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Experience Cape Town like never before with Pozay.com

Published: 02 June 2014

Cape Town, South Africa June 2, 2014 - Every year many people take a visit to South Africa, or the Rainbow Nation. However, most of them don’t get to experience the true South Africa or to enjoy the authentic South African culture. However, a company called Pozay is about to change all of this.

Pozay.com enables visitors to South Africa to better integrate with its people by allowing them to join up with a host family. This means that rather than going to a restaurant in South Africa, or taking the usual, well-worn tracks, tourists have an opportunity to better explore South Africa and its culture.

Instead of dining at the usual restaurants or tourist venues, Pozay.com allows visitors to Cape Town to dine with a family. This can be a rewarding experience for everyone and provides the opportunity to discuss culture, find out more about each other, or just have fun together.

Pozay.com already has many satisfied customers. One said:“A Brilliant idea! Wish this was available in every city. It’s a fantastic way to explore the culture of a place.”While another said:“This was amazing. Beats another dinner in another anonymous restaurant (that could be anywhere in the world). Was the highlight of my trip!”

Many tourists prefer to use their own vehicles, however, Pozay.com can also arrange the transport, ensuring the tourist gets safely to their destination and back. Integrating with a family will help to give a unique experience and provide a holiday that the tourist will never forget.

Our host families come from a diverse range of cultures, allowing the tourist to choose the culture that they want to experience. Pozay will then arrange an unforgettable event for the tourist.

Bookings for this unique experience can be made via the secure online payment system; for peace of mind, all of the host families have been carefully vetted.

To find out more about Pozay, or to book an experience, visit the website at:http://www.pozay.com/


Pozay.com is based in Cape Town, South Africa and provides tourists with an unforgettable experience by allowing them integrate and mix with local cultures.

The network of host families allows the holiday maker to witness the real South Africa and experience the diverse culture of Cape Town.

Time For Twitter Blanket Drive 2014

Published: 24 May 2014

The Twitter Blanket Drive (TBD) is a uniquely South African, community-driven response to the needs of the poor during the winter months of the year. Initiated in 2010 by Founder, Melanie Minnaar, the Twitter Blanket Drive started with a single tweet:

What if each person on Twitter donated a blanket?

Since then, the Twitter Blanket Drive movement has grown exponentially, and thousands of blankets have been collected, and thereafter distributed to a range of social assistance organisations across the country. For 2014, events will be held across the country on 29 May. Through a well-coordinated and objectively managed process, collection points and events are created across the country. Various events are held and take the form of a “Tweetup”, whereby Twitter users tweet about donating their blankets and all enjoy a meal or drink at the collection point. Collection points have generally been restaurants or cafes.

The Twitter Blanket Drive has injected a true sense of community into the South African Twittersphere, as Twitter users across the country join in to help disadvantaged communities keep warm during the winter months.

Official #TBD2014 events will take place at:

Johannesburg – Protea Hotel, Fire and Ice - 22 Whitley Street, Melrose Precinct 

Cape Town – Protea Hotel, Fire and Ice - New Church Street, Tamboerskloof

Durban – Protea Hotel, Umhlanga Ridge – 14 Palm Boulevard, Umhlanga

Drop off Venues Include 

Spiga D’Oro (Morningside)         Spiga D’Oro (Durban North)          St Clement’s (Musgrave)

For people who are unable to attend the main event on 29 May, there are also a number of collection points across the cities – tweet @tbdafrica for a full list! For Durban, blanket collection boxes have been placed at: The Durban Twitter Blanket Drive will collect blankets for Grace Family Church. All blankets donated will be handed over to Grace Family Church, who will distribute them to a variety of social assistance organisations throughout KwaZulu-Natal.

ENDS For more information on events, blanket collection points and beneficiaries, please contact: Durban Twitter Blanket Drive Event Organiser – Fred Felton @fredfelton Johannesburg Twitter Blanket Drive Event Organiser – Serena Grobler @SerenaCG Cape Town Twitter Blanket Drive Event Organiser – Merentia van der Ven - @Merentia Follow the Twitter Blanket Drive on Twitter: #TBD2014 @tbdafrica

Web: www.twitterblanketdrive.wordpress.com


Published: 15 May 2014

[May 2014, Cape Town] Adversity is something none of us likes to think of, but in a moment one situation can change our entire lives. While insurance companies maximise the reality of this eventuality, most people are still completely blind-sided when adversity hits them. As a result, the obvious by-products of experiencing misfortune can be depression, a complete lack of self-esteem and even financial loss.  

Whilst all of the above are very evident across South Africa in the unemployed sector of the population today, there is the occasional diamond in the rough that shines out of a seemingly dark and hopeless situation to just encourage and give back that glimmer of hope that gives budding entrepreneurs an example to glean from.  

It is for this reason that the Teen Entrepreneur Foundation of South Africa has created the Awaken the Giant in you breakfast series. The breakfast series aims to showcase the stories of successful South African’s and allow them to share their experiences and life lessons with learners, their parents and organisations wishing to support the development of entrepreneurs.  

The next event in the series will take place on Thursday, 22 May 2014 at the Townhouse Hotel, Cape Town at 08h30. Martin Brown CEO of Radical Holdings and professional business speaker will share his journey of overcoming obstacles after being injured in a diving accident. He used creative thinking and his collective experience to change his own life and the lives of others, which kick-started him into a flourishing business.

“Every entrepreneur, young or old will face and have to overcome adversity at some stage of their business journey,” says Lydia Zingoni Founder and Director of the SA Teen Entrepreneur Foundation. “We want to inspire our youth, from a young age that it is possible to overcome and flourish,” she continued.  

Teen Entrepreneur Foundation which was started in 2010 exists for the sole aim of instilling a culture of entrepreneurship in teenagers in South Africa.    

Come and be inspired by Martin’s entrepreneurial journey and connect with like-minded individuals from government and business entities to fast track your dreams and ambitions.    

The event is open to youth, their parents, teachers, community leaders, government departments, particularly those who are tasked with child development and the business community.   Tickets cost R150.00 and bookings for the breakfast can be made on-line at www.teenentrepreneur.co.za or at www.webtickets.co.za/event.aspx?itemid=828842321  

For more information about the breakfast contact Nadia Snyders on 021 447 6183 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..  

RELEASED BY Stacy De Villiers

Gecko Connect

061 448 6433/ This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.   ON BEHALF OF SA Teen Entrepreneur Foundation    

More about SA Teen Entrepreneur Foundation  

SA Teen Entrepreneur Foundation is a registered NPO Trust.  The vision of the Foundation is to cultivate and promote the entrepreneurial spirit in all our teenagers through seminars, workshops, conferences and exhibitions. Teen Entrepreneur main target audience is schools, Universities, Churches and Youth Centers.   

The organisation is based in Cape Town facilitates engagements across the country    

About Martin Brown

Martin was born in Cape Town on February 1971, South Africa. During school Martin was an absolute sport fanatic. His interests after high school led him into the mechanical engineering field and thereafter, into nursing and the emergency medical field.  In his second year of medical studies, Martin was injured in a diving accident, leaving him paralysed from the neck down, which forced him to explore other avenues within his abilities.

He is the CEO and Founder of Radical Holdings (PTY) Ltd t/a Radical Mobility, the top designers and manufacturers of power wheelchairs in South Africa. In the past 9 years the company has grown tremendously and supplies international markets. 

Martin has won numerous awards such as:

Finalist for the Industrial Category in the 2013 Africa SMME Awards Competition

Sanlam / Business Partners Entrepreneur of the Year® 2012 Finalist

SEDA Most Promising Entrepreneur with a Disability – 2011

SEDA Most Promising Job Creating Entrepreneur – 2011

INSETA National Disabled business leader | 2011

Sanlam and Business Partners Entrepreneur of the Year 2010

SME Award | 2010

Provincial Colours for Athletics | Amateur Athletics Association of South Africa | 1990

National Colours in Acrobatics | Acrobatic Federation of  South Africa | 1992 – 1997  

WILD & STILL: expressions of the landscape | an exhibition by Janet Botes, with introduction by Strijdom van der Merwe, opening 5th June @6pm

Published: 10 May 2014

12 May 2014


StateoftheART is proud to present "WILD & STILL: expressions of the landscape", an exhibition of mixed media, digital art, drawing and sculptural pieces by Janet Botes.

At a time of turmoil and ennui within the current political and social landscape of our country, Janet has chosen to explore personal and emotional responses in the context of  our environment. 'Wild & Still' refers to this duality; personal responses of fear versus contemplation and appreciation for nature - whilst  alluding to these characteristics within ourselves, as individuals.

    "the revolution or emancipation of a country starts with the voluntary changing of the individual's mindset" - Vivien Kohler

Janet's work is inspired by her own reaction and relationship to nature - but also informed by happenings and issues in environmental justice and sustainable development. 'Wildness' as referred to in this exhibition represents the sheer power and awe of water - waves crashing onto the beach, a storm raging in the sky. 'Stillness' is encapsulated in the curve of a shell, in the silent beauty of mist and the details of an insect’s wing.

    "I believe that if one can really appreciate or see beauty in all aspects of nature, accept the 'wildness' and create 'stillness' within ourselves, we'd have a more compassionate interaction within our daily lives, and contribute to humanity in a collective revolution" - Janet Botes

Opening 5th June @ 6pm
Introduction by VIP guest Strijdom van der Merwe
Performance Art at 7pm
Artist Walkabout and Performance 14 June at 11am

61 Shortmarket Street, Cape Town.
Gallery hours: 10-5 weekdays, 10-2 Saturdays.

For more information please contact Jennifer on 0724709272 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Adderley Street through the years

Published: 28 October 2009
{pp}Cape Town's oldest and most vibrant main road.

There's an old South African saying that goes, "I'll buy you a farm on Adderley Street". It's an expression of confidence - a bit like saying you'll eat your hat if you're proven wrong about something. The phrase attests to the prestige once associated with Adderley Street - the lively main road of Cape Town, running from the Table Bay Harbour to the entrance of the Company Gardens at Government Avenue. And, while there may be far wealthier strips in the city these days, Adderley Street remains Cape Town's most historic and renowned arteriole.

Living Matter shakes up the Cape Town Landscape Design scene

Published: 19 October 2009
{pp}Living Matter, a small independent landscape design company, is turning heads in the Cape Town landscape design scene. Their clean, contemporary design approach combined with their sense of community, ecological awareness and integrity have earned them recent recognition as one of the most promising urban landscape design companies in Cape Town.

Susan Deacon Properties Property Update - October 2009

Published: 09 October 2009
(From the desk of the CEO Marcel Deacon)

Yes, you read correctly. There has been so much gloom & doom talk lately in newspapers, TV, radio, etc. and it's coming from all angles, not just bank officials.

Gearhouse SA supplies the 2009 Loerie Awards

Published: 07 October 2009
{pp}Gearhouse South Africa supplied technical equipment - rigging, sound, lighting, video, media, power, backline - for The 31st Annual Loerie Awards. This is the major element of the Loeries Festival, anecdotally considered the coolest, best and most anticipated party weekend for media professionals in the southern hemisphere!

After a hotly contested pitch between Margate, Johannesburg, Cape Town and Sun City, the Loeries Committee this year decided to move the awards to the Mother City and to give the event a high glamour, red carpet feel. Themed 'Feed your Ego', the 2009 Loeries poked fun at the sometimes egocentric aspects of the ad industry.

Travel Motives DMC Appoints Tourism Portfolio - Australia

Published: 18 August 2009
{pp}Travel Motives DMC - South Africa has officially appointed Donna Kessler of Tourism Portfolio as their Australian Sales Representative.

The Tertiary School in Business Administration (TSiBA) pays it forward

Published: 03 August 2009
{pp}As part of its 5th birthday celebrations, TSiBA selected the Niall Mellon Township Trust as one of its five “Give 5 projects” to support this year.