

Contact Details:

Nompumelelo Cele
Mobile: 076 402 4936
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Transformation on the cards for the business process outsourcing sector

Published: 12 December 2014

New B-BBEE codes present opportunity for growth and sustainability  

As corporate South Africa digests the impact of the new B-BBEE codes which come into play on 1 April 2015, a new debate is emerging. This is one of transformation versus job creation and is by no means an easy challenge to resolve. This is the view of Zain Patel, Operations Director: Domestic at Merchants, Southern Africa’s largest and oldest business process outsourcing (BPO) and customer experience specialist.  

Under the new codes, it will be more difficult for organisations to improve their ratings without taking the necessary steps towards transformation. In addition to that, according to the new mandate, wherever a government incentive is paid out, it will now become a requirement that the codes are taken into account. This will have a significant impact on the offshore industry as an organisation’s B-BBEE rating will have a direct impact on whether their clients qualify for the incentives.  

The need for transformation and job creation in South Africa is a reality that cannot be ignored. “As Merchants the approach we have chosen to take is that of transformation,” says Patel. “While we acknowledge that some people will be negatively affected by the required transformation, we do believe job creation will follow.”  

“Transformation is not just about process, but more so about the people affected by it,” he says. “It’s about driving change that has a positive long term and sustainable impact on lives, creating opportunities for more individuals to become economically active.”  

Patel believes this is an extremely complex issue that cuts across industries and which might be easier for some organisations to overcome than others. “As an established business in South Africa, we have a strong foundation in building an environment that allows people to grow through the ranks with our reputable skills development programmes. Through these programmes we are continuously fast-tracking the development of individuals to move them into leadership positions.”  

Merchants has also successfully partnered with Harambee, an organisation which sources, trains and places unemployed young people from disadvantaged backgrounds into first-time jobs. This partnership allows young people to acquire the skills they need to enter the workplace, while growing the local talent pool for the industry. “This goes a long way in bridging the gap between our unemployed youth and the needs of our organisation. If more organisations took this route we would see tremendous improvement in our country’s unemployment statistics and it is a responsibility that should be shared among corporates in South Africa.”  

According to Patel, those hardest hit will be the big international outsourcers, which is a challenge as the increase in outsource providers in the country has had a positive effect. “The increase in the number of outsource service providers not only lends more credibility to South Africa as an offshore destination of choice, but also increases the number of people marketing the country to potential investors and provides choice to those customers already considering South Africa,” he says. “All of these are great for job creation and developing a healthy, sustainable BPO sector. This is critical in enabling the industry to have a long term impact on the country’s economy and drive down unemployment.”  

“While we may not have all the answers just yet, we cannot afford to pitch transformation against job creation. We know that transformation is necessary, therefore it is up to the industry as a whole to find that middle ground that allows us to transform while still creating much needed jobs for the country,” Patel concludes.

Red Diamond FM's New Image, and More

Published: 28 October 2014

Firstly we would like to thank all our fans, followers, friends and partners for your continued love and support. The emails you’ve been sending asking questions and the calls you’ve made show us how much you care for us and how important Red Diamond FM has been to you whether for inspiration, entertainment or the growth of your music career as an artist. We would like to assure you all that this establishment is permanent.

Red Diamond FM went through structural and organizational changes over the past two months. We decided to sit down and plan and strategize, we went back to the drawing board to revisit our mission which was to help unsigned musicians and start up record and music labels grow. Having than this, we chose to expand our media platforms in Red Diamond World for the benefit of South African musicians, in all genres. We are working on building a community of young celebrities who deserve to be celebrated because of the hustle they have put in towards their success.

Today Red Diamond FM is under the media division of Red Diamond World (Pty) Ltd (K2014198007), a South African tech company run by young innovative entrepreneurs. The company holds various major market shares in the South African technology industry and above that has founded two unique social networks and a world class eCommerce store.

The multimedia division of Red Diamond World aims to bring innovative internet radio, television and great features via the online magazine T·R·E·N·D·S. This division also assists unsigned South African artists get their music on to over 40 digital stores including iTunes, Amazon and Google Play.

The scope of involvement at this stage of the process transcends the traditional approach to multimedia. What Red Diamond World aims to achieve through its multimedia division goes beyond merely fulfilling the market’s need. Multimedia is a tool for social engineering and it is important that it is used for such. ‘Conscious broadcasting’ is integral to the vision of Red Diamond World. Today, technology has limited the boundaries which were yesterday exploited for much monetary gain. The music industry has become so open with much accessibility to music production that separating the entertainer and the entertained is becoming impossible. Social commentators have also expressed the coming age where genres will be done away with. Music is not the only multimedia division experiencing changes. The worlds of art and fashion have also been demystified through the embrace of pioneers who dare to legitimize the unusual- multimedia has no boundaries.

Red Diamond World is committed to furthering the cause of innovation and creativity. The aim is to bring entertainment to the entertainer. The recognition of upcoming entertainers is pivotal in all our initiatives. Music, art and fashion on radio, television and T·R·E·N·D·S will be geared at exposing fresh innovative expressions of multimedia today.

The underlying principal behind ‘conscious broadcasting’ is the philosophical belief that profit is NOT worth getting by using every means necessary. Red Diamond World understands the failure of unregulated capitalism. Good initiatives end up existing solely for capital gain when their pursuit for profit is achieved at the expense of the basic laws of humanity. Thus, ethical broadcasting is at the forefront of our multimedia division. We have taken great cognisance of the need to humanize every initiative we are involved in including the various companies who have aligned themselves with us. We aim to solidify the image of our partners as well as help achieve their goals in so far as we are able to. ‘Conscious broadcasting’ is geared towards broadcasting with a purpose. It is an ongoing balance of enjoying, shaping and gaining from our world.

Website: rediamondworld.com

The Women in Transport Forum a resounding success!

Published: 20 October 2014

20/10/2014 – Johannesburg, with over 150 Women SMME’s in attendance, the Inaugural Women in Transport Forum became the highlight of the Gauteng Transport Month Campaign.  

Invigorating discussion with between the private sector, MMC Christine Walters and MEC Dr. Ismail Valdi definitely spoke to the women and encouraged them to employ “think differently” mindset to the sector in order to offer innovation and participation for more women participants in the transport & logistics industry.  

The insightful forum offered over 150 women awareness into how to become more visible in the Transport sector and offered them a better knowledge of the investor cycle and mindset of investors when embarking on funding women transport owned businesses. MMC Christine Walters opened the forum giving her message of thanks to the women and encouraged more women to move past the common barriers and align themselves with orgnaisations that can facilitate and fast track the interaction of women in the sector.  

MEC Dr. Ismail Valdi deliberated a keynote on the road map for Transport in 2015 and urged more women to think big in tackling issues in the Transport Sector. MEC Dr. Valdi and MMC Christine Walters presented the winners of the Women in Transport Forum awards of acknowledgement.   The City of Johannesburg and the Gauteng Department of Road sand Transport awarded 5 women the award of acknowledgement. The awards were a token of appreciation for the role the women are playing in community upliftment through job creation while being able to transform the industry through their respective organization.     As we unpack and address the issues facing women in the transport sector, the Women in Transport Forum aims to engage more women in the sector that looks to create sustainability women in transport while drive the economic agenda.  

For additional information, please contact Yasmine Kazadi at 011 027 5842 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

About Mercatique Consulting  

Mercatique Consulting is a 100% Black Owned B-BBEE Level 1 Communications Firm, focusing on providing primarily the finest Marketing, Media, Publicity, Events, Communications and Project Management Solutions for Small, Medium, Micro and Large organizations, both locally and internationally with a global reach and an exciting service offering, delivering innovative ideas across the continent and the globe.   We are dedicated, creative thinkers, which bring this association to life, offering clients a one stop offering, extending a message to a wider audience.   As a service company, our people are our most important asset and it is their contributions which drive the ongoing success of our organisation. www.mercatiqueconsulting.co.za


Published: 07 October 2014

17 and 18 November 2014 will be key days for not only South Africa’s Business Intelligence community, but for anyone who wants to learn how Big Data and Analytics can bring big business results. These are the dates set for Cape Town to host Mammoth BI (http://mammothbi.co.za), a dynamic 2-day conference themed ‘Big Data in Action’ that will see global thought leaders and local experts share their insights in an exciting new IT conferencing model!

The conference aims to myth-bust conventional ideas of Big Data and Analytics and to create an informed local community understanding the latest in Business Intelligence. Speakers include prominent local business leaders and global industry heavyweights including a trio of top PhD’s - Marc Smith (Chief Social Scientist at Connected Action Consulting Group in Silicon Valley), Eric Siegel (author of best-selling publication “Predictive Analytics”), and Data Warehousing Analyst Barry Devlin (author of the book “Business UnIntelligence”). They’ll be joining a significant line-up of handpicked heavyweights that sees Anthony Miller (CEO of Lightstone Group) and Dr Jasper Horrell (General Manager for Science Computing at the Square Kilometer Array, or SKA) sharing insights from their wealth of industry expertise. 

Jason Haddock, founder of Mammoth BI and a member of the TEDx Cape Town team, will ensure that this is no ordinary conference. Drawing from his experience with TEDx, he has implemented an unconventional, interactive approach to the event. Speakers will need to deliver key thoughts in no more than 20 minutes and workshops will be held throughout the conference. The workshops will facilitate networking and a practical understanding of Business Intelligence and Analytics. 

With tickets selling for only R700, the conference aims to appeal to not only IT specialists and general businesses but also to students. Education, collaboration and the desire to make the notion of Big Data accessible has been the organizer’s focus. What’s more Mammoth BI is giving away 100 free tickets to students as further evidence of its commitment to boosting education.

The conference is a must for anyone who wishes to know how to practically adopt Big Data, BI and Analytics to work towards their competitive advantage. Keynote presentations will take place at the Cape Town International Convention Centre, with breakaway workshops to be held at other venues in the city, to be announced as part of the conference programme. Watch http://mammothbi.co.za for real-time updates on speakers and venues. And remember; don’t think big, think MAMMOTH!   Tickets are available online at MammothBI or through Quicket.


Date: 17 & 18 November 2014 Main Programme

Venue:  Cape Town International Convention Centre Workshop

Venues: To be Announced as part of the conference programme

More info: http://mammothbi.co.za


About Mammoth BI:

Mammoth BI - http://mammothbi.co.za - is a two-day ‘Big Data in Action’ Conference. The event, hosted in Cape Town on the 17th and 18th of November 2014, will bring global industry experts together with local leaders to share the latest in Business Intelligence.  

PRESS RELEASE ISSUED BY: Lauren Shantall (Pty) Ltd

Leon Jamarie
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel: 021 685 1382

A Teacher Changed My Life - NEW BOOK

Published: 01 October 2014

Darren August takes us through a few of the experiences and relationships with his own teachers, growing up, which changed his life. He retells the stories of others too, and will surely awaken your school memories. As an experienced motivator, the book leaves not only teachers encouraged to inspire others, but everyone else will feel inspired to reach their potential and live their calling too. 

This book offers a few giggles as we see things from the perspective of a child, but is mostly introspective of the role we play in the way in which children perceive themselves. Teachers and parents will find it particularly motivating – with practical ways you could change young lives, for good. 

This book is a great resource. It’s a celebration of teachers, as instrumental parts of society – it will definitely have you thinking of the teachers that have impacted your life. Scheduled for release in October 2014 – this book is set to motivate every South African reader to once again restore the dignity of ‘The Noblest Profession”. 

About the Author 

Darren August is the Founder and CEO of Dazz Consulting – A dynamic training organisation committed to seeing people thrive and succeed.He is a Corporate Trainer, Motivational Speaker, Life Coach, Entrepreneur, Radio Host & former Lecturer.He is passionate about Life; People and Education and together with his wife – Arlene, they believe in maximizing every opportunity to impact the lives of others. 

To order, for interview requests and other queries, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Published: 30 September 2014

We are thrilled to announce that both the public and private sectors appear to recognize the value of board diversity as BPW SA has been approached in the last month alone, to assist with eleven board vacancies for women on our Register.  Women and men have different interests and perspectives in important areas, and boards are starting to see the importance of utilising these varying experiences to tackle the tremendous challenges. 

BPW SA and the Department of Trade & Industry (the dti) want boards of directors to widen the search for talent by looking beyond the traditional pool of executives and bring new potential to light.  It is for this reason that we have joined forces to provide a Women on Boards programme to create a Register of female leaders in South Africa who are excellently trained and, as a result, are highly sought after by Boards.  After all, why on earth would you voluntarily exclude half the smart people?

Our first group of 19 senior women, all thoroughly trained through our 9-month Women on Boards director development programme and certified by the dti, are now available on our register of Board Potential Women Directors and we urge companies to contact us for potential female directors.

Seven of our graduates are in line for board interviews , many have been interviewed by the media – both radio and magazines – and all will be profiled in the KZN Chamber of Commerce Power Book (2015). As an ongoing service to the graduates, BPW SA continues to raise their profile in an effort to access suitable board placements.  We have proven that board diversity is not a supply problem, but rather a demand problem.

BPW SA is proud to announce that we have incorporated an international module into the Women on Boards programme.  Business acumen - incorporating business finance and strategy - a must in today’s complex landscape. Business acumen is a keen understanding of what it takes for an organization to make money.  It combines financial literacy – the ability to interpret numbers on financial statements – with business literacy – recognizing how strategies and decisions impact these numbers.  Call it a sophisticated business simulation. Call it an exercise in experiential learning. Or call it a board game. Whatever you label it, the simple fact is that the training is fun and will gives participants a true competitive edge.

A recent Women on Board graduate, Tebogo Maziya, who holds a Masters degree in Science, a postgraduate diploma in finance and a B Comm degree says the nine-month journey has been fulfilling. “I learnt there’s a risk and that that risk is manageable. So it’s important for the board to be transparent and accountable and for a board member to be aware of decisions made because they will be held accountable.”  Another graduate, Amantha Maharaj, a BSc electrical engineering graduate with an MBA, who works a top management level at an engineering consultancy says of the programme: “It teaches one to know how a board is structured, what to do, and questions one needs to ask when sitting on a board. It also teaches business risk and how one should view business from a higher level. It was certainly value for money.”

For more information about our Women on Boards Programme, please visit our website at www.bpw-jhbsa.co.za or contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or (011) 794-4991.

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