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Bar Di Bar crowd funding drive

Published: 18 April 2017


Bar Di Bar, the original mobile craft beer truck is now on Jumpstarter Crowdfunding. The fairytale that started with the 1975 VW Kombi bar conversion has come to a crosrsoads, with no happy ending in sight. We lost our home and our brewery and have come to the people via Jumpstarter Crowdfunding to see if they can brew some magic. Let’s start at the beginning.  

If you Google “Hipster”, you’ll find several descriptions, but the one that rings most true is from Urban Dictionary. It categorizes Hipsters as  “A subculture of men and women typically in their 20's and 30's who value independent thinking, counter-culture, progressive politics, an appreciation of art and indie-rock, creativity, intelligence, and witty banter.” 

So one night, after sampling several of South Africa’s finest craft beers and talking about progressive politics, indie-rock, creativity blah di blah….the idea of a “hipster mobile” was born. What if we take something old, make it look new and add something cool? One beer led to another and Bar Di Bar became a reality. 

Fast forward 2,5 years and we managed to successfully open a Craft Beer and Tapas Bar, contracted our very own American Pale Ale (APA) and were 80% completed and on our way to opening our brewery. The universe had other plans and on the 22nd December 2016, disaster struck. The liquor license got declined, the farm we were on changed hands and we were handed notice. Blood sweat and tears and lots of our hard earned savings went into the project and now we are left with nothing. 

“I saw one of my favourite local bands, f@k#fpolisiekar, using crowd funding very successfully for the launch of their first independent album in 11 years and thought let’s give it a go.” Says owner Conrad Harley. “We have big plans. The brand is solid and really interesting and with a little help, things could snowball and we could see more than one Bar Di Bar in South Africa.” He continues. We have staggered the fundraising process to buy kegs, which then allows us to contract brew and distribute to trade.

We would then continue to target key events in Johannesburg and launch our APA up north.It’s not all about giving as we also created a fun and engaging reward structure for those willing to assist with level three donors receiving a “don’t worry, be hoppy” shirt for every R200 donated. The ultimate goal is to have our own brewery, so although we are not using this platform to raise funds for the brewery, it could just provide the impetus necessary to get there.

To get in touch:

Conrad Harley

Tel: +27731004716
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Web: www.bardibar.co.za
Twitter: @craftbeervan
Facebook: Bar Di Bar

The Tertiary School in Business Administration (TSiBA) pays it forward

Published: 03 August 2009
{pp}As part of its 5th birthday celebrations, TSiBA selected the Niall Mellon Township Trust as one of its five “Give 5 projects” to support this year.