Published: 28 June 2019

Winning the award for “Best Performing Broker in Africa” by International Business Magazine is truly a prestigious achievement in a much sought after category. Winning it 3 years in a row is unprecedented. With its 3rd consecutive win, CM Trading, an award-winning online trading company with a reputation for out-of-the-box approach to investment opportunities and the leading provider of derivative trading solutions to the local and international market, has cemented their standing across global platforms as an African force to be reckoned with.

Daniel Kibel, Director, CM Trading says, “Although this is something that have won in the past, an award of this nature is recognition of the amazing work that each and every one of our teams is doing each every day to push CM Trading forward. It's a great honour to have been awarded Best broker in Africa for the 3rd year running. What is even more satisfying is that we were voted by the public. So, thanks to everyone who helped us get there.”

The awards presented by International Business Magazine are distinct, pan-African business and capital market investment awards that are recognised globally and reward the achievements of some of Africa’s market leaders. These awards are truly a salute to the extraordinary achievements of private sector companies across the continent. What makes these awards even more prestigious, is that they not only profile excellence in investment reporting, they also highlight the crucial need for investment within Africa.

The annual awards showcase the best of Africa’s investment success stories and the competition is fierce. To achieve this level of excellence for 3 years running, considering the calibre of those organisations competing, has set the standards incredibly high. CM Trading views this as an opportunity to dig deeper in their quest to continually provide some of the most attractive propositions for investors globally. Although the prestigious nature of this award cannot be ignored, Kibel re-iterates that a win in this category only creates an even higher drive for CM Trading to carve out their mark in the complex world of Forex trading and continue development of their unique range of products and services that make them a cut above the rest.  

“With CM Trading offering clients only the very best Forex trading experience and having our commitment, our clients, our teams success and our unwavering passion for African investment recognised with this award for the 3rd time, the sky truly is the proverbial limit as to what the road ahead holds for us.” Concludes Kibel.

CM Trading is “Your local international broker” and is a leading provider of derivative trading solutions to the local and international market.   The company, regulated by the South African Financial Services Board, operates successfully around the globe and assists in increasing their clients trading knowledge, providing personal service and support as well as a range of online solutions to match every traders needs.

For more information on CM Trading please visit their website https://www.cmtrading.com/, or contact them on +27 10 500 80 26 or via email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . You can also follow them on Twitter @CMTrading_FX and Facebook @CapitalMarketsTrading.

What is Crypotcurrency?

Published: 16 August 2018

The digital coin has revolutionised the world of finance. Designed to be transferred digitally between counterparties, cryptocurrencies are well suited to investors who are keen on technology and the currency markets.  But what about the ‘lay person’?  Many of us don’t know what cryptocurrency is and if there is a future in it.

Daniel Kibel, Director of CM Trading gives us some insight into cryptocurrency.

“The definition of crypto is ‘something concealed’ and that is exactly what we are dealing with here, cryptocurrency is just that – it is virtual and as such it is very difficult for people to get their heads around.  We are so used to going to the bank for our money and trading in shares that have a tangible asset behind them, but crypto has turned this all on its head. 

“Cryptocurrency is not regulated as yet and everything is hidden and controlled by the users.  We are dealing with digital currency.  As this is such a foreign concept to most people, we have initiated a specific cryptocurrency trading programme to provide the correct support and guidance to the trader to ensure that they are aware of the highs and lows of investing in this exchange.

“While digital currencies - such as Bitcoin - are most certainly the future of trading and even eventually of banking, it is important that people understand the intricacies of the resource before you delve in. 

“If we look at the very basic and probably one of the first virtual currencies – the electronic wallet – it has taken years for individuals to understand the advantages of using this method of payment.  Families in South Africa no longer have to send cash to their loved ones over the border, they just use electronic money and even grandparents, with a phone, have access to funds - it is a whole new world and it is working!

‘’Investing in cryptocurrency is similar to any other investment and money can be made daily when trading correctly - once the potential investor is aware of that, the more return they will see.  The concern with investing in any cryptocurrency is the unknown; which is why it is so important to have a partner that knows the market and has access to the latest prices and the latest trends.  Most significantly, it is important that the investor themselves understands the market and what they are getting themselves in to. 

Depending on the cryptocurrency you choose – and the public is spoilt for choice - Bitcoin, Dash, Buzzcoin, Gincoin, Criptoreal, ETH and hundreds more -  each has their own investment value.  Some offer initial investments as little as 10 cents (but then the returns are much lower), to thousands and then to hundreds of thousands, therefore one can see how important it is to understand the market, otherwise the losses can be just as big as the profit.  Don’t try and do it yourself! CM Trading provides a reliable information source for potential investors through their unique software solutions and by providing free webinars, training videos, technical analysis and e-books.

 “Cryptocurrency is the future of trading, it is the future of currency and traded responsibly and with the right guidance could result in a nice nest egg, but it’s important to do it responsibly,” concludes Kibel.

General Cryptocurrency facts:

Bitcoin (at the time of writing this article) is currently trading at R107 298,81 for one Bitcoin.

Bitcoin is illegal in seven countries including Iceland; Vietnam; Bolivia; Russia; China. 

Cryptocurrency is not issued, endorsed or regulated by any central bank.  It is created through a digital process known as mining. 

Mining is the process by which transactions are verified and added to the public ledger known as the block chain.  Anyone with internet access and the correct hardware can participate in mining.

For everything you ever wanted to know about Bitcoin and cryptocurrency, look no further than CM Trading.  The expertise, advice and guidance that is provided by this leading local and international online trading company is unparalleled.  From the novice to the experienced investor, CM Trading is the ideal online trading solution. 

Anyone interested in more information about cryptocurrency or want to start trading can contact CM Trading on www.cmtrading.com or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


Published: 09 July 2018

It is once again the leaders in our country that will make the difference – those with the drive and determination to succeed.  CM Trading is facilitating this South African entrepreneurial spirit by introducing the Business Referrers programme which enables individuals with vision, spirit and resolve to either make a successful part-time business or a booming full time enterprise.

“As well as providing the largest retail online trading platform for individuals and companies, we have also seen the need to provide opportunities for individuals to grow their wealth in other ways – hence the development of the Business Referrers programme,” says Daniel Kibel, CM Trading.  “Since we started trading in 2012 we have become one of the most trusted trading sites in the world, boasting our presence all over the world and winning many awards including the Best Performing Broker in Africa by Africa investor (Ai) at a function at NASDAQ in New York.  People are beginning to learn that trading can be as simple or as complicated as you make it, and we pride ourselves on making it simple, transparent and profitable.”

“Being prepared for various market scenarios is often a key part of a business’ success – the better prepared you are, the better your performance will be,” Kibel continues.  “However, a trader should always be responsible and we pride ourselves on good business practice and on ensuring that we educate both the experienced online trader as well as the new online practitioner – we are here to assist.  Our Business Referrers programme teaches our business partners to be disciplined, to think of the long term and most importantly to be patient.  This is just one of the reasons we started the Programme.”

“The point of entry is low – in fact all an individual needs to become a Business Referrer is someone who can introduce a minimum of five clients looking to invest with a company that provides full back up support and continued maintenance through an established trading company.  There is no capital outlay, just a determined spirit and a basic knowledge of the CM Trading platform – all of which is provided by CM Trading through webinars, through seminars and also through our call-in and walk-in centres.   This programme is really taking off – beyond what we ever imagined – after all, who doesn’t want to make an extra income with the backing of an international company!”, says Kibel.

At a recent Business Referrers workshop held, some of the comments received included:“I am a new Business Referrer and this seminar has shown me exactly what I can expect and I just can’t wait to get started.  I have been told exactly what I can expect from my online trading and marketing experience with CM Trading.  I am excited and they actually understand the exact direction that I want to take my company - this is all very exciting for me!”

Another delegate said:

“This is the first Business Referrers workshop that I have been to, but I understand from other delegates and Entrepreneurs here that they are really good at helping to generate more business and that their level of engagement is always top notch.  The team at CM Trading are very hands on and very involved and they always follow up – it really feels like they want us to succeed, they want to create a new breed of entrepreneurs, this is something I am so privileged to be involved in.”

Kibel concludes: “The World Wide Web has made it a new world, a small world but a beautiful world and we can’t wait to build up our entrepreneur base here in South Africa and invest in an entirely new breed of successful independent business people.”

Anyone interested in signing up to the Business Referrers Programme can contact CM Trading on www.cmtrading.com or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Thembu Royals Premier Business Magazine Launches

Published: 08 February 2018


We are the Royal Family of AbaThembu Nation. Our company Thembuland Royal Treasury Holdings Ltd is the Corporate Entity of Thembuland Royal Empire [The Nation of Thembu]. Our company’s main task is to Industrialize the Eastern Cape Province as it appears more fully on our website. We also provide Specialist Business Consulting Services as more fully set out on our website.

We are now launching a new magazine to expedite the Industrialization Program aforesaid, and mainly to create business mentality among our constituencies. Our constituencies are located in all 9 South African Provinces. The Thembu Royals Magazine will be a Premier South African Business Magazine of a very high caliber.

Our Target Market is the Business community at large across all sectors. The Thembu Royals Magazine will be an authority in Business Matters in South Africa. The aim of its content is to educate, inform, inspire and to give opportunities to the public about business matters at large. Specifically, how to run a successful business.The Thembu Royals Magazine will be released in phases, commencing with an online version on the 12th February 2018, followed by a print edition in on the 1st March 2018. It is anticipated that on release, the print Magazine version will be released and made available in all 9 South African Provinces during the course of March 2018.

Best Regards
Thembi Qondy Tembe
Director: Stakeholder Relations

Office of the Emperor [0822195195]; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.;

Eastern Cape Free State Gauteng KwaZulu-Natal Limpopo Mpumalanga Northern Cape NorthWest Western Cape Lesotho Swaziland

Thembuland Royal Empire(dedicated diligent developmental services to the nation)


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Address: Stegman Road



[Banking; Insurance; Energy-Oil & Gas; Mining; Business Consulting]


All Inquiries to : 0812892046

How the USA Election Affects The Rand And Investment Opportunities

Published: 16 November 2016

Undoubtedly USA politics has an impact on the global economy and markets, but what does this mean for South Africans in particular? Will the strong Republican win trigger a weakening in the Rand? Will interest rates hike? Will trade agreements between South Africa and the US suffer? Will Investment Companies notice an increased or decreased international interest in South Africa? A look at historical USA voting trends and the resulting impact on the South African economy may help us predict what’s to come and whether the election of Donald Trump as President of the United States of America will negatively impact our country, as is feared.

Looking at historical data for the last twenty years, it is evident that the US elections do impact the value of the South African Rand, however, other factors play a part in the extremity of the trend observed. There is a noticeable spike in the Rand/Dollar exchange value in the month of November after US elections in the election year, and usually in December or January following, the Rand per US Dollar will dip below that what it was before the election. Speculating on possible reasons lead us to believe that the hype and stress about the change in leadership in the country causes investors to sell their shares, and the market stress pushes up the cost in Rand per Dollar periodically.

It is, however, obvious when looking at the historical data that the current political climate in South Africa and other economic factors play a role in the general reaction to the US Election observed. For instance, in 1996, contrary to the years after and prior, there was a very small spike of only one cent on the day, and in the days that followed, a small drop in the Rand/USD exchange of a mere two cents. In the months that followed, the Rand/USD exchange rate spiked and dipped again to R4.55/USD. 

In the election years that followed 1996, a growing trend was observed where the value of the Rand dropped on the day of the US election and in the days that followed it, but picked up again by January of the next year. 

This year, with the US election results caused an viral epidemic across the internet with much fear and speculation around whether Trump will act on his many threats against minority groups and countries, the trend so far for the Rand seems as negative as can be expected in view of historical Rand/USD exchange rate statistics. The Rand was slowly strengthening during the month of November, however on the day of the election an immediate spike in the Rand/USD exchange could be observed. 

If we keep in mind the historical trends, the USA elections might actually have a positive impact on the Rand/USD exchange by mid-January 2017. Investors should look out for Investment Opportunities at the start of 2017 to take advantage of the appreciation of the Rand that, according to the historical data, is probable. 

Investment Companies like Coronation Fund Managers and Nedbank can help investors looking to invest, whether short term to take advantage of a coming drop in the Rand/USD exchange or long term, with weighing their options and considering the myriad other influencers in the market. Investments could possibly be in other foreign markets unaffected by US/SA relations to avoid the roller-coaster predicted in the next few months.

The question of how US-SA trade relations will be impacted remains up in the air. Trump was believed to be the most unpredictable candidate in the election when it comes to US-SA trade agreements and import and export relationships, with many fearing that Trump’s eagerness to amend trade agreements to unquestionably favour the US may be to South Africa’s detriment. The Algoa Trade Agreement in particular needs to be watched carefully. Unfortunately, Trump does not seem to be as favourable to Free Trade as Obama was, and it remains to be seen whether Donald Trump as President of the United States will bolster or devastate the South African economy.  

Improved Dreadlock Removal Process Developed

Published: 24 January 2015

23, January 2015 –Dreadlock Removal Process Now Made Easy with the Take Down® Remover 

The Take Down® Removers is the #1 Best Braid, Weave, Extension and Dreadlock Remover. This is a dry hair detangler which works fast in softening the hair.

The cream prevents any type of breakage during the process of detangling. It offers wonderful results on hair that has not been combed or brushed for a long period. Hair that has become extremely dry and matted can now be softened with the help of this excellent cream. The gentle cream penetrates through the hair and softens each and every strand as and when it is being combed.

Imagine the amount of time and effort it would take to remove the knots and clumps out of that matted and tangled hair. Take Down® Remover is definitely a great relief from pain as well as a feasible solution that offers excellent results.

The cream should be used directly on the matted hair before shampooing. Shampooing the matted hair would lead to more stubborn knots and clumps. It would also create masses of tangled matted hair. All that the users need here is this Detangler Cream, a wide tooth comb, a rat tail comb and of course lots of patience.

Users have to massage and soak the hair with the cream without wetting the hair. The knots, balls or clumps can be picked using the rat tail comb. The strands of hair can be slowly pulled out using the pin tip of the comb. If the hair to too tangled, users may wish to use extra cream – the more the better. This would weaken the matted knots and clumps.

The hair can be shampooed once it is completely detangled. A wide tooth comb can be used to remove all the knots and mats now. The hair can be conditioned with an excellent conditioner at the end.

Even the worst dreadlocks, twists, hair extensions and dread extensions can be detangled easily with the help of this dreadlock remover. Hair restoration is now easy and simple with this excellent product. It is time to say no to painful processes and those time taking sessions to detangle the extremely impossible tangled hair.   

To know more about this dreadlock remover visit www.hairdetanglerschoolsa.com

Contact Details

Nomsa Beauty Ltd, Johannesburg. 
Tel:(+27) 0791275325
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Onsoft Hosts Service Management Solution for Nigerian Electricity Distributor

Published: 17 September 2014

Cape Town, South Africa – September 17, 2014 – Onsoft today announced the successful hosting of their Service Management Solution for the Nigerian-based Benin Electricity Distribution Company.

Onsoft was approached by the Benin Electricity Distribution Company (BEDC), based in Benin City, Edo State, Nigeria, for a solution to address their service delivery requirements.

Key elements of the Service Management Solution required by BEDC were that it had to be 100% web based and that it should be hosted by the service provider. This meant that BEDC need not invest in costly hardware infrastructure and server software.

BEDC required a Service Management Solution that would allow them to log calls from consumers and ensure that all customer requests were attended to timeously and resolved successfully.

A needs analysis was conducted by Onsoft and the findings presented to management. An agreement was concluded between Onsoft and BEDC where both parties agreed that the BMC FootPrints Service Management Solution would be implemented in a hosted environment.

One of the clauses of the agreement was the training be provided for all BEDC service desk agents by qualified trainers from Onsoft. This training was completed before the Service Management Solution went live.

All configuration and daily management of BMC FootPrints is done by qualified administrators based at the head office of Onsoft, in Cape Town South Africa.

Onsoft has over 15 years experience as specialist providers of service management software solutions that address a range of customer requirements from Customer Service to IT Help Desks. These solutions are available as a hosted or on-premises option.

Onsoft has implemented BMC FootPrints Service Management Solution for several clients in Nigeria working with a local reseller partner. Based on Onsoft’s successful track record, BEDC selected BMC FootPrints as their solution of choice.

In close collaboration with BEDC, Onsoft implemented a proof of concept BMC FootPrints Service Management Solution that the client signed off on.

Contact Information:

Ryan Danvers: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Sales:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Onsoft Support: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
World Wide Web: http://www.onsoft.co.za
Phone: +27 21 447 6106
Fax No: +27 21 4476652


Global Transaction Banking Conference 2014

Published: 30 April 2014

Trade Conference International (TCI) brings you the first ever Global Transaction Banking Conference, taking place on 9 & 10 July 2014 in Johannesburg, South Africa, following the success of the 1st Transaction Banking Conference of 2013 which was retail-orientated. This year’s Global Transaction Banking Conference seeks to bring forth the latest corporate trends and innovations driving successful and effective transaction banking.  

In order to grow globally African, and in particular Southern African banks, focusing on transaction banking will open up new avenues of revenue generation. Africa has become increasingly integrated into the global financial system. To succeed locally continuous innovation is required for seamless cross-border transactions and cash management, bearing in mind the various regulations, risks, the practicalities of moving cash and varying exchange control rules.

Attending the Global Transaction Banking Conference 2014 will answer questions on how the latest innovations, technologies and strategies are going to rapidly transform the local transaction banking environment.

Key industry leaders like Nicky Weimar, Senior Economist at Nedbank; Rodger Dunn, Head: Transaction Banking at Sasfin Bank; Anthony van Eden, Chief Operating Officer at Strate; Nerina Visser, Head of Beta and ETF’s at Nedbank Capital; Brad Gillis, Chief Executive Officer: Regulated Markets at Bankserv Africa; David Robinson, Head: Collection Products – Transactional Products and Services at Standard Bank; Tertius Vermeulen, Chief Executive Officer at Trustlink (Swift SA Business Partner); Jean Groenewaldt, Senior Manager: Financial Surveillance at SA Reserve Bank, Stephen Meintjes, Head: Traditional Trade Products at Standard Bank; Josephat Mutepfa, Senior Executive: National Payments Systems at Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe and Charles Guise-Brown, Chief Executive Officer at Qualica Technologies and many more,professionals who will be addressing the conference.

In their presentations, these experts will address topics which include the current landscape of corporate transaction banking, African transaction banking, export and import monitoring, global markets and the context of South Africa, cash management for corporate treasurers in Africa, benefiting from global trends for corporates and transaction bankers in Africa, SADC payments intergration, cross-border transactions, case for intra-Africa banking alliances, cybersecurity threats to global transaction banking, and cross border regulations that affect the movement of trade transactions and much more.

Register to attend the Global Transaction Banking Conference 2014 to gain insight on how to optimise current products and services in the transaction banking environment, and gain knowledge to respond to corporate requirements the FIRST time round.

Sebastian Gazi, Project Manager at Trade Conferences International said, “A lack of regional monetary zones until recently has made payments processing progressively difficult thus it has become important to improve and diversify transaction banking products and services to meet international standards. Investments in Africa are increasing exponentially and hence the need to make your organization the preferred point of entry for corporates who are involved in trade transactions globally, but particularly in Africa.”

If you deal with cash management, transaction banking, transaction services, treasury, finance, payments, organisational strategy, foreign exchange, exchange controls, operations, cross-border transactions, product development, system integration, corporate finance, trade finance or risk management, compliance and regulation, then attending this conference will be beneficial for both you and your organisation.

To register contact Trade Conferences International on 011 803 1553 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Blog stimulates exchange of African Trade information

Published: 17 June 2008
{pp}The African Trade Hub blog (http://africantradehub.bundublog.com/) aims to promote and stimulate trade on the African continent by allowing service providers to interact with one another. "The blog was stimulated by a need that we identified from the ManufacturingHub.co.za portal" says Marc Ashton.