25 July 2014

South Africans live in a warzone!

Submitted by: Foscam sales

With war breaking out in the Gaza strip, statistics have come to light revealing that in approximately 8 days, the death toll had risen upto 144 people.

To most people worldwide, this loss of life over such a short timescale is horrific. But lets take a closer look at those stats and compare the conflict in Gaza with the warzone that us as South Africans have come to accept as a everyday occurrance.

Over an 8 day period of conflict, Gaza had lost 144 people, injured people totalled 1300 and untold number of people were traumatized.

In South Africa, over the same time frame, we lost 365 people, injured people totalled 4433, and traumatized totalled 7290.

Jacob Zuma called for a ceasefire on Wednesday in Gaza.

“We call on the Israeli government to stop its air and ground offensive, which continues to cause loss of life and a devastating humanitarian crisis."

As a citizen of a country I love, I can’t understand why our humanitarian crisis is not being addressed.

Leaders in home security, Foscam, have said there is a large increase of people worried about their home security.  

“The public are prepared to spend thousands of rands on IP camera systems, hoping that by being able to login remotely and see for themselves what is going on, they can take matters into their own hands. DIY home security is fast becoming a trend.”

Contact details: Foscam South Africa
Tel: 011 469 5165
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