WeSit Celebrates Their 1000th Babysitter

Published: 17 June 2019

Cape Town, South Africa: Today WeSit, an online babysitting company connecting parents to professionally vetted babysitters, announced that they have signed up 1000 babysitters to service parents in Cape Town, Johannesburg and Pretoria.

The company is growing at breakneck pace, having only begun operations in March of this year. Of the rapid growth in operations, WeSit CEO and cofounder Nqobile Msibi said “Reaching 1000 babysitters is a noteworthy milestone and we think the market for our service is only really starting to take shape.

Everyone on the team is excited about it and we’re happy to finally be able to service multiple cities. Personally vetting each and every applicant to our platform is how I know we’re delivering the highest quality of service to busy parents.”

About WeSit: WeSit is an online on-demand babysitting startup based in Cape Town, South Africa. Operating since March of 2019 and now available in Cape Town, Johannesburg and Pretoria.

Six easy-to-implement ways of being an inspiration to your children

Published: 12 July 2018

To become inspired, we need to inspire others.

Remember that what we teach others, we teach ourselves. Imagine, then, the benefits of being an inspiration to your children!  It is a win-win in that what you give, you will receive!!  Cindy Glass, Director and Co-founder of Step Up Education Centres says “Parents tend to forget that they wish to be happy, joyful and inspired as much as they wish this for their children-and yet, who could be a greater source of inspiration to your children than you, the parent?”

Cindy goes on to explain “As a parent, you are your children’s first and longest-lasting teacher.  When you are inspired you will find yourself in a new, great and wonderful world. You will want to become a source of inspiration for others - and most especially - for your children. Living from a place of inspiration will result in a life where there are no limitations to what you could achieve. Love, joy and peace will become the building blocks on which you create possibilities, meaning and purpose! You do not need any qualifications to become an inspiration to your children (or others). You need only be human, with a willingness to give to others the inspiration you wish for yourself!” 

Inspired people

  • Stay detached from the negative opinions of others
  • Seek positive solutions to inevitable life-challenges
  • Are self-aware, self-motivated and are able to positively manage their emotions
  • Are more productive, enthusiastic and passionate
  • Seek ways to be of service to others-joyfully and without expectations of reward Inspire others 

Cindy gives the following, easy-to-implement steps to inspire your child by being the inspiration

Inspiration through kindness. Random acts of kindness- a gentle word of encouragement, helping someone in need, a friendly greeting to the car guard, helping an animal-will inspire you and your children in ways you cannot imagine!

Inspiration through gratitude. Make it a daily habit to voice what you are grateful for. Take a look at your life—yes you have difficulties, hurts and challenges—but look deeper.  Teach your children the powerful gift of gratitude.  It will change your life!

Inspiration through generosity. Find ways to be generous. It does not have to be monetary. Giving of your love, joy, time and compassion are beautiful ways to inspire your children to do the same.

Inspiration through listening. Listen to understand, without having the need to interrupt or negatively impact the trust you want to build with your children. Inspire your children to listen, without judgement to others as you do with them.

Inspiration through being peaceful. Find ways to teach yourself to seek peace in your life. Yoga, meditation, exercise, reading uplifting books—whatever it takes.  There is no greater gift than peace!

Inspiration through passion. Being excited about life is infectious. Voice your excitement for positive progress in your children’s lives-no matter how small- and seek to find positive growth points in your own.

Cindy concludes by saying “You need to BE inspired to inspire others.  What you teach your children, you teach yourself.  It is a win-win for all!”

About Step Up
Established in 2016, Step Up Education Centres is a dynamic after-school remediation and tutoring franchise with a difference. Step Up offers children an opportunity to succeed in a schooling system that is, at times, very unsympathetic.  From the moment, a child walks through a Step Up Education Centre door they feel different.  They no longer feel silly or stupid. They no longer feel misunderstood. They no longer feel judged. After just one lesson they feel hope. They see possibility. After a few sessions, they walk taller, feel smarter, do better. Why? Because Step Up believes that every child has potential… and our passionate educators will not give up until they reach it!                                                                                                                                               

Press release disseminated on Behalf of
Cindy Glass
Director and Co-Founder of Step Up Education Centres

Disseminated by
Carmen White
Account Manager
Sam Watt Marketing Communications
081 260 4011

Children can burn out too!

Published: 25 June 2018

Gone are the days when children went to school, came home, made a peanut butter sandwich and went to play with the neighbourhood kids!  Cindy Glass, Director and Co-founder of Step Up Education Centres explains “Children are naturally high-energy beings and very little thought is given to the extreme pressures and overloading of activities that our children face in the world that we find ourselves living in today! As adults, we are familiar with the challenges of physical and emotional burn-out, but we do not consider that children are prone to burn out as well.  In fact, burn out in children, if left unchecked, can lead to depression, complete apathy and a myriad of health issues.”

Cindy goes on to explain that many children are being subjected to competitive and pressured activities all day, every day and at a pace that most adults would find challenging to keep up!  “Academic expectations, sports (school and clubs), cultural and religious studies, extra lessons, music, art, drama, dance…. the list goes on and on… when packed, back-to-back into the daily schedule of children can lead to overloaded children becoming exhausted and this may lead to burn out!”

Parents who notice that their children are showing a combination of the following signs may want to consider that their children may be heading towards burn out-or worse-have already burned out!

  • A loss of motivation or desire for activities that they once enjoyed or looked forward to.
  • Anxiety, fearfulness and panic attacks
  • Fatigue and tearfulness, withdrawn, uncharacteristic tantrums
  • Feelings of dejection, making excuses or simply refusing to attend activities that they may have enjoyed before
  • Physical illnesses, loss of appetite, nail biting
  • Falling behind in academics or other activities

Burn out is not something to be taken lightly.  Cindy gives the following tips to consider when dealing with burn out in children:

  1. Choose to be a mindful parent. Watch, communicate, listen-with-understanding, acknowledge that something needs to change and act to help and support your child!

  2. Honestly assess the activities and stress causers in your child’s life.

  3. Work with your child to reduce or stop the activities that cause the greatest stress. Allow time for your children to just BE. Allow time for rest and reflection, for childish games and laughter. Teach your children the importance of listening to their bodies and making healthy choices for themselves—choices that are uplifting, enjoyable and less pressured.

  4. Be realistic in terms of how many activities your child is doing every day and every week. Watch for signs of exhaustion. Engender a relationship of non-judgemental communication with your child. Guide, support and teach them positive coping skills (which may or may not involve a change in schedule).

  5. Choose to create balance in yours and your children’s lives. There is no advantage or positive learning that can take place from overloading a child! It is important for children to learn a variety of skills as they grow, but be aware of how much is expected of them—too much can be counter-productive! 

Cindy concludes by saying “Burn out in children is more prevalent that we may have allowed ourselves to consider before! It can lead to serious consequences.  As parents, it is essential that we acknowledge that children, although naturally high energy beings, can and will burn out if their lives are out of balance and the signs are left unchecked!”

About Step Up
Established in 2016, Step Up Education Centres is a dynamic after-school remediation and tutoring franchise with a difference. Step Up offers children an opportunity to succeed in a schooling system that is, at times, very unsympathetic.  From the moment, a child walks through a Step Up Education Centre door they feel different.  They no longer feel silly or stupid. They no longer feel misunderstood. They no longer feel judged. After just one lesson they feel hope. They see possibility. After a few sessions, they walk taller, feel smarter, do better. Why? Because Step Up believes that every child has potential… and our passionate educators will not give up until they reach it!                                                                                                                                               

Press release disseminated on Behalf of:
Cindy Glass
Director and Co-Founder of Step Up Education Centres

Disseminated by:
Carmen White
Account Manager
Sam Watt Marketing Communications
081 260 4011

Fun ways to connect with your children this holiday

Published: 21 December 2017

The holidays are here and they bring with them a wonderful opportunity for families to spend time together, laugh, be silly and enjoy activities together and in so doing, re-connect and bond in deeper, more meaningful ways.

Cindy Glass, Co-founder and Director of afterschool remediation franchise, Step Up Education Centre gives the follow tips on how you can re-connect with your child, whether you are travelling or stay at home this festive season: 

Create a sense of excitement within the family: Have something to look forward to. Choose to make this holiday one of family connection. Remember, what you give to others, you give to yourself. Encourage tolerance, love and peace by being tolerant, loving and peaceful yourself!

Listen without judgement: Holidays provide a great opportunity to stop and listen!  Your children want connection as much as anyone on the planet and being heard is essential in achieving this! Ask questions about each other’s lives. Let your children teach you about their passions and interests – you may just be in awe of how your children view life. So often children shut the doors of communication for fear of how their parents will react – if connection is your goal, listen without judgement!

Expect challenges: Being human means that things can, and will, go awry from time to time. Allow for these moments. Own them when they happen and find positive solutions. There is, after all, a solution for every challenge! It is how each family member chooses to react to challenges that will make or break your holiday!

Be prepared: If you are travelling and you know that boredom could lead to a less than desirable journey, make sure that you are well-prepared with exciting treats and some games to play in the car! Some old favourites like ‘I spy, 20 questions and adding numbers up on licence plates’ can keep little people entertained for hours!  

“The opposite of frustration, irritation, guilt and a lack of fulfilment is…. non-judgemental human connection, and happiness is rooted in meaningful human connection. Laugh, be silly and allow for the odd challenge. Teach respect and integrity by your being respectful a person of integrity. Choose to use these holidays as a golden opportunity to create positive connections and beautiful memories that will last a lifetime!” Cindy concludes. 

About Step Up

Established in 2016, Step Up Education Centres is a dynamic after-school remediation and tutoring franchise with a difference. Step Up offers children an opportunity to succeed in a schooling system that is, at times, very unsympathetic.  From the moment, a child walks through a Step Up Education Centre doors they feel different.  They no longer feel silly or stupid. They no longer feel misunderstood. They no longer feel judged. After just one lesson they feel hope. They see possibility. After a few sessions, they walk taller, feel smarter, do better.

Why? Because Step Up believes that every child has potential…And our passionate educators will not give up until they reach it!  

Press release disseminated on Behalf of:
Cindy Glass
Director and Co-Founder of Step Up Education Centres

Press release disseminated by:
Carmen White
081 260 4011
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Sam Watt Marketing Communications



Your child after your death - 3 steps to provide financial security

Published: 01 June 2017


Losing a parent - and a sense of security - is a traumatic experience for any child. Sadly, this painful process is often exacerbated when proper planning is not in place to ensure your children will still enjoy financial security, even if you are no longer here to provide for them.

Proper financial planning is crucial to ensure your children is financially provided for if you die, especially for minor children, children with single parents, children from a previous marriage and handicapped children.

Hein Klokow of Secure Legacy outlines a three-step process to ensure your children’s financial future is secure when you are no longer around. “A common concern, particularly with minor children, is how to determine and provide a sufficient income for them after the death of one or both parents,” explains Klokow. “A further concern is how this income, as well as any assets, will be managed and preserved to ensure the children have the financial resources they need until the time they become adults. We recommend a three-step process to address these concerns, and the expertise of an experienced estate planner who understands the different estate planning structures and can assist you to consider all the relevant factors applicable to your situation.”

1. Determine your children’s financial needs
Firstly, with the help of your estate planner, you need to determine your children’s financial needs. Every family is different with its own circumstances. In addition, the considerations for parents with minor children are different from those with adult children. There are also additional considerations when you have a handicapped child or children from a previous marriage.

2. Providing the financial resources
Once you have established what your children’s financial needs are in the case of death of a parent, you need to ensure that the financial resources are in place to meet those needs. The most common way to ensure that there is sufficient income for your minor children is to utilise family assets and life insurance policies.

3. Sustainable management
When the financial resources are in place, a structure is required to manage it sustainably to ensure it will continue to provide for your children’s financial needs until the time they become adults. Normally, in the case where one spouse dies, the other spouse inherits the estate assets and is also the beneficiary on the life policies. He or she then uses the life insurance claim payments and assets to cater for the financial needs of the children.

There are, however, often cases where you will have to consider alternatives, especially if you are a single parent, if your spouse is unable to manage the financial affairs or if you have a child from a previous marriage. Similarly, adult children who are not capable of managing their financial affairs can, with the right structure, be allowed to benefit from their inheritance without having to make financial decisions.

“In these cases, and in the eventuality of both parents dying, we generally make use of one or more trusts. The trust deed stipulates how you wish the funds to be utilised, who the trustees will be and when the trust should terminate so the assets pass to your children as they reach adulthood - usually at age 18, 21 or 25 or, in the case of a handicapped child, until death,” explains Klokow.

“The trustees have the responsibility to manage and invest trust funds as well as to adhere to your direction for your children’s health care, education and maintenance as set out in the trust deed. It is thus very important to choose your trustees carefully! You should consider appointing an independent trustee, who deals with the administration of trusts on a day-to-day basis, together with a trusted family member or friend, both of whom will work closely with your children’s guardian. This should provide structure, compliance and independence to the trust, ensuring your children’s inheritance is managed in their best interest.”

A further consideration will be the type of trust and the tax implications of each option. Your estate planner will be able to assist you in weighing up the advantages and disadvantages of different estate planning structures, considering all the relevant factors applicable to your family’s specific circumstances.

With expert advice and proper planning, you can ensure that your children will be provided for financially when you are no longer around to take care of them – a lasting gift that will continue to provide financial security long after you have gone.


Note to the editor:
About Hein Klokow
Hein is qualified with an LLB. CERT. IN TAXATION and is an admitted attorney of the High Court of South Africa. In early 2004, he joined an international financial institution, specialising exclusively with deceased estates, wills, trusts and estate planning. His 13 years of experience in his field of expertise gives him great insight into the practical, legal and tax consequences when structuring and administering trusts, wills and estates. He is currently a Director of Secure Legacy and involved in the development of deceased estate administration software, as well as will management software. He regularly presents learning sessions to financial advisors and seminars to clients, and has written articles for magazines such as The Property Investor on subjects related to his field of expertise.

About Secure
Legacy Secure Legacy assists business owners, professionals and families in protecting their wealth and securing their wellbeing through dedicated and independent solutions for executor services, estate planning, drawing up wills and setting up and managing trusts. Our core business is to secure the legacies of our clients by devoting ourselves exclusively to providing ongoing, specialist estate planning, trust and will services. 

For more information please visit http://securelegacy.co.za or to arrange an interview, please contact:  
Hein Klowkow
Director: Secure Legacy
Tel: 012 543 1806
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

A Teacher Changed My Life - NEW BOOK

Published: 01 October 2014

Darren August takes us through a few of the experiences and relationships with his own teachers, growing up, which changed his life. He retells the stories of others too, and will surely awaken your school memories. As an experienced motivator, the book leaves not only teachers encouraged to inspire others, but everyone else will feel inspired to reach their potential and live their calling too. 

This book offers a few giggles as we see things from the perspective of a child, but is mostly introspective of the role we play in the way in which children perceive themselves. Teachers and parents will find it particularly motivating – with practical ways you could change young lives, for good. 

This book is a great resource. It’s a celebration of teachers, as instrumental parts of society – it will definitely have you thinking of the teachers that have impacted your life. Scheduled for release in October 2014 – this book is set to motivate every South African reader to once again restore the dignity of ‘The Noblest Profession”. 

About the Author 

Darren August is the Founder and CEO of Dazz Consulting – A dynamic training organisation committed to seeing people thrive and succeed.He is a Corporate Trainer, Motivational Speaker, Life Coach, Entrepreneur, Radio Host & former Lecturer.He is passionate about Life; People and Education and together with his wife – Arlene, they believe in maximizing every opportunity to impact the lives of others. 

To order, for interview requests and other queries, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Published: 14 August 2014

The second development phase at Somerset Lakes, a 42-hectare residential estate in Somerset West, will be released to the market in mid September. The first phase sold out rapidly, with 114 sales being recorded within just six weeks of the launch. Construction of the first phase is well under way and occupation is expected to take place in mid 2015.

The new phase, Waterford Green, comprises 48 freestanding double-storey houses, selling from R1,3 million including VAT, no transfer duty. These two and three bedroom homes offer spacious, contemporary, open-plan living areas and private gardens. All homes include at least two bathrooms, one being en suite, and the three-bedroom design offers a garage and an optional guest toilet.

According to Dave Harris, Sales and Marketing Manager of Somerset Lakes, the new product has been specifically designed to help meet the growing demand for affordable, quality housing in the popular Somerset West area.

“We’ve been inundated with requests from buyers looking for houses,” Harris said. “People want freestanding homes with gardens, views and security, in close proximity to the centre of Somerset West, and that’s exactly what our latest product at Somerset Lakes has to offer.”

Designed by Schabort Associates Architects, the new development phase is located alongside the six-hectare lake that gives the estate its name.

“This unique feature is a huge attraction,” Harris commented. “It’s ideal for swimming, canoeing, sailing, windsurfing and fishing, and home to a rich variety of water birds. A magnificent community clubhouse on the shores of the lake, The Summer Club, will enhance the appeal of this fantastic recreational asset, providing residents with play areas, boat sheds, a sandy white beach, and a swimming pool and deck area with stunning views of False Bay and the Hottentots Holland mountains.”

The developers, Omwieco (Pty) Ltd, a consortium of highly experienced development professionals backed by financial giant Investec, have devoted no less than 40% of the estate’s total area to green, open space for the recreation of residents. This includes the lakes and other water features, a mature forest of stone pine trees, landscaped parks and gardens, and kilometres of walking trails and mountain biking tracks.

An indigenous fynbos nursery has been established on the estate, which was recently awarded the prized 2014 SALI Gold Award for landscape design by the South African Landscapers Institute.“No expense has been spared to implement the most technically advanced security system at Somerset Lakes,” said Harris. "These measures include electrified perimeter fencing with 70 high-definition surveillance cameras, which are monitored around the clock from the hi-tech guardhouse, 24-hour guarding and patrols, and an on-site rapid response team. Other advanced features include biometric fingerprint access control."

All homes in the estate will be hardwired with fibre-optic cabling for superfast internet access, DStv and VOIP telephone connectivity, which will allow free telephone calls within the estate.

A Curro Castle School is being constructed on the estate and is due to open its doors in 2015.

Convenient access to the Somerset West village has been provided by the developers through the R16 million construction of Reunion Drive, which links the main entrance of Somerset Lakes to Sir Lowry’s Pass Village Road under a specially constructed railway bridge. Just a few hundred metres from this entrance, an upmarket new shopping centre is now under construction, where Checkers, Woolworths Foods and Clicks will be the anchor tenants.The Vergelegen Mediclinic and the Somerset West CBD are less than two kilometres away, while popular Somerset Mall shopping centre is just 3,5 kilometres from the estate.

“When you consider the amazing lifestyle advantages Somerset Lakes offers, the security, the convenience of the surrounding amenities, and the incredible natural beauty of the estate, I have no doubt our second phase will sell as fast as the first one,” said Harris.“I strongly advise anyone interested to register online for an invitation to a pre-launch sales opportunity, ahead of our public launch in mid September, to avoid disappointment.”

For further information visit www.somersetlakes.co.za or phone 021 202 2200.

How to get kids (and husbands) to do chores!

Published: 18 February 2009
{pp}With the current economic situation, one of the South African "luxuries" that many of us might need to do without is the full-time maid. And it's long overdue - doing chores is a way for children to feel useful, responsible and self-sufficient.