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Published: 11 August 2014

On the 7th August, 2014, BPW South Africa and the Department of Trade & Industry launched South Africa’s first database of “Board Potential Women” at a Business Breakfast held with over 200 CEO’s and high level government officials.  Acting Director General, Mrs Pumla Ncapayi of the Department of Small Business Development (The Department of Trade & Industry) handed over certificates to 19 senior businesswomen who have completed the intensive BPW SA “Women on Boards” director development programme and have now been profiled on the “Board Potential Women” database.  

The first 19 women on this database all fulfil stringent criteria for corporate governance and legislation and are well trained through our “Women on Boards” director development programme.  This list of "Board Potential Women" makes it clear that there are more than enough eminently qualified women to help lead South Africa’s corporations into the 21st century and that it is now time to shatter the glass ceiling that keeps these women from ascending to board positions.  Furthermore, it’s time we provide opportunities to more women than just the “high flyers” who currently occupy most board seats.  

We need to use all of our society’s talents to ensure that South Africa’s economy thrives. We often hear the argument that there are insufficient qualified women to occupy positions in the boardroom. Today BPW SA and the Department of Trade & Industry are shattering those myths as well as glass ceilings! The database shows that the qualified women are there – it’s just a matter of finding them and we’ve made it easy through our database.  There is no longer any excuse for recruiting unqualified non-executive female directors onto a board.  

The programme and database is administered by BPW SA in consultation with the Department of Trade & Industry. All women listed in the database are suitable to be considered for company board-level positions and meet a clear set of criteria.  Every application to be part of our “Women on Boards” programme and database is formally assessed and reviewed and only those women who meet the criteria are accepted. Notably, all women on the database have extensive formal qualifications and at least five years senior management experience.  

Companies should now make use of this untapped pool of talent, and businesswomen interested in potential board posts, should be joining the “Women on Boards” programme and ultimately our national database, in order to promote their profile amongst a larger audience.

For more information, give us a call on (011) 794-4991 or 083 212 9134 or visit our website at www.bpw-jhbsa.co.za.

A Great Way to Discover Your Wildlife in Africa with Gosheniadventures.com

Published: 30 July 2014

Are you planning excursion to your dream destination for an incredible out-of the-world wildlife experience? For more details visit our website.

Plan a trip to a safari in Africa. Gosheni Adventures Ltd offers the most amazing Tanzania safaris in the world. It is an exciting way to see reclusive and rare animals and birds in a safe and secure environment guided by experienced and trained guides and forest rangers.

For many, an African Safari is just like an amazing dream and they want to make it come true! There are few things, which you would come across during your Tanzania Safari. But it's not an effortless task to make wildlife safaris comfortable as well as affordable without accurate planning. Selecting the best from available safari tour operators play a crucial role and to make perfect choice for safari tour operator is not an easy task even if they are easily available these days.When arriving Tanzania you will be able to climb Kilimanjaro Mountain, view beautiful landscapes is Tarangire and experience a one of a kind ecosystem in the Serengeti. When you visit Kilimanjaro you will be able to walk to the top of this mountain with its easy walk tour.

Tanzania is the ultimate animal lovers' paradise. With the regions of Serengeti and Ngorongoro Crater along with some others, all providing the biggest land for wildlife to roam free, this is your best bet to catch some live action of your own.  It has wildlife in abundance. Tanzania is not limited to the peak of Kilimanjaro or the rainforests and game reserves. For those wanting something a little more relaxing such as a beach holiday then you'll find plenty to keep you satisfied too. It offers beautiful and pristine beaches to enjoy. Zanzibar is especially beautiful. The 'spice' island is especially perfect when enjoyed and explored after a safari.

Southern Tanzania Safari has something special to offer having two untouched places Selous and Ruaha promising you the great value for money. Your adventurous trip will not compromise on luxury and you can choose to stay in a tree house suite in northern Tanzania. Tanzania safari is an unparalleled experience of a lifetime. The conventional concept of safari is to pass along the wilderness-watching animals wander peacefully from afar. It can also be an adventurous safari holidays that includes trekking, kayaking, fishing, boating, horse riding, bird watching even hunting and to witness to the great migration of the animals.

Tanzania safari holidays are a combination of adventure, wildlife and luxury. It is a place for family vacation and there are no age restrictions. There is a lot in store for tourists at this place.

Address :



Tel: +255 027 2546208

Mobile: +255 (0) 782636967, +255 (0) 767828384, +255 (0) 784792530

E-MAIL: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Gosheni Adventures and Safaris Ltd based in Tanzania provides some of the unforgettable moments of life.  If you are a wildlife enthusiast, our tailor made Tanzania safari holidays are meant for you. For more details visit our website: www.gosheniadventures.com.

South Africans live in a warzone!

Published: 25 July 2014

With war breaking out in the Gaza strip, statistics have come to light revealing that in approximately 8 days, the death toll had risen upto 144 people.

To most people worldwide, this loss of life over such a short timescale is horrific. But lets take a closer look at those stats and compare the conflict in Gaza with the warzone that us as South Africans have come to accept as a everyday occurrance.

Over an 8 day period of conflict, Gaza had lost 144 people, injured people totalled 1300 and untold number of people were traumatized.

In South Africa, over the same time frame, we lost 365 people, injured people totalled 4433, and traumatized totalled 7290.

Jacob Zuma called for a ceasefire on Wednesday in Gaza.

“We call on the Israeli government to stop its air and ground offensive, which continues to cause loss of life and a devastating humanitarian crisis."

As a citizen of a country I love, I can’t understand why our humanitarian crisis is not being addressed.

Leaders in home security, Foscam, have said there is a large increase of people worried about their home security.  

“The public are prepared to spend thousands of rands on IP camera systems, hoping that by being able to login remotely and see for themselves what is going on, they can take matters into their own hands. DIY home security is fast becoming a trend.”

Contact details: Foscam South Africa
Tel: 011 469 5165
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Company legislation and you – Get the Inside Scoop!

Published: 22 July 2014

As a Director or Shareholder, it’s important that you are familiar with the changes that the Consumer Protection Act (CPA), Protection of Personal Information Act (POPI), National Credit Act, Companies Act, 2008 and King III has on your business. Get to grips with what is required of you as a director in your business. The International Federation of Business and Professional Women (BPW) in partnership with the Department of Trade & Industry (the dti) invite you to attend their Empowerment seminar that will educate and inform you about how to comply with these regulations.  Delegates will receive a Certificate of Attendance from the dti and BPW confirming their participation of the event.

The seminar will take place in Johannesburg from 1-3 October from 09h30 to 17h00. Attendance at the seminar will cost R12 000 for the 3 days excluding VAT, transport and accommodation.  Please note that cancellation fees will be incurred once you have confirmed your booking.   

In keeping with its core aims, and due to popular demand, BPW has garnered the support of top legal experts to assist you in gaining valuable insight into a rapidly changing branch of corporate law. Both men and women are encouraged to attend.  

BPW is an international businesswomen’s organisation founded 81 years ago in Geneva, Switzerland. BPW is recognised as the largest and most influential international network of business and professional women, with affiliates in 100+ countries on five continents. We have over 500 000 members internationally which include women leaders, entrepreneurs, business owners, executives, professionals and young career women.  BPW has had Consultative Status with the United Nations through the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) since 1947 and participatory status with the Council of Europe and works in partnership with the Commonwealth Business Council.  BPW South Africa has partnered with the dti in South Africa.  

BPW has the ambition to make the equal participation of women and men in power and decision-making roles a reality through capacity- and confidence-building. Through hosting this seminar together with the dti, BPW is leading the way by enriching the knowledge base of directors and stakeholders when it comes to taking responsibility in a corporate setting.

For more information on topics or to make your booking
visit: http://www.bpw-jhbsa.co.za/index.php/events/30-future-events/98-business-training-courses

Toni Gomes
Tel: (011) 794-4991
Cell: 083 212 9134
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Website: www.bpw-jhbsa.co.za


Published: 30 June 2014

They are in South African companies and industries right now, although they may not be part of traditional networks and are unlikely to be present at the higher levels of management in the same numbers as men.  It is for this reason that BPW SA and the Department of Trade & Industry (the dti) have partnered in an unrivalled “Women on Boards” director development programme to create a pool of female leaders in SA who are excellently trained and are therefore highly sought after by Boards.  

Most people today have no knowledge about the makeup of corporate boards, even in the companies they work for. These people would be surprised to learn how little diversity of thought and experience exists in the corporate boardrooms and executive suites of South African businesses. Why should you care about board composition? Boards of directors make decisions that can impact you, your community, and the country.  That’s why it’s important that membership on corporate boards be representative of a company's constituents.

Boards of directors choose CEOs. They make decisions about executive compensation, whether to buy, sell, or merge with other companies, where corporate offices close and relocate, and how much priority a company gives to issues other than profits, such as social responsibility.  

Our Women on Boards programme will give you the expertise and exposure needed to be part of the right networks.  It is an eight-part program — strategically placed over the course of 8 months, due to the complexity of the material — equips women with the knowledge and tools needed to elevate themselves to the C-suite and beyond.  In a supportive and highly interactive atmosphere, an impressive roster of top government and corporate experts will guide skilled female executives through a rigorous program of intensive classroom instruction, case studies and simulations. Every element of the program is focused on strengthening and broadening the leadership talents of the participants and delivering positive results for their companies and organizations.  They will improve their understanding of the responsibilities of board membership and develop the skills and strategic insight needed to become a more effective director.     They will improve their understanding of board governance while heightening their financial literacy and increasing their understanding of relevant legislation.  Amongst others, specialist training is also provided by the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE) with regard to corporate governance and understanding of JSE terminology and the Commonwealth Business Council (CBC) (London) who will impart their expertise on personal and reputational risk.  The dti will convey their expectations of board members and corporate experts will present, and execute simulations, on media and presentation skills to enhance leadership effectiveness. The programme is certified by the dti.  

For more information, please visit our website at www.bpw-jhbsa.co.za  .or contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 011 794-4991.


Published: 30 June 2014

Business & Professional Women (BPW SA), and the Department of Trade & Industry (the dti) are hosting a business breakfast on 7th August 2014 to launch a unique 3-day Women’s Empowerment Programme in South Africa to provide registered SME’s with the legislative knowledge required to effectively run their business within the parameters of South African law.  

The breakfast is hosted by DDG Mr Mojalefa Mohoto and DDG Mrs Pumla Ncapayi from the DTI and BPW South Africa as well as senior representatives from the JSE and UN-Women and the Commonwealth Business Council.  Various international Ambassadors and High Commissioners will host tables at the event.  A sponsorship fund will be launched at the breakfast for qualifying enterprises.  

Organisations of all sizes in South Africa need to develop and apply sound governance, risk and compliance principles and institute high ethical values. Failure to do so will have devastating consequences for the organisation, including penalties.   For SMEs, the biggest challenge is a lack of understanding around the difficulties associated with becoming compliant.   Understanding the ever-changing regulations makes the difference between a small business thriving – growing the economy and creating jobs – or closing its doors, and thus closing the door on job creation.  

Simply put, you need to know your laws. Know your rights and obligations. In this way you mitigate risk to yourself, your business, your employees and your customers. If done well, it helps to improve business performance and ensure financial success.   If you would like to be part of this Women’s Empowerment Programme, we invite you to join us at this Business Breakfast – tickets are R500 per person or R5000 per table of 10.   

For more information, or to attend the Business Breakfast,
please visit our website at http://www.bpw-jhbsa.co.za/index.php/events/30-future-events/98-business-training-courses.
Website: www.bpw-jhbsa.co.za


Published: 26 June 2014

A season of optimism and growth, such as what Africa enjoys at the moment, is at the same time a season for ethical leadership and wise stewardship.  The Business Ethics Network of Africa (BEN-Africa) speaks to this imperative by strengthening the commitment and competence of Africans to do business with moral integrity.  This is done through robust dialogue and collaboration amongst Africans sharing a commitment to sustainable development through ethical and responsible business practices.

The dialogue takes the shape of many engagement initiatives such as the annual conference hosted by the Business Ethics Network Africa (BEN-Africa).  

As BEN-Africa convenes in Stellenbosch South Africa this year (2014) the conference theme will be Equal in an Unequal World.  The aim of the meeting will be to pursue answers to the question on how to guide business in eliminating unjust inequalities, and promoting sustainable development and an economy based on fundamental ethical values. The conference programme is planned around the following activities:  

  • Keynote addresses that will focus on Quality Education in an Unequal Society; Bridging Inequality through Philanthropy and Global Responses to Inequality from a Business Ethics Perspective.
  • Panel discussions on Inequality Challenges in the African Context and Business and Business Education:  Stretching or Bridging inequality?
  • Learning journeys to sites where conference participants will engage with the manifestations of inequality in the South African society
  • Papers based on the conference theme presented by scholars from various countries.
  • A gala dinner where thought and practice leaders in business ethics will be honoured.  

The 14th annual BEN-Africa conference will take place at the STIAS Wallenberg Centre, Stellenbosch Cape Town, South Africa from 1-3 October 2014. Registrations are currently open online via http://www.benafrica.org/join-us/ben-africa-conference-registration-2014.  

Conference costs applicable are in accordance with the following registration categories:

Full Conference – R2 400.00

Full Conference for students & NGO’s – R1 800.00

Day visitor – R800.00 Gala Dinner only – R500.00  

All information regarding registration and the conference programme is available on www.benafrica.org.  For any enquiries, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Released by: Gecko Connect Stacy De Villiers | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. | 061 448 6433 On behalf of: BEN-Africa www.benafrica.org

Barloworld Limited's Announcement of its Supplier Diversity Development Policy Signals the First for South African Corporations

Published: 25 April 2014

South African Supplier Diversity Council | Tel: 0111001025 | www.sasdc.org.za  

PRESS RELEASE | 25 April 2014  


Barloworld Limited’s Announcement of its Supplier Diversity Development Policy Signals the First for South African Corporations

“It is Barloworld’s policy that diverse, under-represented businesses shall have equal opportunity to compete for procurement opportunities held by the Group and its operating businesses.  Purchases of goods and services shall be maximised from diverse suppliers covered by the scope of this policy, while supporting the efficient performance of our operations.  In support of sustaining new and existing relationships with diverse suppliers, Barloworld will assist in developing and strengthening our diverse suppliers, enhancing our competitive advantage and driving sustainable growth of mutual benefit to us and diverse suppliers alike.” –on Barloworld’s commitment to Supplier Diversity Development 

Sandton, Gauteng - In today’s globalized environment, embracing change, partnerships and collaboration are key for business success. In recognition of this, Barloworld embarked upon a “Change Makes a World of Difference” corporate campaign to further align their corporate strategy with changing global realities. In doing so, Barloworld seeks to innovate and emerge as a leader, both in the marketplace and as global citizens.

Barloworld recently hosted a Supplier SMME Workshop aimed to educate and empower current and potential Barloworld suppliers on embracing change. Barloworld’s Siyakhula Initiative was established to foster sustainable B-BBEE in South Africa by providing both financial and non-financial support to small and medium suppliers, contractors and enterprises within the Barloworld value chain.

In his Keynote Address Clive Thomson, Chief Executive for Barloworld Limited recognized the South African Supplier Diversity Council (SASDC) as a supporting partner in achieving Transformation and Empowerment targets - key focus area in their overall strategic framework. Thomson further announced the recent approval and adoption of Barloworld’s policy and commitment towards Supplier Diversity Development. This positioned Barloworld as the first South African company to formally recognise supplier diversity development as a strategic component that supports its overall corporate strategy in a challenging global business environment.

“Making a world of a difference and making a difference in the lives of our stakeholders is embedded in the values of Barloworld,” Thomson says. “And it is embedded in the way we do business.”

The SASDC played a critical support role in assisting Matthew Govender, Barloworld Executive for Transformation and Empowerment and recently appointed SASDC Board Chairman, in drafting the policy statement.  This outcome reflects supplier diversity best practice and aligns with the core principles advocated by the SASDC.

In support of its objectives to create the best circumstances possible for corporate members to conduct business with bona fide black owned businesses, Barloworld’s adoption of a supplier diversity development policy is a step in the right direction for corporate South Africa. This collaboration between the SASDC and Barloworld is the first of many more capacity building and support interventions that the SASDC will be rolling out with its corporate members.  The SASDC is currently comprised of 25 members and has successfully certified over 255 bona fide black suppliers, leading to a total value procurement spend of over R99.9 million.

For more information about Barloworld’s “Change Makes a World of Difference” corporate initiative visit www.barloworldsiyakhula.co.za or search live tweets from the event #BarloworldSDW.  

Contact details:

Shalane Yuen, SASDC Communications & Business Strategy Adviser

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Foskor launches Supplier Development Initiative in collaboration with the SASDC

Published: 26 March 2014

South African Supplier Diversity Council | Tel: 0111001025 | www.sasdc.org.za  

PRESS RELEASE | 26 March 2014  


Richards Bay, KwaZulu-Natal - On 14 March Foskor celebrated the launch of a new Supplier Development Initiative which aims to enhance Foskor’s pool of qualified suppliers that they can draw from.

“The purpose of us meeting today is to reaffirm our commitment as Foskor in supplier development,” welcomed Sifiso Mncube, Divisional Procurement Manager at Foskor. “In the last four years Foskor took a view that as a company we cannot go forward unless we share the economy and we are able to bring black suppliers into the core function of what we do.”

Sifiso highlighted Foskor’s immediate plan of spending money in developing suppliers. However, he noted “if we spend one rand with you, then we must be able to do business with you”, emphasizing the importance of providing necessary support to black suppliers brought into the supply chain.

Sifiso also serves as a Board Member for the South African Supplier Diversity Council (SASDC), who played an integral facilitation role in creating and, going forward, project managing Foskor’s Supplier Development Initiative. The program complements one of the SASDC’s core functions of supporting its Corporate Members in establishing sustainable business practices that demonstrate supplier diversity, thereby increasing the flow of transactions between Corporate South Africa and black businesses.

“We applaud Foskor for partnering with us to implement true supplier development that will drive benefit to both Foskor and suppliers in the programme” says Gary Joseph, Chief Executive of the SASDC. He went on to state “We are optimistic that this demonstrates how Corporate South Africa can best invest in their supplier base while addressing much needed economic transformation and empowerment.”

The first cohort of ten black companies will undergo an intensive four month training program executed by 20/20 Insight, a SASDC certified company who specializes in supplier and enterprise development. 20/20 Insight works with corporate companies such as Foskor to help them develop SMEs in line with their empowerment objectives. “The new codes are saying the supplier base must change, and this change isn’t marginal – it’s huge. Companies will have to change,” says Karabo Mashugane, Managing Director of 20/20 Insight.

The “Optimization and Growth Strategy” training features fortnightly business modules such as an overall company diagnostics, accounting, break-even analysis and human resource management and planning. As an outcome, suppliers will optimize efficiencies in their company and leave with a practical business plan for immediate adoption. Thereafter, the intention is to continue monitoring the performance of these companies and focus on a 10-year growth strategy to ensure business sustainability.

All ten supplier participants are 100% black-owned and certified by the SASDC, while two are also 100% black-women owned. Needless to say, utmost appreciation was expressed in response to Foskor’s Supplier Development Initiative for giving them an opportunity and making an investment in the growth and development of their businesses.

“Foskor understands the background we Black SMME companies come from,” says Tholie Cibane, Managing Director of TS Cibane Consulting CC. “I don’t want to be given things on a silver platter - I want to work for it. It’s just a matter of opening doors. If we can be identified as Foskor has done, we are prepared to work. Why not give us an opportunity rather than close the door as we try to enter the mainstream economy?”

Congratulations to the Foskor Supplier Development Program participants:

  • Zufi Projects
  • Engineering Solution Bay CC^
  • Mecheng Industrial Solutions (Pty) Ltd^
  • Khonzi Tarding and projects CC*
  • Mnguni Development Projects CC
  • Glonic Trading CC 
  • Zikhuthaliseni Trading CC
  • Deltron Consulting (Pty) Ltd
  • Inhlanzeko Project Management Services CC
  • TS Cibane Consulting CC*

All companies are 100% black-owned; *indicates 100% black women-ownership; ^indicates 50% or greater black women-ownership

This initiative runs from 27 March - 19 July 2014. In support of its objectives to create the best circumstances possible for corporate members to do business with bona fide black owned businesses, this collaboration between the SASDC and Foskor is the first of many more capacity building and support interventions that the SASDC will be rolling out with its corporate members.

Transformation & Development

Published: 13 November 2007
Cape Town Agency ‘UTR’ (Under the Radar) Business Development Director, Baphumze ‘Pumie’ Msengana, was born and raised in Cape Town. Pumie, the baby of the brood was surrounded by her “very large and very loud family” close in part through inclination and partly due to her Grandmother, matriarch to the core, who arranged for each and every cousin to be picked up after school and brought to her home daily to do their homework together.
This large and involved family also meant that Pumie, who was very active in school, had a ready made rent-a-crowd who were dragged along to watch her in plays … debates … choir … sports … and pretty much anything else she felt like doing. Msengana says, “I liked to think of myself as intense and an introvert (much more interesting) but, looking back, I was clearly quite the opposite!”
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